No snooping!


No snooping!

5 17
Hai owo
so what should this rp be about?
Idk 😂
how about ( since I kinda miss Harl and David) a couple like Harl and David
Sure owo
is there a couple u liked that we can make? ( where u were a girl so it’s even)
uhmmmmm... Rainbow Dash And Fluttershy? 🤷‍♀️😂 that’s the first thing that came to my head lol
Okie 😂😂😂
I’ll be rainbow dash like of a character
so I guess we’re making characters that are like these characters
Okie XD
So similar then?
Okie owo
brb I gotta do homework
Mkay I’ll make mah characters while your gone owo
Thanx and hai owo
I’m back sorry😂😂😂
It’s okay 😂😂
lol I found my characters so now imma remix them
okie XD
So Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy look the same?
I just remixed my rainbow dash like character
Oh lolz
imma remix Susan’s clothes
good night
Okie and noight owo
Hallo owo
I has cereal :3
Noice owo, I ate pizza bites Xd
let’s Roleplay
Susan: * is at the store looking at bats*
Her mom: * groans* I still don’t know why were here,// Susan: because I need a base ball bat!// Her mom: * rolls her eyes* for what!?// Susan:stuff, mind ur own business *grabs a baseball bat *
Her mom: * groans* how much is it!?// Susan: 15 dollars! * is excited * perfect I have just enough!// Her mom: * gets jealous and hits her* STUPID! OF COURSE U DONT HAVE ENOUGH! YOU HAVE BARLEY ENOUGH TO TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF!
Susan: * her nose is bleeding * * tears up*
Omg Desiree just called me saying that she took my school iPad 🤦‍♀️😂😂😂
Josh: *enters the store* *looks around* *thinks* “I wonder if there’s any cat food here I could get Mila”
Her mom: dumb à$$
Susan: * wipes away the blood* * shoves her aside and takes her bat* Move!* walks to the cashier*// Her mom: Excuse me! * grabs her by her hair and smashes her head into a wall*
Susan: AH! * falls back* * starts bleeding more*// Her mom: *grabs the bat* * puts it back* stupid. we’re leaving! now!//Susan: * starts crying * * thinks: I never get what I want....never.”*
Josh: *sees some and grabs it* Yeah I think this will do- *notices Susan and her mom* Huh?
Her mom: * kicks her side* get up I said!// Susan: AH! MOM PLEASE STOP! * starts crying *// Her mom: Shut up ur too loud!
Josh: *walks over to them* Is there a problem here?
Her mom: * glares at him* mind ur own business!// Susan: * nose is bleeding like crazy* * tears up* * looks up at him*
Josh: *narrows his eyes* Mind my own business? how could I just be a bystander and watch this happen?
Her mom: uh maybe u can just walk away!
Josh: I’m not just gonna walk away from this! that’s dumb! you know what else is dumb? you hitting her!
Her mom: there’s two sides to a story! now leave!// Susan: * grabs the bat* AH!* hits her mom hard with it* * heavy breaths * ....jerk// Her mom: AHHHHH O MY GOD! OMG MY HEAD! MY ARM! MY BRAIN! AHHHHH
Josh: *stares at her mom* you are so overreactive.
Susan: * her nose is bleeding a lot* * heavy breaths * * is getting light head*
Josh: *looks at Susan* *takes her hand* I’ll take you to a nearby hospital
Susan: * falls on him*
Josh: *catches her by the waist* *picks her up* Okay I’ll just carry you there.
Susan: * groans* * faints*
Josh: Well dam! *rushes to a nearby hospital*
I’m back
Oki hai owo
Susan: * heavy breaths *
Josh: *hurries inside the hospital* *goes to the front desk person* Hi uh excuse me, she fainted and she needs help
can u be the nurse?😂😂
I guess 🤷‍♀️😂😂
Front desk lady: *nods* Go to that room to see a nurse *directs them which way to go* // Josh: Thanks! *starts walking again* *looks down at Susan*
Susan: * wakes up* huh?
Josh: Oh your awake *smiles and takes her inside the nurses room*
Susan: thanks
Josh: No problem. // Nurse: *takes Susan and sits her on the bed*
Susan; * smiles at josh* my mom always does that. my dad is worse
Good for you! :D Desi is coming to mah house to return my iPad 😂😂
Josh: Worse?! *stares at her in disbelief* // Nurse: *cleans her nose*
Susan: * nods* he once put me in an oven
Josh: What the fûčk?! // Nurse: *shoots a glare at Josh* Language! *puts a nose cast on her*
and my dad imitated Mia as a gun 😂😂😂 we were laughing while my mom was all serious 😂😂😂
Susan: yeah they hate me
Josh: *rolls his eyes at the nurse* That’s messed up, I don’t even know how you bare to deal with them. // Nurse: Okay, So your gonna have to have that cast on for awhile, come back in a few weeks so I can check on the progress.
Susan: * nods* thanks...yeah I just kinda stay in my room . they like to take advantage of my height
Nurse: Feel free to leave anytime. *walks away* // Josh: that’s bullšhït! *says kinda quietly* I did have parents until they died so it’s just me and my cat Mila.
Susan: really? huh. ......lucky
Josh: *stares at the ground* Yeah.. they were the only people who believed in me. *has bitterness in his voice*
Susan:...well...I believe in u
Josh: *switches his gaze back to her* Thanks. *smiles softly*
Susan: more like thank u for saving my life!
Josh: Well you didn’t expect me to walk away and do nothing did you? *chuckles*
Susan: * looks down* well actually yeah I did. a lot of ppl just mind their own business and do nothing
Josh: *sighs* bystanders.
Susan: yeah....I’m Susan by the way * chuckles *
Josh: Nice name, I’m Josh.
Susan: * chuckles * my fish’s name is Joshua
Susan: so maybe we can be...friends?
good night
Josh: *smiles* I’d like that.
Susan: * smiles at him* u want my number or something? * giggles *
Josh: *chuckles* Sure
Susan: * writes it down* * gets up and gives it to him* * smiles*
Josh: Thanks *smiles and puts it in his pocket* I’ll text you later then.
Susan: * smiles* thanks for saying something to my mom and stuff
Josh: Yeah of course, but you shouldn’t let someone be that cruel to you.
Susan: what do u think that bat was for? * smirks and raises an eyebrow *
Josh: I dunno, baseball? *chuckles*
Susan: * chuckles * no to defend myself
Josh: Oh, well good for you *chuckles* But if it gets worse then your welcome to stay at my house, I live alone.
Susan: r-really!?
Hoi mommy!!!! :D
Josh: Of course, why not? *smiles*
Susan:* hugs him* thank u!
wait are we still gonna rp on the page I made for us? 😂😂
Mommy I love you 8D
Josh: *blushes and hugs her back* No problem
Susan: * hugs him tight*
uhhhhh 😂😂 okay.
Josh: *smiles* Well lets get going
Don’t you love me back? ;;w;;
Susan: * nods and grabs the bat*
Yeah sure yeah.
Josh: *gets up and walks towards the exit*
Are you sure?
Yay! :-D
Susan: * follows* bye ...thank u
Josh: Bye and remember if you ever need to come over then your always welcome
Susan: * smiles and leaves*
Josh: *watches her go then walks away*
Susan: * walks home* * is about to go to her room* // Her dad: * pushes her* u little slût! * pulls her by the hair and puts her in the oven*//Susan: DADDY NO NOT THIS AGAIN! NO! * sees him lock the oven* * screams and tries to push it open*
Her dad: * turns it to all the way hot*// Her mom: * locks the doors * // Susan: * calls Josh* * screams bc shes starting to burn*
Josh: Huh? *answers* Hello?
Josh: *stops walking* WHAT?! Where do you live?!
Susan: * tells him where she live* * coughs* ITS GETTING HOT AND IM BURNING
Josh: I’ll be there as fast as I could! *starts running the direction she told him*
Susan: * coughs* STOP PLEASE! * coughs*
Josh: *runs to her house* *kicks the door open immediately*
Her mom: AH! // Her Dad: * pushes him away*
Josh: *shoves him back and hurried to the kitchen* *turns off the oven then attempts to unlock the oven*
Her mom: * bites him* GO AWAY! // Her Dad: * grabs a knife and tries to stab him*
Josh: *narrows his eyes then punches her in the nose* *kicks her dads weak spot then unlocks the oven (idk how 😂)*
Susan: * hugs him* * wraps her arms and legs around him ( since she’s small)
😂😂 and oki
Josh: *holds her and runs outside of the house*
Susan: * cries*
Susan: * clings to him *
Josh: *runs far away from her house has possible* *thinks he’s far enough then stops running* *puts her down* your lucky I saved you in time
Susan: * hugs him still* please pick me up again*
ignore the star
Josh: *sighs and picks her up* I can’t have you staying over there anymore, your mom and dad are dangerous
Susan: * goes in his shirts and hugs him tight* * has some burn marks on her*
Josh: *sighs softly then walks to his house*
Susan: * tears up*
Josh: Don’t cry, it’s alright your safe now.
Susan: * starts crying a little *
Josh: *pets her head* *arrives at her home then walks inside* *shuts the door behind him then sits her on the couch*
I’m back
Susan: * sits on the couch and hugs her legs*
Hallo owo
Josh: I’ll uh, go get some supplies. *walks off* // Mila: *pads over to Susan* *tilts her head and meows*
Susan: * nods* * looks at Mila and pets her*
Mila: *purrs and hops onto her lap* *lays down* // Josh: *comes back with some first aid* Well I see that Mila greeted you *chuckles and sits beside her*
Susan: * smiles*
Josh: *applies some Neosporn on her burn marks sending a stinging sensation through her body*
Susan: AH! OW! * moves away*
Susan: yeah...
Josh: I’m sorry does it sting? it does that to certain wounds or burns
Josh: It’s okay, but I have to put this on you so it could heal faster
Susan: * sighs* ok..
Josh: I’ll be quick trust me.
Susan: k
Josh: *scoots closer to her and continues* *applies the Neosporn more carefully*
Susan: * groans* ow
Josh: Sorry, just hold still. *places bandages on her wounds*
Susan: * smiles* thank u
Josh: *meets her gaze and smiles* Of course, what are friends for?
Susan: * giggles *...o shoot. I left all my stuff at the house
Josh: We’ll go back at night when their asleep then we could sneak in.
Susan: that won’t work....
Josh: Well do you have any plans?
Susan: well no * chuckles * but they have a security system
Josh: Oh.. then you probably won’t see your stuff for a long time *chuckles*
Susan: aww but I want to change into something comfy
Josh: Well.. I have some pjs if you wanna borrow them or I could give you some money so you could go shopping
Oof 😂
Susan: either one is fine
Josh: Well I don’t care it’s your decision *chuckles*
Susan: what clothes do u have
Josh: Eh, Not much, but their comfortable to wear *chuckles*
Susan: can I see?
Josh: Sure *smiles and takes her hand*
Susan: * blushes and follows*
Josh: *walks upstairs to his bedroom then inside his walk-in closet* Welp, here is *chuckles*
here it is I Mean Lol
Susan: comfy. I’ll try it on
Josh: Alright I’ll uh, leave you be. *chuckles and walks out of the closet*
Susan: * changes* omg soooo comfy
Josh: *chuckles* Like it? it might be a little big though
Susan: yeah u can see my brà
Josh: Oh.. *blushes* well that’s interesting information *chuckles*
Susan: * chuckles * ...can I take a nap?
Josh: Feel free too *smiles*
Susan! thanks * smiles* * flops on his bed* * gets in the blankets * * immediately falls asleep *
Josh: *chuckles* Sleepyhead *lays down beside her with Mila on his lap and listens to music*
Susan: * coos* * cuddles him in her sleep*
Josh: *looks down at her then blushes* *wraps an arm around her*
Susan: * coos*
Josh: *hesitates for a moment then quickly pecks her cheek*
Susan: * coos*
Josh: *blushes* *thinks* “Dam It, she looks so cute when she sleeps..” *puts his earbuds back on*
Susan: * coos* * hugs him *
don’t you mean... AirPods?!????!!!! 😂😂
Josh: *puts his phone and AIRPODS away* *lays down fully* // Mila: *cuddles in between them*
Susan: * wakes up a little * * smiles and cuddles him more*
Josh: *smiles and blushes* *cuddles her and strokes Mila’s fur*
Susan: * buries her head in his neck/ chest*
Josh: *feels warm and cozy* *closes his eyes as he strokes her hair*
Susan: * blushes * ...* pecks his lips and then closes her eyes and buries her head again*
Josh: *opens his eyes and stares at her for a moment* *smiles and closes his eyes again*
Susan: * smiles*
Susan: * goes in his shirt and cuddles him*
Josh: *cuddles her back* *slowly drifts off into sleep*
Susan:* kisses him as he sleeps*
good night
Noight owo
Josh: *falls fast asleep* *lightly snores*
Susan: * giggles * * cuddles him again and goes to sleep*
Josh: *smiles in his sleep*
Let’s just say it’s later in the day 😂😂🤷‍♀️
Susan: * wakes up* hmm?
Okay 😂
Josh: *is sleeping soundly* *drools on his pillow*
Can we also rp as Ruby and Flora? like all four at the same time? 😂
Ruby and flora?
Da characters that we made also 😂
I remember ruby but flora?
Susan! Josh?
Susan: * sees his muscular and hair chest and blushes *
I made her, she’s in da remixes XD
Josh: *squirms around a bit* *pulls Susan closer to him thinking it’s Mila*
o 😂😂😂well I’m dumb
I thought I taught you math today, aye aye aye
😂😂😂no u taught Spanish
Susan: * blushes * * feels warm and cuddles *
Well.. same thing! tomorrow Imma teach math
Josh: *presses his head against hers* *wraps his arms around her*
Yeash >:3
Susan: * blushes * giggles *
Josh: *snores* *puts his hand lightly on top of her thing while he’s sleeping*
I’m back
Susan: * blushes red* * tries to move his hands
Josh: *opens his eyes and wakes up* Huh? Susan?
Susan: hi. * giggles * um can u move ur hand it’s kinda on my crôtch
Josh: Oh.. *his cheeks get red* *shifts his hand away* heh, sorry.
Susan: heh yeah I forgive ya.
Josh: *blushes and smiles sheepishly* *sits up and rubs his eyes*
Susan: * slips out of his shirt* ...ur warm* chuckles *
Josh: *blushes more* Erm, why were you in my shirt exactly? *chuckles*
Susan: u put me in there....u also kissed my cheek apparently * chuckles *
Josh: Oh šhît uhhh... I was probably asleep thinking it was my cat *chuckles nervously*
Susan: * giggles * it’s ok either way.....I’m hungry * chuckles *
Josh: We could go out for some lunch if you want?
Susan: * stretches* know what. I’ll be right back
Josh: Oh okay *chuckles* where are you going?
I’m back
Susan: the store. imma buy me some clothes
Hallo owo
Josh: *chuckles* Alright well you have fun with that.
Susan: * giggles * I will. * puts on her jacket * bye
Josh: See ya. *smirks and chuckles*
Susan: * chuckles and leaves*
Imagine Josh: FINALLY! I CAN BE MY NORMAL SELF! *gets out his Barbie play set* Now, it’s time for a sleepover!!! =D
Welp I just came back from somethin Funny 😂😂😂
Sooo... I walked into my parents room holding Rolo and my dads shorts were kinda down and he said “Monica, pull my shorts down to expose my bare ašš then slap it” then I stared at him stunned and I told my mom to hold Rolo then I grabbed a brush and jumped on top of him and started smacking him and Rocky came in with Queen and the Rocky stared biting and barking at me until Queen slammed him against the wall and caused him to fall off the bed 😂😂😂😂
ooooooof that was long 😂
ur family tho😂😂😂😂
Yeah.. this is a usual thing 😂😂😂😂
let’s continue
Okie XD
Susan: I’m back// Ruby: * listens to music*
Josh: *is petting Mila* Well that was fast. *chuckles* // Flora: *is sitting in a patch of grass grooming her bunny*
Susan: yeah , imma change
Josh: Alright cool. *smiles*
Susan: * runs to the bathroom *
Josh: *looks down at Mila and continues playing with her*
Susan: * has her knee high converse on with her shorts and white jack skeleton shirt on*
Josh: *boops her nose* *rubs her belly*
Susan: * comes out* ok now we can go and eat
Josh: Cute outfit, alright. *smiles*
Susan: * chuckles * thank u * blushes a little *
Josh: Your welcome *smiles and gets up* *strokes Mila* We’ll Be back Mila, Alrighty lets go *smiles and walks to the door*
Susan: * follows*
Josh: *exits the house with Susan* So... where do you wanna go?
Susan: my favorite place!
Josh: And where is that exactly? *chuckles*
Susan: just follow me, the customer service there is awful but the food is amazing
Josh: Alright lead the way. *smiles*
Susan: * walks to a restaurant that looks fancy on the outside but weird on the inside*
Josh: Hm, cool. *walks inside*
Susan: heh not so much when u walk inside
Josh: Well a long as the food is good like you claim then I’m cool with it.
Susan: Alright // Waiter: * looks at them* What do u want!?// Susan:a table u idiot// Waitress: * points to a table *// Susan: wow this one is actually clean * walks to it*
Josh: Actually clean?! *chuckles and walks to the table*
Susan: * laughs * I’m just playin with u
Josh: Oh, you kinda scared me for a sec *chuckles*
Susan: * giggles * I know
Josh: *shakes his head and smirks* Anyways, what are you getting?
Susan: cheeseburger
Josh: Nice, I’m probably just gonna get a sandwich with fries.
Susan: * chuckles * yeah
Josh: *chuckles and smiles* So, How bad is the customer service?
Snowflakeeee!! I need help! ;;^;;
I’m back and what’s up?
Susan: bad
Well, I wanna quit basketball but I’m not nervous of what Mr Erickson will say to me ;-;
I am*
Josh: Really bad..?
I’ll go with u. and he can’t say anything bc he’s a teacher 😂😂
Susan: I’ll let u be the judge// waitress: * walks to them* * mumbles “ great a stupid sappy couple”* Ok what do u two people want!? * gets her notes out*
Susan: the usual Chris// Waitress Chris: * groans* you get the same füčkin thing everyday
Yeah but I don’t really know what I’m gonna say XD
Josh: Er... just a sandwich with fries for me.
d o u b l e s n o o p
oh my gawd senpai!!!!! happy Valentine’s Day meh love!~~~~❤️❤️❤️❤️ :D
Haiii owo
Where’d ya go today? XD
omg I’m so sick, I went home and started crying in pain bc my head and throat and stomach hurt like crazy, I had the worst headache and fever, my throat was so sore I couldn’t talk, andd I felt like I had to throw up.
so my grandma took me to the doctor and she said there’s this thing passing around call stomach bugs and apparently I have it and I just have to wait it out....
⚆ _ ⚆...
that’s uh.. kinda weird and scary, all of a sudden.
r u ok?
eh, I mean I’m slowly feeling better...o and I have diarrhea 😀....
Oh.. that’s nice.. my mom almost exposed me today XD
oof really? what happened?
Well.. my mom and dad were talking about exchanging gifts to each other and I was like “Hey what about me?!” and my dad was like “I got you chocolate strawberries, their better than what your boyfriend got you” then walked away jokingly then my mom had to say “What about Bless?” Then my dad yelled “WHAT?! WHAT DID YOU SAY?? Don’t make me kill people on Valentine’s Day!” then after that my mom started to tease me by saying “Bless you” with a smirk until I grabbed my Nintendo switch and phone and walked in the bathroom 😂😂😂
Wow that was long 😂😂😂😂
she found out?
I told my sister and then I think she told her 😂😂😂😂
Hurray! :,) 😂😂😂
Welp 😂😂😂
well let’s continue
Okie lol
Waitress Chris: alright. and what to drink?// Susan: coke
Josh: Water
Waitress: were out of water
Josh: Oh, um.. then a lemonade?
Josh: *switches his gaze towards Susan and smiles* So, How good is the food?
Waitress: * leaves*// Susan: you’ll be surprised
Josh: Well I hope it’s worth it *chuckles*
Susan: it is believe me
Josh: Okay, but if your lying to me then you owe me 5 dollars
Susan: * chuckles * alright
good night
NOIGHT sorry I was watching anime and I’m playing on my Nintendo switch 😂
Josh: So last chance, is the food good? *raises an eyebrow*
Susan: * chuckles * the best ( when he eats it have it be like a bite of heaven lol)
(okay XD) Josh: Alright *smirks and chuckles*
Susan: * giggles *// Waitress: * brings them their food and drinks*//Susan: thanks! * eats her burger*
Josh: *grabs his sandwich and takes a bite out of it* O. O...
Susan: well?
hi. 😂 idk why I’m here but Snowflake my dad has the same stomach bug thing. 😂 and I think I might be getting it. TwT
yeah just whatever u do don’t eat, drink, or touch anything that he has
Oof, is it just like... bugs hanging out in your stomach ⚆ _ ⚆
no....I dunno....😂😂
...that’s scary 😂
the weirdest part is that it happened all of a sudden
Welp, I hope you guys get better
let’s continue
Oh lol 😂
Josh: Um.. it’s uh.. okay.. *doesn’t wanna admit the truth*
Susan: * laughs* u wanna know something
Josh: Sure *smiles*
Susan: ur a realllllyyyyy bad lier
Josh: What? I said the food was okay *chuckles*
Susan: * giggles * ur expression says otherwise...maybe better? * smirks*
Josh: Uh I don’t know what you talking about *dips his fry in ranch and eats it*
Susan: * laughs* pig
Josh: *nudges her head with his hand playfully* Shut up *chuckles*
Susan: * laughs* * dips her burger in his ranch and eats it&
Josh: *gobbles up his sandwich*
Susan: * laughs* oink oink
Josh: *blushes in embarrassment* Shut uppp *licks his lips*
Susan: * laughs and finishes her food*
Josh: *eats his fries and drinks his lemonade*
Susan: * burps * oof where did that come from! sorry * chuckles *
Josh: Haha, look who’s the pig now *smirks*
Susan: haha very funny...* giggles *
Oki owo
Josh: *laughs* Well your finished right?
Susan: yeah
Josh: Alright me too, so I guess I could leave the money here then we could leave?
Susan: * puts her money down* yup. let’s go
Josh: Alright *stands up and heads for the front door*
Susan: hmm...* pushes him* TAG! * starts running *
Josh: What?! Hey! *laughs and starts chasing her*
Susan: * giggles and runs faster*
Josh: *smirks and quickens his pace*
Susan: * giggles * * is getting close to his house*
Josh: *catches up with her and grabs her* Heresss Johnny! *smirks*
Susan: AH! * laughs and falls onto his couch* * laughs*
Josh: *laughs* *falls on top of her*
Susan: * laughs*
Josh: *laughs* *suddenly stops and looks down at her*
Susan: * giggles * ...* realizes that he’s on top of her* * blushes *
Josh: I uh, I’m sorry.. *blushes*
Susan: * kisses him*
Josh: *his eyes widen with surprise* *hesitates but kisses her*
Susan: * wraps her arms around his neck *
Josh: *gently puts his hands on her stomach*
Susan: * blushes and deepens the kiss*
Josh: *slides his tongue inside of her mouth* *bites her bottom lip*
Susan: * blushes red* * licks his tongue *
Josh: *feels his face get hot* *explores her mouth*
Susan: * blushes even more red*
Josh: *stops and looks at her* Wow.. *chuckles*
Susan: * chuckles *
Josh: Your face is all red *chuckles*
Susan: * giggles * u too
Josh: Oh.. heh *smiles sheepishly*
Susan: * kisses him*
Josh: *kisses her back*
Susan: * gently takes off his shirt *
Josh: *blushes* *unbuttons her pants*
Susan: * blushes * * heavy breaths a little *
Josh: *takes off her pants* *kisses her neck*
Susan: * moans and blushes *
So are they gonna “wrestle”? 😂😂😂
I guess😂😂🤷‍♀️
Oh XD should we just pretend they already did it? lol
Oh 😂😂😂
I wanna rp it 😂😂😂🤷‍♀️
Oh, we haven’t roleplayed this in awhile 😂😂😂
so let’s rp 😂
Okay XD
Susan: * takes off her shirt*
Josh: *removes his pants and moves them aside* *pecks her shoulder*
Susan: * giggles * * runs her fingers through his hair *
Josh: *looks at her and smiles* *licks her ear*
Susan: * chuckles * * kisses his neck*
Josh: Mmm~ *bites his lip* *moves his fingers in circles on her lady part through her panties*
Susan: * gasps and moans*
lady part?😂😂😂
Yeah, I don’t know what else it call it 😂😂😂😂
Josh: *smirks* *runs his fingers on the folds of her.... thing? 😂😂😂😂*
😂😂😂crôtch, thîng, etc
yeah 😂😂😂
Susan: * moans* J-josh~
okay 😂😂🤷‍♀️
Josh: Mm~ *takes off her panties*
Susan: * heavy breaths *
Josh: *lowers himself down to her crötch* *licks the folds*
Susan: * moans* O josh~
Josh: *opens her up* *starts eating her out*
Susan; O JOSH! YES! * moans*
Josh: *sucks on her cłït* *fingers her*
Susan: * moans*
Sister: Hey I’m Lesbian. // Brother: I thought you were American ⚆ _ ⚆
o yeah😂😂😂
let’s just say they did it bc I’m too lazy 😂😂
Alright 😂
Susan: * lays her head on his chest *
Josh: *his panting slows down* *wraps his arms around her*
Susan: that was amazing
Josh: Y-Yeah.. *chuckles*
god Bless you ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Susan: * kisses his cheek* were my bôôbs big enough for ya?~
;-;.... shut up..
Josh: *blushes* Haha, yeah
Don’t make me kill you XD
😂😂😂ok ok
Susan: * giggles * * kisses him*
Josh: *smiles and kisses her back*
Susan: * smiles* * runs her fingers on his chest*
Josh: *blushes lightly and chuckles* that tickles~ *chuckles*
Susan: * giggles * * kisses his jawline *
Josh: *smiles* wraps his arms around her waist*
Susan: * cuddles him and buries herself in his chest* warm~
Josh: *smiles warmly* *kisses her forehead* *pets her cheeks*
Susan: * giggles *
Josh: It feels nice to express my true feelings about you. *smiles*
Susan: * giggles * yeah. same
Josh: *smiles* *yawns and presses his head against hers*
Susan: * uses the blankets to cover her chest*
Josh: *closes his eyes* *cuddles her*
Susan: *smiles*
Do you like my profile pic? :D it’s Steve Lopez owo
👏👏👏👏👌beautiful 🥺
Yeah he died tho ;^; I was gonna find him a girlfriend named Gina too
😭😭😭let us pray 🙏for the loss of our dear dear ant 🐜 ~
Yes. he was my best friend for 4 minutes 32 minutes and 21 seconds ;;^;;
4 minutes and 32 minutes?😂😂😂😂
and 21 seconds!!! and yeah, I threw him out of the car window 😂😂😂😂😂
he was * sniff * a good friend...* sniff* a strong ant! and a brave ant who was gonna find love but died too soon!
y-yes.. ;^;
* cries*
*weeps* saddest day of my life..
I’m back
Hallo owo
I’m very bored so I’m playing let’s go Eevee but I’m bored on that as well because I already finished the game ;-;
Yeash.. And oki owo
omg I went to take my dog out and two military helicopters barely flew over my house and over me.
Oof really?
yeah. did u hear it? it went near our school
I think I did, I thought it was a very loud plane 😂
yeah that’s it!you should’ve looked!
I was too lazy to get out of bed owo..
let’s continue
Okiiii owo
Susan: * is half asleep *// Hector( one of his friends): * walks in Josh’s house* Hey yo man I saw this sèxy lady right, * locks his door* and so I go to talk to-* sees josh and Susan:O. O...* claps * ALRIGHT MAN U FINALLY GOT A LADY!
Josh: *quickly looks at him and Sits up with the blankets covering his lower body* HECTOR! *whisper shouts* what are you doing here?! and be quiet!
why is hector a mood? 😂😂😂😂😂😂
I don’t even know anymore 😂
Hector: I told u I was coming!
Josh: Oh.. must’ve forgot.. yeah you can leave now
Hector: no bro I gotta tell u a lot of šhît man! and it’s football Sunday!
Josh: But, *glances at Susan* Ugh alright just... go wait in the living room because I gotta put on some pants.
Hector: and underwèàr * walks to the living room *
Josh: *shakes his head and chuckles* *gets up and walks to his drawer for his boxers and pants*
Susan: * wakes up* josh?
Josh: Oh hey sleepyhead *smiles and puts his boxers, and pants*
on* XD
Susan; * giggles * hi
Josh: *leans over to her and kisses her*
Susan: * kisses back* is someone here?
Josh: One of my friends ya, we’re gonna watch football and hang out I guess *chuckles*
Susan: Alright, can u hand me my clothes?
Josh: Sure *chuckles and hands her the clothes* *puts on a shirt*
Susan: * puts her clothes on*
I have a question! owo
what lol
Josh: *puts some socks on*
Does Hector know Español?
maybe huehuehuehue
Susan: I TAKE NAP! :3
that lucky son of a bïtčh...
Josh: *chuckles* Okey milady
Susan: * giggles * KISSES FIRST THO!
Josh: I just gave you one. *chuckles*
Susan: ..,give. me. a .kiss.
*cries inside* ;w;
Josh: Hmm, What happens if I don’t?
Susan:.....then I kill u...
Josh: is that supposed to be a threat? *chuckles*
Susan: will u just kiss me * chuckles *
Josh: *chuckles* Okay okay. *kisses her*
Susan: * kisses back* * giggles * thank u
Josh: Anything for my lady *kisses her cheek and winks* *walks away and into the living room*
Susan: * giggles *// Hector: YO MAN WERE WINNING!
Josh: We are?! by how much? *sits next to him*
Susan: 5!
hector * 😂😂😂😂
Josh: Already? didn’t it just start?
Hector: Nah man! it started like ....20 minutes ago!
Josh: Oh *chuckles*
Hector: yeah man we’ve been missing ou- NO!THEY GOT A FREAKIN POINT!
Josh: *shakes his head* dumb
Hector: * eats some chips*
Josh: So, did you want to tell me something?
Hector: hmm? O ya man! so I saw this lady right and I walk up to her all like “ Hi there mæmæ can I get a pîèce if that “ and she was all like “ HEHEHEHEHEHE MAYBBEEEEE” so now I got a girlfriend
Josh: haha, Well that’s an interesting way of getting a girlfriend. what’s her name?
Hector: Her name is Jisele
Oh mah gawd, I wonder who that could be?!!
such a unique name! :O
and hai XD
Hallo 😂😂😂
I’m back
Hallo owo
ok Jisele! I think I found a Valentine
Who? owo
and it’s ROSE to correct you
I’m just playin. I’m preparing myself for April fool. imma fake me being pregnant.
Oh XD Cool ouo
ye. so that mean it has to look like I “ did” it in March and then find out in April
good night
Okie dokie! and night owo
Morning ma fellow lad! ouo
Hallo! owo
lol let’s continue
Okie XD
Hector: * curses in Spanish *
Josh: *watches the TV and shakes his head*
Hector:NOOOO THEYRE WINNING!// Susan: * walks to Josh and massages his shoulders *
Josh: *glances at Susan and smiles* How?? I thought we were winning
Hector: They’re winning by one point!// Susan: * kisses his cheek*
Josh: *blushes a bit* Just stay levelheaded, I’m sure we’ll catch up!
Susan: do u guys want me to make u guys some food? I can go buy chips.
Josh: Sure go ahead *smiles*
Susan: * kisses his cheek*// Hector: * gives her a 20 * yeah can u also buy us some dip with coke?// Susan: sure* takes it* I’ll be right back
Josh: Thanks babe *smiles* see you soon
Susan: yeah of course * kisses him and leaves*
Hector: how’d u find this one?
Josh: Well, she has an abusive mom I guess so while I was getting food for my cat I saw her mom basically abusing her in public so I stood up to her and now she lives with me
Josh: Oh, umm.. she kissed me then we hooked up..
hector: šêx?
Josh: No Hector, we wrestled *says sarcastically*
Hector: * chuckles * was it good?
Josh: *flushes red* Do I really need to answer that?
Hector: Just tell me man
Josh: Ugh, you make things so difficult. Okay yeah it was
Hector: were her tîtš big!?
Josh: Okay this conversation is over *looks back at the TV*
Hector: O c,mon man! we always tell each other this type of stuff! now spill!
Josh: but it feels weird to tell someone my privacy
Hector: I tell u my privacy!
Josh: Yeah, I don’t think I’ve ever asked you, you just tell me anyway *chuckles*
Hector:...Just tell me!
Josh: Ugh, Okay fine, I guess they were..
Hector: oof. did she handle ur bàlls right?
Josh: *stares at him weirdly* What are these questions? ಠ_ಠ
Hector: I’m asking to find out if she’s the one bro!
Josh: Well.. you could ask me about her personality
Josh: *chuckles* Yay
Hector: YASSSSSS// Susan: I’m back. * puts the chips on the table and the different dips in different bowls and gives them soda * * drinks her starbucks*
Josh: Thanks love *kisses her cheek*
Susan: * giggles and steals a chip*
Josh: *chuckles and drinks some soda*
Susan: * sits next to him*
Josh: *wraps an arm around her* *smiles*
Susan: * leans on him*//Hector. ok so josh, me and Chris made a bet that if our team won I get 500 but if his team wins then I have to give him 500
Josh: *chuckles* Alright well have fun with that
Susan: * eats some chips*
Josh: *strokes her cheek* *smiles*
Susan! * smiles * ..* smirks evilly and shoves a few chips in his mouth*
Josh: *his eyes kinda widen in surprise* *eats them and coughs* What was that for? *chuckles*
Hector: * also shoves food in his mouth*
Josh: *gags a bit* *shallows the food* Are you guys trying to choke me or something ;-;
Susan: * giggles *
Josh: *shakes his head* jerks *chuckles and continues watching TV*
Hector: * laughs*
Josh: *punches Hector in a playful manner* *smiles*
Hector: * laughs*
Josh: You guys are mean *chuckles*
Hai owo
Susan: * kisses his cheek*// Hector: * chuckles and kisses his cheek too teasingly *
Josh: *suddenly turns red* o. o... um, ew?! (omg this reminds me of somethin that Desiree did once to me 😂)
Susan: * laughs*
(In fifth grade, I think Erin dared Desi to kiss me on the cheek so Desi pretended to tell me a secret so instead of whispering something in my ear she gave my cheek a smooch... I’m scarred from that day and I always get the shivers when I think about it.. )
Josh: *wipes his cheek the Hector kissed him on* Well, that was interesting
Susan: * laughs*
Josh: *shakes his head and laughs a bit*
Susan: * giggles *
Josh: Stop laughing you meanie *chuckles*
Susan: * giggles *
Josh: *nudges her by the head playfully* *continues watching TV*
Josh: *looks at him* You sound like a screaming pörñ star *teases*
Hector: and u look like a pôrñ Star
Hector: BUT WE WON!
Josh: *chuckles* But yeah we did! *smiles*
Josh: Yas! *smirks and stuffs some chips in his mouth*
Josh: *laughs* Well, enjoy your 500 dollars and chips. Chris is probably weeping like a baby now
Hector: yeah * laughs* hey do u guys want me to get u guys anything?
Josh: Like food? sure.
Hector: * chuckles *
Josh: Or.. do you mean something else? *chuckles*
Hector: anything *
Josh: Alright *chuckles* then I guess you could get food
Hector: * laughs* are u sure u don’t want to get a * coughs* ring * coughs*
He means a cöndöm right? XD
no ring
Oh like an engagement ring?
I’m back
Hai and didn’t they just met? 😂
yeah 😂😂😂
but hector is crazy
lol let’s continue
Okiiii owo
Josh: *shakes his head* Whatever Hector *chuckles*
Hector: is that a yes or a no?
Josh: *stares at him for a few seconds* No Hector *chuckles*
Hector: * coughs* côndoms?* coughs*
Josh: Noooo *giggles* just some snacks.
Hector:Ahhh! ur no fun! * gets up* o well. bye ya’ll// Susan: bai
Josh: *chuckles* Bye, see you soon.
Hector: * leaves*//Susan: * chuckles * * gets in his shirt and cuddles him* warm~
Josh: *smiles and hugs her* I’m warm? I don’t exactly feel it *chuckles*
Susan: ur chest hair is warm.
Josh: Huh, interesting *chuckles and kisses her head*
Susan: * giggles * I LOVE chest hair
Josh: Well then... want me to shave mine off then sell you it? *teases her*
Susan: really?!* Chuckles *
Josh: Oh... your serious? *laughs*
no so meant really!? as in like seriously
oh lol XD
lemme say dat again then XD
Josh: *chuckles* I’m just saying.
Susan: * tickles him*
Josh: Hey! *starts laughing*
Susan; * giggles *
Josh: Stop that *giggles and slightly blushes*
Susan: * chuckles * * stops* imma go to Starbucks
Josh: *chuckles* Okay, Have fun with that *smiles*
hey rose do u talk to iris?
Not really, why? owo
Susan: * gets out of his shirt and kisses his cheek* * leaves*
I wouldn’t. just keep an eye on her
is somethin going on?
Josh: *smiles and lays back on the couch*
I’m back sorry
nah I just trust issues with her now, I gave her one chance. then I gave her another and another and she broke ‘em all
That’s okay, and yeah that is true.
Susan: * walks to Starbucks * * orders herself some food and Coffee*// Chris: hey are u Susan?// Susan: yeah how’d - // Chris: Hector told me as he bragged to my face about winning.// Susan: * laughs* o
I mean I’m kinda the same way
Josh: *grabs a blanket and snuggles with it*
hang on I’m replying give me a minute to reply as Susan and Chris!😂😂I feel pressured!😂😂
Chris: ( a few moments later) so Susan u like coffee// Susan: yeah I bring it all the time// Chris:hmm..* grabs the coffee and splashes on her making her temporarily blind*// Susan: AH!// Chris: * kicks her down and smashes her head against a wall making her pass out* * puts her in his car and drives to his house*
Ok done! >:3
Aye! 😂
(😂😂😂) Josh: *cuddles Mila and smiles* // Mila: ... *thinks to self* end me..
😂😂 mood.
I again don’t know why I’m here. 😂😂😂😂
also with iris I’ve found that WAAAAY too forgiving. 😂 but I’ll give her like two more chances. Jesus Christ I’m way too forgiving TwT
😂😂😂 that’s okay owo
morning 😂😂
Mornin 😂
Hallo me fwen! owo
I’m back
Hoi! owo
let’s continue
okieee owo
Susan: * wakes up tied to a chair* huh!? where am I?
so I made Susan kidnapped bc Daniel kidnapped Harl so....can u be Chris?😂😂😂
Oh 😂😂😂
Uhm.. I guess..? XD
Susan! Huh? * looks around * w-what?
Chris: Oh, you finally awake. That too long enough
Susan: Huh!?
Chris: Surprised? *sneers*
Susan: well yeah no šhît I’m surprised where am I?!
Chris: Yeah, I’d feel the same way if I were you *walks to his drawer*
Susan: * rolls her eyes* whatever ur going to do to me it’s nothing my parents haven’t already done
Chris: Well what have your parents done to you?
Susan: u name it they did it
Chris: Räpe?
Susan:my dad did that to me like...5 times
was there anything that her parents didn’t do that she was afraid of? because idk what to do 😂
ummmmm 🤷‍♀️Just have him cut her
Okay 😂😂🤷‍♀️
Chris: Hm, well I guess your gonna have to witness getting cut again. *grabs a knife with a sharp blade*
Susan: * groans* great
Chris: *smirks* Yeah, life’s unfair isn’t it *walks towards her*
Susan: is this like a hobby or something of urs?
Chris: Eh, kinda, I mostly do this when I bored.
Susan: so ur bored right now?
Chris: Yup, or when I have nothing to do *cuts her cheek*
Susan: ow. * moves her head away*
Chris: *cuts the word “slüt” in her arm*
Susan: HEY! * tries to moves away* I AM NOT A SŁÛT!
Chris: *narrows his eyes* Why don’t I cut dïčk hëâd on your forehead so everybody could see.
Susan: * spits on him*
Chris: *flashes her a look of warning* *wipes the spit off of her and cuts her wrist*
Susan:* kicks him*
Chris: *stabs her in the leg*
Susan: ah!
Chris: Next time don’t kick me you whöre or I’ll mess something up! *growls*
Susan: It doesn’t even hurt that bad loser!
Chris: Hm? want me to do worse? *aims the knife at her crôtch*
Susan: * gasps a little * ok ok ok ok
Chris: Good. *puts the knife down*
Desi is with me
Hallo! and tell Desi I said HAIIII >:3
HAI - desi
Desiiii! what’s 1 plus 1? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
she’s texting u
Susan: jerk
Chris: Whatever. *unties her* I swear to god tell anybody this and I’ll rip your eyes out and słït you throat, understand?
Susan: * pûnches him*
Chris: *ducks and grabs her hand* *twist it* Too slow puppy.
Susan: * kicks him in the wèèwèè *
Chris: Ow!! *growls and pulls her close* *grabs his knife* Want to lose an eye?!
Susan: * grabs the knife away from him*
Chris: *shoves her to the ground*
Susan: ah! * stabs his chest *
have you guys heard the crush song? 😂😂
uh yeah😂😂
Ya 😂😂
Chris: *groans in pain* *kicks her repeatedly*
Susan: * groans* * moves away from him*
Chris: *grabs her by the shirt and throws her out his door* Scram!
Susan: * falls * * since she’s still holding the knife, it faces upwards towards her so when she lands it stabs her in the stomach *
Susan: AHHH!
Chris: *rolls his eyes* Stop overreacting twerp
Susan: * blood starts spilling everywhere ** groans* * the tip of the knife is on the other side of her*
Chris: *rolls his eyes and takes the knife out of her aggressively causing it more agony for her*
Susan: AH! * groans* * more blood comes out* * tries to crawl away*
Chris: *walks away with the knife in his hand*
Susan: * crawls to a wall and uses the wall to try stand * * stands* * limps to Josh * *leans against the door* j-josh! open t-he door! p-please!
Imagine Josh: *is reading to his stuffed animals* and then the government finally decided to overthrow Donald trump and we all lived happily ever after. :D
let’s continue
Okie owo
Josh: Huh? *walks to the door and opens it* *his eyes fill with terror as he sees her* SUSAN! WHAT HAPPENED?!
Susan: *flops onto him* Chris! It was Chris! * cries* * holds her stomach *
Josh: Chris?! what?? *helps her inside*
Susan:* coughs* up blood*
Josh: *sets her on the bed* *quickly runs to get some suppiles*
Susan: * groans *
Josh: *comes back with some stuff* *puts a towel on her wound and presses it gently*
Susan: * breaths*
Susan: I went to Starbucks and met him. h-he splashed coffee in my face and I passed out. * heavy breaths * I - I woke up to me being tortured like my parents did
Josh: No that’s crazy! I’ve known him since middle school and I know he wouldn’t do such a thing!
Susan: but he did! * tears up* * groans*
Josh: *absorbs as much blood as possible* *wraps a bandage around her stab wound*
Susan: Josh....d-do u believe me?
Mornin! owo
I overslept, I was really tired last night and I had a weird dream which was a bonus owo..
nice I figured
let’s continue
Okie owo
Josh: I... I don’t really know what to believe now..
Susan: * tears up and looks down *
Josh: I’m sorry Susan, it’s just difficult either believing one of my best friends I’ve known or my girlfriend, besides do you even know what he looks like?
Susan: * nods* ......* gets up* Nevermind josh....* walks to the bathroom and closes the door * * gives herself stitches *
Josh: *suddenly feels awkward and guilty* *looks aside*
Susan:* cries a little * * sits in the corner*// Chris: * texts Josh* “ hey josh I’m coming over I need to borrow some beer *
Back sorry I was walking da dogs XD
Josh: *hesitates for a few minutes then reply’s “Okay, see you soon..”*
Susan: * changes*// Chris: Hey // Susan: * walks to the living room and sees him* * eyes widen* * heavy breaths *// chris: * ignores her* * goes to the kitchen and opens the fridge *
Susan:um josh I think Mila pôôped on the bed
Josh: What?! ugh she gets so annoying at times. I’ll be right back *walks to the bedroom*
Susan: * walks to the kitchen and is about to grab a banana *// Chris: * walks to her and leans his body against her * * puts his arm on each side of her ( not touching her) kinda pinning her in place* // Susan: * cries a little * leave me alone....please// Chris: * strokes her skin * u told him. I told u not to tell anyone// Susan: * cries*// Chris: * puts his hand over her mouth and grabs his knife and puts it to her crôtch *// Susan: * muffled screams *
oof that’s a lot
Josh: *comes downstairs right when he’s about to stab her* Okay so I didn’t find any pöop- *eyes widen in terror as he sees them* C-Chris?! what are you doing to her?!
Susan: * cries* // Chris: * smirks* go back to cleaning josh
Josh: I’m not gonna clean! besides she didn’t even do anything, what is the matter with you?!!
Chris: she told// Susan: * cries*// Chris: * raises the knife * * aims*
Josh: *runs over to them and grabs him by the arm* *shoves him away from her* I trusted you!
Susan: * cries and runs *// Chris: WELL AINT THAT SAD! * tries to stab him5
Josh: *growls* *dodges and slams him against the wall aggressively*
why does this remind me of the fight scene between Thomas and Gally from the Maze runner? 😂😂😂😂
idk 😂😂🤷‍♀️
let’s continue
Chris: * kicks him*
Josh: *narrows his eyes* *kicks his wiener*
Chris: AH! * bends down * * groans*
Josh: Chris, what is wrong with you? why are you doing this?
Chris: because it’s fun!
Josh: It’s FUN?! your sick! I’m telling Hector to stay away from you!
Chris: * tries to stab him* * laughs* It’s funny. u didn’t even believe ur own girlfriend!
Josh: *steps back* Well at least I’m a loyal friend! not to you anymore! *attempts to snätch the knife away from him*
Chris: * growls and tries to keep the grasp of the knife*
sister snatched.
Josh: *kicks him to the floor* Your a monster you know that?!
Chris: * bites his foot *
ooh someone’s gotta foot fetish~~ 😂😂😂😂😂
ooooof XD
Josh: Ow! Ugh! *kicks his nose*
Chris: * groans** kicks his dîčk*
Josh: *eyes widen* Ow Ow Ow Ow! *falls back* *groans* you little dïčk hëâd..
Chris: * gets up and walks to susan*// Susan: * is trying to lock the door* PLEASE LOVK PLEASE LOCK PLEASE!
Chris: * opens the door and slams her to the wall*
Josh: *gets up slowly and tackles him* *grabs the knife from his hand and holds it against his neck*
Chris: * groans* * grabs the knife from him and kicks him again the crôtch*
Josh: *groans in pain* *loosens his grip a little bit but holds onto him*
Chris: * throws him* * walks to Susan and chokes her*// Susan: * coughs* N-NO! // Chris: * starts stabbing her*
Josh: *lays there for a few moments* *gets up weakly*
Susan: * cries* * screams*// Chris: * stops and let’s go of her*// Susan: * falls to the ground*
Josh: Y-You monster! *growls* you cold blooded monster!!
Chris: call me all the things u want I don’t care. * leaves*
Josh: *groans* Dam It, why does it hurt so much?! *looks at Susan* *rushes over to her and shakes her* Susan?!
Susan: * slaps him* * cries * that’s for not believing me....* groans in pain*
Josh: *frowns* I-I’m sorry okay?? but for now I gotta get you help
Susan: * groans* it hurts...
Josh: *picks her up off of her feet and starts walking to a nearby hospital* There’s a hospital nearby, I think you can make it..
Susan: * is bleeding a lot* * heavy breaths *
Josh: *goes from speed walking to running* *goes inside and hurried to the front counter person* my girlfriend needs help! she’s been stabbed!
Nurse: * rushes her to the emergency room*
Josh: *follows them* *stares at Susan with worry in his eyes*
Nurses and Doctors try to save her
Josh: *thinks* “She’ll be okay, shes been through worse, she’ll be fine..”
Nurse: WERE LOOSING HER! * tries CPR*
Is he waiting in the waiting room? XD
Okie, I love you.
Josh: *paces back and forth worryingly*
😂😂😂i love u too
Doctor: * walks to him*
Josh: *sees them and practically runs to them* How is she?! is she alive?! is she doing fine?! does she want to see me?!
Doctor: calm down now. she’s alive and well. we will need to to give her stitches and she will need to stay a few nights
Josh: *sighs in relief* Oh thank god! thank you!
Doctor: * nods* but yeah she wants to see u. and she doesn’t look to happy
Josh: *sighs* Okay *walks inside the room*
Susan: * is breathing out of her mouth *
Josh: Susan? *approaches her*
Susan: hi
Josh: Are you doing okay?
Susan: * nods*
Susan: I told u
Josh: Okay I’m just asking. *sits down beside her*
Susan: no I told u about Chris and u didn’t believe me. did u think I was lying?
Josh: No! well.. kinda, but he’s been my friend for awhile and I thought he was trustworthy..
Susan: * sighs and looks down* don’t .....I dont want you to think that I’m lying to you again ok?
Josh: *sighs* I understand Susan.
Susan: kiss?
Josh: *smiles a little and gives her a gently kiss*
Susan: * kisses back*
gentle* XD
Josh: *stops and smiles at her*
Susan: I love u
I didn’t know what I got into, somehow I can’t go back even if I really wanted to, so what more can I do? Here at the end it’s just me and you.
Josh: I love you to the moon and back *smiles*
are u lyric pranking me!?😂😂
Susan: * chuckles *
A knife in hand, I’m playing out the part of the fools, here we go you can judge me throughly... it’s too late for apologizes..
Josh: *chuckles* So, How are you gonna survive being trapped here? *chuckles*
Susan: well aren’t u gonna be here with me?
Go ahead and just hit me since your able, we know my determination is unstable, I’m not even mad because I keep I’m dying.. but I don’t even know why I’m trying.
Josh: Of course, but what are we gonna do?
Susan: talk
This isn’t what I want, it’s what I asked for, curiosity over all my morals, I took away our perfect happy ending.. RESETing the world despite the warnings
Josh: *shrugs* I guess so, I’ll let Hector know to stay away from Chris also
I’m back
Susan: yeah
Hallo me buddy chum pal friend buddy chum chum friend pal friend buddy chum chum friend
Josh: *text Hector* “Hey Hector, stay away from Chris okay? he did something bad to Susan”
hector: “ I just got my 500 Bro! what do u mean?”
Josh: “I mean! stay away from him, Susan’s in the hospital because of him, he stabbed her!”
“and I stabbed him 500 times in the chest.” “... CARLLLL THAT KILLLS PEOPLE!”
Hector: “😂😂😂😂that’s funny. nice try.”
Josh: “I know it sounds crazy, want proof?”
Hector: “ um yeah! because I seriously don’t believe u
Josh: Okay Susan, can you pretend to look really sad and miserable because I’m gonna send Hector a photo since he doesn’t believe me *chuckles*
I’m back sorry
Susan: * chuckles * ok * looks sad and miserable *
Dats okie owo
Josh: *takes a picture and sends it to Hector* “See?”
Hector: “ she’s probably blaming it on Chris “
Josh: “Really? of course she is! Chris did it anyways”
Hector: “ hmm. u know what. imma investigate “
mom: Sweetie I got u a birthday gift! // Kid:Aww mom u uh shouldn’t have * chuckles nervously ** grabs the gift * what is it!? * takes out a watch on an apple * MOM I ASKED FOR AN APPLE WATCH NOT AN APPLE ON A WATCH!
Josh: “Okay well be careful”
Hector: “ alright”
Susan: * starts to fall asleep *
Josh: *turns off his phone and placed his hand on top of hers*
Hey there buddy chum pal friend buddy pal chum bud friend fellow bruther amigo pal buddy friend chummy pal chum chum pal I don’t need to be rude my friend pal home slice bread slice dawg but I gotta warn ya if you take more diddly darn step right there I’m gonna have to diddly darn snap ur neck and wowza wouldn’t that be a crummy juncture huh? do u want that? do u wish upon yourself to come into physical experience with a crummy juncture because friend buddy chum friend pally pal chum friend if u keep this up then gosh diddly darn I just might have to get not so friendly with u my friendly friend friend pal friend buddy chum pally friend chum buddy
Susan: * coos*
When someone you hate is trying to be a friend with your BFF 😂😂😂
Josh: *kisses her cheek* *smiles*
Susan: * falls asleep *
Josh: *softly pecks her hand and rest his head on it*
Susan: * her hand strokes his face*
Josh: *smiles and blushes* *pets her arm*
Susan: * coos*
Josh: *closes his eyes but doesn’t go to sleep* *feels warm inside*
Susan: * wakes up * * kisses his forehead *
Josh: *opens his eyes and looks at her* That was fast *chuckles*
Susan: I had a bad dream
Josh: About what?
Susan: Chris, he came back
Josh: Aw that sucks, I’m sorry *kisses her hand again*
I have a question XD
Susan:* giggles *
How would you feel if I got a bob haircut? 😂 my dad recommended it and I thought he was insane lol
Josh: My poor baby~ *rubs her hand on his cheek*
* gasps* TWINZIES!
Susan: * giggles and blushes * * feels loved*
ooof XD owo
but don’t
Josh: your hand is warm.. *strokes her palm*
I honestly just want it dyed but... you know what she says owo..
Susan: * giggles *
*sad meme song plays*
Josh: *kisses her arm lovingly* *smiles*
Susan: * smiles * I love h
Hallo owo
My eye was twitching nonstop today owo
hi.......bye ~Desi Xd
😂😂😂And oof
😂😂😂 and ya, it’s annoying TwT
Rocky just got smacked by Mia and yelped loudly and got scared 😂😂😂
*sigh* what a baby 😂😂
I’m back
Hai owo
me too XD
Btw Vosy, Joshua, you have a new brother
Vosy: * coughs*what
Yeah, his name is Rolo.
Vosy and Joshua: OOOOOoooo😂😂😂😂the cat
Excuse me? ಠ_ಠ
😂😂😂😂😂let’s continue
Okay 😂😂😂 earlier he was meowing and following me everywhere and when I said “C’here Son.” he came 😂😂😂😂
I kinda wanna rp Harley Quinn and joker inside lol
Cool 😂 owo
Can we?
I dunno owo
I’m back
Hai and idk 😂
I can’t find my son ;w;
He haz gone missing... I am sad..
Now nobody will love me like he did.. ;;w;;
I’m right here
Oh... but my son is still gone T-T
Oh wait, never mind I see him 🔮3🔮
Ayyyyeee :D
lol. but can we?
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.... for what price? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I mean we haven’t played as ruby and flora so we can rp as them more
mmmmmmmmmmmm ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
😂😂😂😂 oki
😂😂😂ok thanks
Yeash, so wait what are we doing again? 😂
good night
Oof night XD
Hoiiiii owo
so I thought we can rp as Harley Quinn and joker and ruby and flora at the same time
Sure ouo, I was kinda panicking and crying about 15 minutes ago heh..
but I’m okay now! owo
oof what happened?!
watch ur gonna write a long paragraph and I’m just gonna say oof😂😂😂
So I’m home alone at the moment so I got home and greeted the dogs and went on my phone. Then I heard Rocky crying which was alarming for me so I went over to him and saw that his nail was stuck on the collar so I tried to take it off but his cries got louder which made me start to panic then I tried calling my mom but she wouldn’t answer me so that got me even more stressed and I started breaking into tears because from how frustrated and scared I was for him until she picked up and I kinda got angry at her then I told her about Rocky in which she could probably hear his wails in the background so she told me what to do so his nail could be free which I did and now he’s okay. You may say I overreacted which I probably did a little but I just don’t know how to deal with those situations
Wowza that’s long hah 😂
nah u didn’t overreact. u just have anxiety and that’s ok lol
Thanks for understanding me fwen owo
ye OWO
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Rocky’s Okay too owo
I just wince every time I think about it...
It’s okay doe owo
I’m back OWO
Hewwo fellow lad
Aye! hola!
let’s continue imma remix Harley
Okie señora
Oki owo
lol remix joker
Okie! So are we gona Rp them all together? owo
Okiii oUo
alright let’s rp
Ruby: O hey babe!
Harley: BAD BAT MAN BAD! *is playing with her Harley Quinn, joker , and Batman plushies* Pow pow pow pow!
btw Harley has her own room
Okie XD
Flora: *turns her gaze towards Ruby* Oh hey rubes! *smiles shyly* I didn’t see you there. // Joker: *is working* (I guess?😂)
Ruby: * kisses her cheek*
Harley: * sighs * IM BORED!....* smiles* OOOOOO PUDDDIN! * runs downstairs towards him and hugs him*
Flora: *warmth floods through her veins* *smiles joyously* So what are you doing here? // Joker: *flashes a glance at Harley* Whatcha doing tots?
Harley: * sighs * * her hair flows around him* I’m bored puddin. u know I’m lonely when ur in here * sits on his lap *
Ruby: well I came here to tell ya something
Flora: Well and what’s that? // Joker: Then why don’t you play with hyenas?
Harley: I did already and they tore up my teddy....* sighs *that was the one I stole too...
Ruby: * leans in* I wanna move in * smiles(
Joker: *chuckles and wraps his arms around her waist* It’s okay pooh, you’ll get a new one sooner or later. // Flora: Y-You do? are you sure my animals won’t be a problem *chuckles*
Ruby: * chuckles * these fury things are my family at this point * chuckles *
Harley: yeah * sighs* I’m so bored....* gasps* I KNOW!
Flora: *smiles* Aww your so sweet! *hugs her* of course you can move in! // Joker: I’m listening
Ruby: * chuckles and hugs her tight * * kisses her cheek*// Harley: I NEVER SHOWN U MY NEW OUTFIT! I USUALLY WEAR MY JESTER SUIT! I MADE MYSELF ANOTHER SUIT!
Flora: *blushes shyly* Then I guess we should go and get you stuff // Joker: *chuckles well go ahead and show me if you’d like
Harley: * kisses him and then gets up and changes* * puts on her outfit and shows him(
Joker: hm, Sëxy. *smirks and winks*
Ruby: * smiles * * wraps her arms around her waist and puts her hand on her bûtt *
Harley: * giggles and sits on his lap*
Flora: *eyes widen in surprise* *her cheeks turn red* // Joker: *strokes her thigh* *smirks*
Harley: * giggles * o Puddin! * kisses her cheek*
Ruby: * kisses her neck*
Flora: * a tiny moan escapes her lips* R-Ruby? we’re doing this here in public? // Joker: What? *chuckles* You have nice thighs.
o I thought they were at her house 😂😂
Harley: * smacks them* * laughs*
Harley. I’m thick * chuckles * ...I think
Oh I thought they were at a park or something 😂😂😂😂 welp forget I said that thnyou
then* XD
Joker: Naw you are *chuckles* you’re really thicc
Flora: *a moan escapes her lips* R-Ruby? we’re gonna do this now?..
Harley: * giggles * I am?~
Joker: Very~ *smirks*
Ruby: * chuckles *
Harley: * giggles * * kisses his cheek*
Flora: *smiles shyly* *kisses her lips* // Joker: *smiles* *strokes her blonde hair* Harls I’ve always wanted to ask you this, how do you manage your hair? *chuckles*
Harley : * chuckles * I dunno
Okiwee owo
Joker: I mean it soooo long, how much shampoo do you even use? *chuckles*
Harley: I mean we have separate shampoo . ....a lot * chuckles * * kisses him *
Ruby: I want to take advantage of u~* whispers in her ear*
Joker: *chuckles and kisses her back* // Flora: *feel her face get hot* Gah.. o-okay~
Ruby: * chuckles * ur so cute * kisses her cheek*
Harley: * giggles *
Harley: I mean at least my hair smells like raspberries
Flora: *blushes* Not really.. // Joker: You make a point there *chuckles* *kisses her hand*
Ruby: * chuckles * are u crazy!? ur very cute
Harley: * giggles * o Puddin
Flora: S-Stop it *smiles and blushes* // Joker: *smiles* *presses his lips against hers* (wanna know somethin funny that happened today? 😂)
So I was walking and I see Mathew walking in front of me with his friend so he didn’t see me until he turned and looked at me then said something to his friend and he put his hoodie on still glancing at me from time to time until I turned and went the direction to my house and I saw him watching me from afar 😂😂😂
Oh wow that wasn’t that bad, yay! XD
I’m back
Haiiii And 😂😂😂
But yeah that’s what happened 😂😂😂😂
Aye! owo
let’s continue
Harley: * presses her lips against him*
Ruby: * chuckles * why it’s the truth
Flora: *shrugs shyly* So when are you gonna bring your stuff in? // Joker: *brushes her hair with his fingers*
Ruby: * chuckles * yeah// Harley: * giggles *
Flora: *smiles* *slowly wraps her arms around her waist*
Joker: *smiles* So any plans on what we could do today?
Harley:I have a wonderful idea
Ruby: * chuckles *
Joker: and what is that exactly? // Flora: *smiles* *pecks her neck*
Joker: *chuckles* Sure I guess.
the bat family is basically ppl who joined batman to fight but they call them the bat family, so there’s, Robin, Nightwing, batgirl, Batboy, Batman, Batwoman , Red Robin ( yum 😂😂), and that’s it
Harley: * giggles and kisses him*
*tense music plays* Killer: *looks around* Red Robin.. // Guy: *comes out of his hiding space* Yum! :D OH NO!!
O yeah😂😂😂😂
let’s continue 😂😂
“Does anybody ever tell you you look like Beyoncé?” “... Naw they usually tell me I look like Shalissa” “Who the füčk is that? .-.” “Me nigg-“
I remember that
Aye! 😂😂😂 my sister was naming vines last night and wanted to see if I knew any of them so they were all pretty easy since they were the classics 😂😂😂
she was so surprised on how I knew them all 😂😂😂
let’s continue 😂😂😂😂
Okey 😂😂😂 you still needs to reply as Rubes btw, and also I’m probably going to be quoting vines because I’m bored 😂😂😂
Ruby! * giggles *
Flora: *puts one of her hands underneath her shirt* // Joker: *chuckles* You’re cute harls
Harley: * giggles *
Ruby: * blushes and kisses her neck*
Flora: *blushes* *pushes her against a wall* (I AM GONNA BUILD A WALL!- Our Idiotic present) // Joker: *smirks* Well wanna start to get set up?
Harley: * giggles and nods*
Ruby: * chuckles *
(😂😂😂) Joker: Alright um, you sorta sitting on me *chuckles* // Flora: *places her hand on top of her crötch*
Ruby:* blushes red*// Harley: * kisses him and then gets up*
Flora: *smirks* *moves her finger up and down on her crötch* *kisses her neck* // Joker: *gets up* *stretches* (Wait.. how would they torture the bat-family? 😂)
Ruby: * moans*
they tie them to kitchen chairs and set them at the table and torture them😂😂😂
Oh, so kidnap, kitchen chairs, torture. 😂 Flora: *shoves her hand down through her pants and panties and moves her finger around her folds*
Ruby: * moans *
😂😂😂 Flora: *plunges a finger inside of her* *moves it around inside*
hey are u going to the holiday skating rink tomorrow?
Naw why? XD
awwwww imma be all lonely there
Wat is it? owo
don’t u remember that skating rink we would always go to at benson?
Hmmmmmmmm.... no realy.. is it weird that I don’t really remember benson anymore? TwT..
o wow
remember that one birthday party I had at that skating place?
when was it?
never mind
it’s a place we’re u can ride roller skates, eat whatever u like, and u can even borrow roller skating or buy some there, they have awesome music and it’s really fun u should come
I’m sorry, I have short term memory loss owo..
Maybe I will owo
lol it’s ok so does my mom
yeah it’s a lot of fun. and I wanna flip off some people there but I don’t wanna be alone😂😂😂
Oh I see 😂 welp I’m probably gonna fall a lot if I go owo..
they have little things u can hang on to
Oh Lolz, or else I would’ve been falling all over the place 😂
lol let’s continue
Ruby: *moans * * opens up her legs more*
Okie XD
Harley: * makes the table all nice*
Flora: Oh my~ little Ruby is getting more and more hörny~ *smirks and puts them in and out repeatedly*
Joker: *walks to her* Nice table pooh.
Ruby:* chuckles and moans* I’ve never heard u talk like that and I like it
Harley: * her bûtt is near him* * is bending over * thanks puddin
Flora: *blushes shyly* I-Is it working..? // Joker: *stares at her behind for a little while then looks at her* Your welcome harls
Harley: * chuckles * I saw u looking at my àšš// Ruby: uh huh
Joker: You saw nothing. *chuckles* // Flora: Good~ *takes her finger out then leads her to the bedroom*
Ruby: * giggles *//Harley: * giggles * * kisses him* BABIES! O MY BABIES!
Flora: *walks inside and shuts the door behind them* *pushes her onto the bed*
Ruby: * chuckles *
Joker: *chuckles* Go and get them.
Can u be them?😂😂😂
(Sure 😂) Flora: *sits on top of her* So um.. is it okay if I do this?
Ruby: of course
Flora: Okay~ *smiles and kisses her neck*
Ruby: * moans*
Flora: *unbuttons her pants and removes them off*
Ruby: * blushes *
Flora: *removes her shirt* *kisses her*
Ruby: * kisses back*
Harley: hey where are they ?
Flora: *takes off her own shirt then gröpes her breast*
Ruby: * giggles *
Flora: *giggles and smirks* *licks her bôob line*
Ruby:* wraps her legs around her*
Flora: *palms her crôtch* *unclasps her brä hesitantly glancing at Ruby for permission*
Ruby: * chuckles and nods*
Flora: *smiles sheepishly and removes her brä* *massages them* (Oh whoops I forgot to reply as the Joker 😂😂😂)
Ruby: * moans*
(😂😂😂😂) Joker: I don’t know, call them. // Flora: *licks one of her nïpples and massages the other*
Ruby: mmmm~// Harley: BUB! LOU! BABIES!
Flora: *uses her other hand to removes her panties* *sucks on it* // Bud and Lou: *appear from the door and run over to Harley to greet her*
Harley: * giggles and hugs them * My babies! are u two ready to have guests over? u are! oh yes u are!
Bud and Lou: *both park in sync* *their tails are wagging like crazy*
Harley : * giggles *
btw what time are you gonna go to the rink?
Oh, because my mom said I could come she just needs details 😂
imma ask my mom
Oki XD
alright yeah I’m definitely going😂😂😂
my mom is so forgetful I have to remind her sometimes and she’s sometimes like “ O I’m sorry I forgot u can’t” but no this time I can
Yey oUo
lol let’s continue
Okie, btw Ruby needs to reply still XD Bud: *jumps on top of her* // Lou: *circles around her playfully*
o Mkay
Ruby: * moand* O Flora!
Harley: * giggles * * kisses joker*
Flora: *moves her hand around her crôtch* // Joker: *smiles and kisses her back*
Harley: let’s go get that stupid bat- actually puddin...I have an idea
Ruby: *spreads her legs out*
Joker: *chuckles* So many ideas, What’s is it? // Flora: *kneels down and begins to eat her*
Harley: * stands up* u go have ur fun and catch the bat family since u love to be wild like that * chuckles * and I’ll stay and make the poisoned food
ruby: * moans*
Joker: Alright pooh *smirks and kisses her cheek* // Flora: *licks her folds then spreads them out and licks the inside* *fingers her also*
Ruby: * moans* * rubs her vægïna on her face*
Harley: * giggles *
Flora: *blushes* *french kisses her insides* // Joker: *smiles* But be prepared at any moment though.
Harley: puddin by the time they crash in the food will be on the table
Ruby: * moans*
Flora: want more?~ *licks her člït* // Joker: Okay I’m just saying
Ruby: * nods*
Harley: * puts on her sèxy apron* of course puddin
Harley: * puts her hair in pigtails *
Harley: * starts cooking* bye now puddin
good night
Noight! owo
Flora:*smirks then kisses her* *fingers her in the anüs* // Joker: See ya pooh *smiles and leaves*
Harley: * giggles * bye
Ruby: * moans* * rubs her face in her crôtch *
Guy: .............................................. *looks at the camera* BOI IF YOU DONT GET-
Harley: * makes food*
😂😂😂😂 hai
Flora: (Wait she’s rubbing her face in Floras crötch or the opposite? 😂) // Joker: *kidnaps or lures them in their house idk XD*
opposite 😂
Harley: * puts poison in the food* O hi puddin!
Okay 😂😂😂
Flora: *spreads out her folds once more* *eats her insides* // Joker: Hey tots *smiles and walks in*
Ruby: * moans* // Harley: * giggles * it’s all for our guests!
Batman: * growls* Food?! for us?! it’s a trap// Robin: her àšš is a trap~* smirks*// Harley: * glares at him*
Flora: *looks at her* *rubs her hand up and down on her crötch*
Ruby: * moans*
Joker: Woow all of that?! that looks really good
Harley: puddin did u hear that!? one of our guests needs to mind their manners
Flora: *kisses her jawline* *speeds up her pace*
Joker: (So did they kidnap them? 😂)
Ruby: * moans*
btw they’re tied to the chairs
(Okay 😂) Flora: *opens up Ruby’s legs more and her own* *rubs their vägîñä’s both together* // Joker: Ugh, how rude! you should learn your manners!
Ruby: * giggles * I like this
Robin:* rolls his eyes * I’m just saying u should keep an eye on that àšš, someone like me might take it.// Night wing: Robin really? one she’s way out of ur league.two she’s too old for u . and three she’s a killer!
Flora: Ahhh~ m-me too~ *moans* // Joker: Nice compliment Robin, too bad you can’t have it *sneers*
Harley: * giggles *
Okie owo
ok I’m back
Hallo owo
Harley: now what are we doing just sitting here!? I made food for a reason! * giggles *
(Hai! Flora replied btw owo) Joker: *chuckles* Yeah that’s right, be a good host so go ahead and serve them *smiles*
Ruby: * giggles * * rubs in more*
Harley: * puts some chicken on their plates*
Joker: *smells the air* mmm, that smells amazing // Flora: Haa~ *moans and rubs a little faster*
Harley: * giggles * but it’s not for u dear * kisses his cheek*
Ruby: * there’s a knock on the door* huh? I’ll get it * gets up and puts her clothes on * * walks to the door*
Joker: I know I know. *chuckles* // Flora: *puts her panties and brä on* *wraps the blanket around her body so it’s not exposed*
I’m back
Ruby: * cries* * hugs the man that was at the door*
Hallo owo
Flora: *has a confused expression* *puts on her clothes*
Harley: Eat up now people!// Batman: * spits on her food*//Harley: * gasps* * tears up* I made all of this just for u and u spit on my food!?
Ruby: * cries* bye mike //Mike:bye ruby... see ya * leaves *// Ruby: * closes the door and cries*
Joker: *narrows his eyes* That’s not very polite! *whacks him across the face with.... something 😂* // Flora: *gets up and walks towards her* *hugs her without questioning what she saw*
Ruby: * hugs her tight* * cries*
Harley: * hugs joker* * tears up* Jerk!
(😂😂😂) Flora: *hugs her tightly* *strokes her face* // Joker: *hugs her back* How would you like it if I spit on your food?!
Batman: this is poisoned. I know it
Harley: hmf! fine don’t eat it! * shoves his face in the food trying to suffocate him*
Ruby! * cries* my mom is gone
Joker: *watches with a satisfaction gleam in his eyes* // Flora: Aw Ruby, that is terrible, I’m so sorry!
Harley: * stops* jerk* walks away from batman* now! Who wants cupcakes?- wow Robin u have an appetite/b Robin: * has eaten everything * * has food all over his mouth* u say something?
Ruby: it’s not ur fault * hugs her*
😂😂😂 robin is a mood
tru 😂😂😂
snowflake replyyyyyy to our rpppp
Joker: *stares at Robin* fatty.
nvm 😂
Flora: I know it isn’t, but that must be terrible for you.
Harley: * laughs* // Red Robin: * growls * * spits out a razor blade*// Harley: * giggles * oops how did that get in there?
Eva: *comes out from a different universe* WHAT DID I TELL YOU?! THEY PUT RAZOR BLADES INSIDE THE CANDY!
let’s continue
Okie Ruby’s needs to reply btw, I feel like I’m starting to be Nebula 😂😂 Joker: *laughs a bit* *shrugs sarcastically* who knows
Ruby: * tears up* * sighs* u know how close we were! I’s just....sudden
Harley: * giggles *
Flora: I understand fully, it’s not easy to lose someone you love with all of your heart but sometimes they just need to go. *runs her finger through her hair*
Ruby: * cries* * hugs her *
Joker: *smirks* Serve them desert hon. // Flora: *keeps on comforting her*
Harley: * gives them each cup cakes*
Joker: *watches them expectantly*
Harley: * smiles and stands next to joker*
Joker: *looks around* *causally smashes the cupcake in batmans face*
Harley: * giggles *
I’m probably not gonna be on for a while because I’m at da movies XD
Joker: Oh whoops, sorry batboy didn’t see you there *sneers*
o ok
Batman: * groans*// Harley: * giggles *
Joker: *laughs* *smirks in a mocking manner*
Harley: * giggles * //Robin: * eats the cupcake*// Batgirl: this is dumb! I have something to actually do!
Hai I’m back! owo the movie was good
what did u see.?
fighting for my family, it’s about a wrestler named Paige
it’s based on a true story about her owo
o yeah I heard of it. I kinda wanna see it, it seem like a funny movie
o cool
Yeah it has some funny scenes XD so right now we’re trying to look for places to eat 😂
😂😂😂 ooof look at da moon! owo
I’m on the couch I’m not about to get up and look at a moon I see everyday to sacrifice me being comfortable 😂😂😂😂
but it looks so purrty! O3O
let’s continue
Okie XD
Harley: * giggles * well tooooooooo bad! * smooshes her face in the cup cake*
Rubes needs to reply, I forgot about them 😂 Joker: *stifles a laugh* There’s a little something on your face there..
Harley: * giggles * ok puddin, they can leave, u made the rest for u
Robin: awwwwwwwwwww
good night
Night XD
Joker: *chuckles* Alright. *takes them all outside to a random area* So, I didn’t bring any equipment with me to set you free so... later. *causally walks away*
lol me
Harley: * changes*
😂😂😂 Same, Mornin!
hi I’m back
Hai owo
Joker: *chuckles and walks in* Hey pooh. (every time he says pooh I just think of poop 😂😂😂)
I think of winny the Pooh
Harley: * stops listening to music* * kisses him*
Lol 😂
Joker: *kisses her back*
Harley: here I made u ur favorite pasta * puts some in a bowl * * gives it to him* I put more cheese this time
Joker: Mmm, Wait, is this poisoned? *chuckles*
Harley: no * chuckles * I made this for u
Joker: *chuckles* Okay thanks *eats it*
Harley: * giggles *
Hai I’m back XD
I’m in da car coming home from LA XD
what did u do there?
Nothin much, we just walked around downtown. I got slime 😂
* gasps* I freakin love downtown
actually for my birthday we’re all going to downtown 😂😂😂hopefully. I love downtown so much
I tried to actually convince my mom to move us there but all the places there are too high up ( not in price like literally too high up)
and cool
Thanks and I’m back again 😂😂 sorry I had a headache so I fell asleep XD
XD Okay
I’m back :3
hallooo owo
hi😂😂😂food came and it was inn and out so I was like “ YASSSSSSS”
Ugh you lucky son of a gun, my parents think I’m eating to many burgers so they want me to cut down. So I don’t think their gonna get me any for awhile.. TwT
I haven’t eaten a burger since.......yesterday 😂😂😂😂😂
.......... same 😂😂😂😂😂
let’s continue
Harley: puddin~ I have a surprise for u~
Okie XD
Joker: *finishes his food* And what is that dear?
Harley: follow me puddin~
Joker: *smirks and obeys* *stands up and walks towards her*
Harley: *walks to the bedroom * wait for me on the bed~
Joker: Okay *smirks and sits down patiently without question*
Harley: * goes in the bathroom and closes the door * * changes into some lingerie *
Harley: * walks out of the bathroom showing him her lingerie nightgown outfit*
Joker: *looks at her with a seductive gleam in his eyes* Wow Harls, you sure look hot~ *smirks*
Harley: * giggles and kisses him*
Joker: *kisses her back immediately* *pulls her close to him*
Harley: * sits on his lap*
Joker: *french kisses her* *starts to touch her all over*
Harley: * giggles *
Joker: *gröpes her breasts* *kisses her neck*
Harley: * smiles*
Joker: *smirks* *moves his finger around her crötch*
Harley: * giggles * Mr J ur not suppose to be pleaseing me!
Joker: *chuckles* I know, but I can’t help my self
Harley: * giggles * o mr j ur so cute. * pushes him down*
Joker: Shut up. *chuckles*
Harley: * giggles and kisses his neck *
Joker: *blushes* mm~ *wraps his arms around her*
Harley: * giggles *
Joker: *smirks* *kisses her*
Harley: * kisses back*
Joker: *strokes her cheeks* *smiles*
Harley: * kisses his chest*
Joker: *blushes* *runs his finger through her hair*
Harley: * takes off his shirt *
Joker: *french kisses her again*
Harley: * French kisses back*
Joker: *bites her bottom lip* *starts taking off her lingerie*
Harley: * giggles *
Joker: *takes off her lingerie but leaves on her lace socks if she has them 😂*
😂😂 sure
Harley: * sucks his thîng*
Joker: *moans* Ahh~ (~~~~~~~everybody needs them in a sëx roleplay~~~~~~~~)
Harley: * giggles *
Joker: That feels nice~~ *blushes*
Harley: * giggles *
Joker: *smiles and hugs her head*
Is it weird that I feel like pranking someone? 😂😂😂
😂😂😂😂like who?
Idk I’m just bored 😂😂😂
Harley: * giggles *
Joker: *is embarrassed to ask if she could keep going* *blushes*
Harley:* keeps going*
Joker: *moans more* *breathes kinda heavily*
Harley: ok now mr j~ ur turn
Joker: *breathes* *smirks* Okay pooh~ *pushes her down onto the bed*
Harley: * giggles *
Joker: *kneels down to her cròtch* *licks her folds*
Harley: * giggles * I like that puddin
Joker: I wanna make you feel as good as I felt~ *opens up her thing and licks it*
Harley: * moans*
Joker: *spreads out her legs* *french kisses her insides*
Harley: * moans* O Puddin!
Joker: *rubs her cłït with his finger as he licks her*
Harley: * moans* * cûms *
Joker: *swallows her sëmën* mmm, tasty~
Harley: * giggles *
Joker: *smirks and licks his lips* *sits up straight then rolls a cöndom on his length*
Harley:no côndom
Joker: *stares at her confused* No côndom?
Harley: no
Joker: Um... do you realize that there is a 90% chance that you will get pregnant
Harley: yeah so
Joker: Er, don’t you think we should talk about that first
Harley: well...I guess
Joker: Okay, so no côndom for now then right?
Harley: yeah but are u gonna be ok if I get pregnant
Joker: Well.. it depends, I mean having a kid is a big responsibility
Harley: * chuckles * yeah but they’ll be just as crazy as us and we can teach them all our tricks and things
Joker: *shrugs* I guess that’s true
Harley: so....yes?
Joker: So your actually ready for this?
Harley: * nods*
So their gonna have a kid?
yee *
Oh, do they have too? XD
I dunno I guess
good night
Hallo owo
I was watching Fred 😂😂
😂😂😂 I’m kinda sad he doesn’t do any Fred videos now
oof yeah
He was a part of meh childhood TwT
Was he apart of urs?
let’s continue 😂😂😂
Harley: * kisses him*
Joker: *kisses her back*
Harley: * giggles *
Joker: *smiles* *puts his thing inside of her*
Harley: * moans*
Joker: *holds onto her waist* *thrust inside of her*
Harley: * moans*
Joker: *moans* *goes a little harder*
Harley: * moans*
Joker: *kisses her neck as he continues* *pants*
Harley: * moans*
Harley: * giggles *
Joker: *moans* *softly bites her neck* Ahh~ Harley I think I’m g-gonna cüm soon..
Harley: good~
Harley: * kisses his neck* it’ll feel nice~
Joker: *moans* O-Oh Yeah~ *speeds up his pace*
Harley: * giggles *
Joker: Ugh, H-Harley? do you w-want me to cûm inside of you?..
Harley: I wouldn’t mind~
I’m back sorry, I had to make the bed but distracted on my phone so when my sister came in she made me give her the phone and she gave it too my mom
I’m back too😂😂
😂😂😂 haiii
Hoi owo
let’s continue
Mkay! Joker: O-Okay because I- *before he could finish his sentence his sperm squirts inside of her*
Harley: * moans*
Joker: Ahhh~ *rests his head on her chest* *takes out his thing*
Harley : * kisses his cheek*
Joker: Man, *heavily breathes* that was a lot of work..
Harley: * chuckles *
Joker: *chuckles and kisses her*
Harley: * kisses back * * puts her clothes back on*
Joker: *sits up and puts his clothes on slightly tired still*
Harley: * hugs him*
Joker: *smiles and hugs her back*
Harley: I love I
Joker: love you too hon *kisses her forehead*
Harley: * hugs him tight * * buries her face in his chest*
Joker: *runs his fingers through her hair* *smiles*
Harley: * goes in his shirt and cuddles herself into a ball*
Joker: *chuckles* What are you doin pooh?
Harley; * giggles * I like being in ur shirt
Joker: Well thank you *chuckles*
Harley: * giggles *
Joker: *smiles* Well that was fun
u will never guess who I found out is my neighbor
Harley: * pecks his jawline* yeash
Whoooo? owo
Ur sister’s boyfriend 😂😂
Cris?!!! 😂😂😂😂😂
yeah😂😂and his brother we see at school😂😂
Omg and Brandon 😂😂😂
Welp 😂😂😂
let’s continue 😂😂😂
Okie 😂😂😂
Oh lol
Joker: *smiles* ... now what? *chuckles*
Harley: * giggles * I dunn
Joker: Eh, me either. *chuckles*
Harley: hmmmm... let’s rob a bank
Joker: Good thinking Harls *smirks*
Harley: * giggles * NO I HAVE A BETTER IDEA!
Joker: *chuckles* I’m listening.
Harley: * gets out of his shirt * * takes off his shirt and pushes him on the bed * * runs into another room and grabs something *
Joker: *sits up and shakes his head* *chuckles*
Harley: * peeks her head in the room * * giggles * I can give u a tatoooooooo
Joker: A tattoo? don’t I already have plenty? *chuckles*
wait he does?
I thought he did 😂😂😂
I mean it’s up to u😂
I guess not? 😂
I’m back and ok😂😂
Hai 😂😂😂
Harley: * giggles and walks to him with her tattoo machine *
Hai owo
Joker: Do you even know how to do tattoos harls?
Harley: of course
Joker: Oh really? when did you learn? *chuckles*
Harley: when I was....ten
Joker: Hm, impressive. *smirks*
Harley: *chuckles * now where do u want ur tattoo?
Joker: Hmm, probably either on my back or arm, doesn’t really matter.
Harley: both * smiles * now lay on ur tummy
Joker: *smiles and lays down with his back facing her*
Harley: * kisses his back *
Harley: * starts drawing on his back*
Joker: *rests his head on his arms forming a V*
Harley: * smiles * I love u
Joker: Love you too~ *smiles*
Harley: * starts tattooing *
Joker: *its kinda stings but doesn’t care*
Harley: ooo this is gonna look gooooooood
Omg Rocky just did the gayest thing 😂😂😂
So I was playing with Rolo with some extra yarn I had for my bio bottle and so Rocky starts “hûmping” him but he was laying down and Rocky was standing up so it looked like Rocky was just hümping air 😂😂😂😂
let’s continue
Oki owo
Harley: done!~
Joker: *sits up* How does it look?
Harley: * shows him *
Joker: Woah Harley! *eyes widen in disbelief*
Harley: * giggles *
Joker: This is.. awesome! wow!
Harley: * giggles *
Joker: Thanks pooh *kisses her cheek*
Harley: * giggles g want me to do ur arm?
Joker: Of course, that’s what you said didn’t you? *chuckles*
Harley: * giggles and starts working on his arm*
Joker: *watches her work* *smiles*
Harley: * giggles *
Joker: *smiles* It’s looking good so far hon
Harley: * giggles *
Joker: How is this so quick also? it looks like hours of work for someone *chuckles* you got skill.
Harley: * giggles *
Harley: for me it’s the smaller the more time because I have to get tiny details
Joker: Hm, that’s true.
Harley: * kisses his cheek* * continues *
Joker: *smiles and watches her again*
Harley: * continues * after this wanna get food?
Joker: Sure I guess.
Harley: good because I’m starving * finishes * done!
Joker: *looks at his arm* I love it, thanks Harls *smiles*
Harley: * giggles *
It says “pending view” XD
Joker: *smiles and stands up* *stretches*
Harley: * giggles *
good night
Night owo
Joker: *smiles* *kisses her*
Harley: * kisses back*
Hai owo
Hoi owo
How r u?
Nice owo
lol 😂😂let’s continue
Harley: * giggles* I love u
Joker: *squeezes her cheeks in a playful manner* I love you so much~ I wish I could kiss that face of yours all day long~
Harley: * giggles * go ahead * chuckles * I have all the time in the world
Joker: I thought you said you wanted food *chuckles*
Harley: yeah but that can wait
Joker: Well if you say so~ *kisses her*
Harley: * giggles and kisses back*
Joker: *french kisses her* *bites her upper lip*
nice icon
Harley: * French kisses back*
Thanks, I’m bored XD
OwO, How are you? :D
lol good
how has life been?
am I your friend?
yes of course 😂😂😂ur my best friend 😂😂
do you like chicken strips?
Omg my face 😂😂😂
😂😂😂....I just took a huge dump... it felt nice
Can you name at least one warrior cat?
spotted leaf
something like that
that is a medicine cat, not a warrior cat. Try again! :D
Firestar and leafpool! :3
*cough cough* Graystripe, Squirrelflight, Brambleclaw, Ravenpaw, Feathertail, Cloudtail, Brightheart, Stormfur, Crowfeather *cough cough*
Firestar is a leader and Leafpool is a medicine cat in the future owo
let’s continue 😂😂
Okay, by the way what’s your favorite pasta?
Mac in cheese
Are you a girl?
Do you have a crush?
are you dead inside?
I don’t know I can’t feel anything in there* puns * 😂😂😂
Same 😬
lol let’s continue
How are you?
good. let’s continue
Is everything okay?
yeah why😂
Are you in a good mood?
Are you lonely?
Are you a taco?
What is your favorite food?
no and I want a taco right now ;-;
I’m hungry
I’m glad it’s late start doe owo
I’m gonna beg my mom for food😂😂
Have fun with that 😂😂
...she’s gonna get me food tomorrow 😂😂
Welp you tried 😂😂😂😂
yeah😂😂at least I’m getting food tomorrow
Ayeeee owo
I have a question owo
what lol
Smash or Pass?
Asher, Jason, or Steve (from our old Rp 😂)
smash asher, pass Jason, and smash steve is I was his age
😂😂😂 and nice
let’s continue
Okie, Give me one! :D
smash or pass
Mathew, Ruby, or Inn and Out
if inn and out was a person
Hmmmmm, Smash Mathew, Smash Ruby, Consume In and Out 😂
Even if he or she is a person 😂😂😂
let’s continue 😂
Okie owo
Harley: * giggles *
I honestly don’t know what to say for the Joker anymore XD
Ruby: * sighs* I’m sorry
Flora: *rubs her back gently* Don’t be sorry, this wasn’t your fault.
Ruby: *sighs*
Flora: *kisses her cheek* It’s okay, this was unexpected I know.
Ruby: the thing is....I wanted to surprise her and u at the same time but now I can’t
Flora: Surprise her? was it her birthday today?
Ruby: I’m pregnant
Flora: W-What?! *eyes flash with betrayal* *tears up* h-how could you?!
Ruby: what? no it’s urs!
Ruby: I didn’t have sèx with a man I swear ur the only one!
Flora: Y-You can’t be pregnant! I don’t even hold sperm and besides you couldn’t have found out now, you haven’t even took a pregnancy test yet
Ruby: I did! Flora please calm down. and don’t u remember how there’s this disease going around making girl be able to get another girl pregnant!
Flora: No I don’t! *looks away*
Ruby: * sighs and looks down * * tears up* great....this is just great. the police probably think I killed my mom and now I’m being accused of cheating. * sighs* * leaves*
Flora: *stares at the ground* *sighs*
Ruby: * tears up* // Police: Ms Ruby// Ruby: Mrs and what do u want!?// Police: ur arrested for the murder of Ms Gemstone// Ruby: what!? * tears up* o god I’m having a bad day....* tears fall down her cheeks* That’s my mom I would never-!// Police: u have the right to remain silent* hand cuffs her and puts her in the car* * drives off*
Flora: Ugh, maybe I was wrong. Maybe I was just overreacting.. *tears up and hugs her legs*
Ruby: * sighs* // Police: * puts her in a jail cell temporarily *// Ruby: * sighs*
Flora: *gets up and paces back and forth while she’s deep in thought*
Ruby: * sits in a corner*
Flora: *sighs* *wipes her tears away* *looks downi
Ruby: * pets her belly*
Flora: *thinks about Ruby* *wishes to hold her in her arms again* *sighs*
Ruby: * is dosing off*
Flora: *decides to just lay down and push these thoughts away*
Ruby: * falls flora*
Flora: *hears her phone ringing then grabs it* *picks it up* Ruby..?
Ruby: hey babe
Flora: Listen, I’m sorry that I accused you of cheating *sighs* that was wrong.
Ruby: I forgive u but can u pay the police so I can get the hêll out of here
Flora: *smiles and giggles a bit* Of course Rubes, I’ll be there soon.
Ruby: * giggles * thanks
Flora: No problem, see you soon.
Ruby: ok bye * hangs up(
Flora: *her heart flutters with joy as she gets up to put on her shoes* *trots outside and heads for the jail*
Hoiiii owo
let’s continue
Okieee owo
Ruby: * waits for her*
Flora: *walks inside and walks up to a police officer* Excuse me, I would like to pay the charges of Mrs Ruby.
Police: Alright and who are u too her?
Flora: Her wife. “right? 😂”
Police: ID please
Flora: *takes out her ID and gives it to him*
okieee owo
Police: Alright. now it will be 200 dollars for bale
Flora: Okay *takes out 200 dollars and hands it to him*
Police: alrighty. Ms Ruby ur free to go// Ruby:* runs to flora*
*just has 200 dollars in her pocket*
I wish that was me 😂😂😂
Flora: *runs to her with open arms*
Ruby: * runs past her* SIKE jk😂😂
Ruby: * hugs her*
Flora: *hugs her back* Are you okay??
Ruby: * nods* thank u!
Flora: Of course *smiles*
Ruby: * smiles* let’s get out of here
Flora: Right right but first.. *pulls her into a kiss*
Ruby: * kisses back*
Imagine Some random person: EWWWW o ma goddddddddd so grossss their both girls! CLENSEEEEE YOUR SOUL!!!
I actually was gonna have people give them a glare😂😂
Oh 😂😂😂😂 yeah do datttt 😂
Me to homophobes: Well... Leviticus also did say not to cut your hair soooo... 🤷🏻‍♀️
Also me to homophobes: And... Leviticus said that if your wife is not a virgin then kill her. But ya know... High school happened...
let’s continue
people stare at them in disgust // Ruby: ummm....let’s leave
Flora: Yeah.. let’s leave *secretly flips them off*
Ruby: * leaves*
Hai I’m back XD
Flora: *takes her hand and walks out with her*
Ruby: * follows*
Hoi owo
Flora: *walks beside her* *stares at the ground*
Ruby: * hugs her*
Flora: Huh? a random hug? *smiles*
Ruby: * giggles * * gets in the car*
Flora: *gets in the car with her*
Ruby: * yawns*
Flora: Are you tired? *smiles*
Ruby: yeah
Flora: I get it, today has been up and down emotion
Ruby: * leans on her* * smiles*
Flora: *blushes and smiles* *pets her back*
Ruby: let’s go home
Flora: *nods* Good idea. *starts the car*
Ruby: * smiles and closes her eyes*
Flora: *begins driving to her home* *glances at Ruby and smiles*
good night
Night! owo
Ruby: * falls asleep *
I’m crying inside, owo..
oof hi
Well, want to continue I guess?
sure :3
Flora: *glances at her from time to time* *smiles pleasantly*
Ruby: * coos*
Flora: *hesitates but gently strokes her belly trying to not wake her*
Ruby: * coos*
Ruby: * wakes up * * smiles* hi
Flora: *quickly moves her hand away startled* Oh um, hi Ruby.
Ruby: * chuckles * it’s ok
Flora: *blushes in embarrassment* *smiles sheepishly at her*
Ruby: * giggles and kisses her*
Flora: *puts the car on autopilot and kisses her back*
Ruby: * smiles*
Flora: *smiles as she kisses her* *french kisses her*
Ruby: * French kisses back*
Flora: *wraps her arms around Ruby*
Ruby: * chuckles *
Flora: *stops and stares into her eyez* *kisses her jawline*
Ruby: * chuckles * flora. cutie. not now ok? * kisses her cheek* I don’t feel like getting hôrnèy right now * chuckles *
Flora: When did I say we were gonna have sêx? *chuckles*
Ruby: *chuckles * well u know, one thing leads to another and boom
Flora: I guess that is true *turns off autopilot and begins driving again*
Ruby: wait aren’t we already home?
Flora: Oh your right, let me just park. *finds a spot to park and parks the car*
Ruby: * chuckles *
Flora: Sorry about that. *blushes and smiles* C’mon
Ruby: * chuckles * it’s ok babe
Flora: *smiles and gets out of the car*
Ruby: * gets out*
Flora: Would you like me to make you any soap rubes?
Ruby: * giggles * sure babe
soup* 😂
Flora: *smiles* Okay, what kind?
Ruby: noodle sooooop
Flora: *giggles* Okay, sure *walks Inside the house*
Ruby: * chuckles * * lays down on the couch *
Flora: *walks to the kitchen and boils some water*
Ruby: * yawns*
Flora: *glances at her* Tired Ruby? today was a pretty rough day. *adds the noodles into the water*
Ruby: yeah * puts the blankets over her*
Flora: *adds some flavoring into the soup and stirs it together* I understand
Ruby:* yawns*
Flora: *pours the noodles into a bowl* *stares at her* I guess you don’t want these noodles then? since your so tired.
Ruby: give me that food * chuckles *
Ruby: and put some hot sauce in it
Flora: What ever you say *smiles and pours hot sauce on the noodles* *grabs a cup then pours water and ice inside* *takes it and walks towards Ruby* Here you go. *smiles*
Ruby: * giggles * thanks * eats it*
Flora: *sits down beside her* *covers her lower body underneath her blanket*
Ruby: want some?
Flora: *shakes her head no* I made that specially for you. *smiles* go ahead and eat it.
Ruby:* smiles *i love Korean food
Flora: *smiles* Me too, it has a nice flavor too it.
Ruby:* finishes the bowl* :3 all done!
Flora: Already? that was fast *chuckles and takes the bowl* *walks back to the kitchen to wash it*
Ruby:* giggles *
Flora: *washes it and dries it off* *puts it away then comes back to Ruby* *sits down beside her again8
Ruby:* pets her belly* * smiles* were gonna be a momma
Flora: *stares at her belly* Are you sure your pregnant? I mean I’ve never seen you use a pregnancy test before.
Ruby:o yeah it’s right here * shows her* see, pregnant
Flora: When did you take this?
Ruby:last night
Flora: Oh *smiles* I guess that makes sense.
Ruby: * smiles*
Flora: *smiles at her* *pecks her cheek*
Ruby: * smiles* good night babe
* couple months later*// Ruby: * is four months in* * pets her belly*// Harley:* is three months inch
Flora: *gets underneath the covers with her* *wraps her arms around Ruby’s waist* Night~
* the morning 😂*
Ruby:* yawns* hi babe
(😂😂😂) Flora: *opens her eyes a bit* Hi.. *smiles*
Ruby: * smiles * today we see the doctor *smiles*// Harley: * giggles * puddin
Flora: Huh? the doctor? // Joker: Yes dear?
Harley: * giggles * * kisses his cheek*
Harley: wanna feel my belly Mr J?
Ruby: mhm. the doctors are concerned that our baby might be born with a disability because we’re both women and this is rare
Flora: But I thought you said this was a disease that girls are getting?// Joker: *chuckles* Of course I would. *strokes her belly*
Harley: * giggles *// Ruby: it is, and that’s the problem, they think the disease got to the baby
good night
Night!! owo
Flora: *eyes widen in fear* W-What?! something bad is gonna happen to our baby?! *tears up* // Joker: How long have you been pregnant for?
Harley: three months
Ruby: I dunno babe...that’s why we need to see a doctor
Good morning
good morning
Sorry I woke up kinda late, I stayed up with my sister doing karaoke 😂😂😂
and we went to sleep at 3 🤷‍♀️😂
let’s continue 😂😂😂
okieee 😂😂
Flora: *frowns sadly* *looks down* // Joker: Oh wow that was fast. *chuckles*
Ruby:but you’ll still love our baby...right?
Harley: * sits on his lap * * giggles *
Flora: *looks at her* *smiles lightly* Of course I would, but I just don’t want it to have some sort of disease that could possibly affect its life and future possibilities. // Joker: Honestly you don’t seem that big, you look pretty normal
Harley:thanks bc ur looking from the front * shows her her side*
Joker: Eh, a little bit bigger but you still look beautiful.
Harley: * giggles and kisses his cheek*
Ruby: Yeah...but either way , at least we’re having a baby
Flora: *nods and stands up* *walks to the bedroom to change* // Joker: *smiles* Well, do you want any food or something?
Harley: naw * kisses his cheek*
Ruby:* yawns* * gets up and changes*
Flora: *changes into some new clean clothes* Joker: Well do you wanna rest at least?
Harley: I have been already puddin
Ruby: ok let’s go
Flora: *nods in agreement and goes to the car* // Joker: Oh *chuckles* Well it won’t hurt if you relaxed for a bit longer
Harley:Oh! I made our little clowns room!
Joker: You made it? without me? *chuckles*
Harley:* chuckles * well I wanted it to be a surprise and besides you were working * gets up and kisses his cheek*
Joker: Well you could’ve told me. *shakes his head and smiles* *stands up*
Harley: * giggles *// ruby: * sits next to her*
Flora: *gets in the drivers seat and starts the car* *start driving to their destination* // Joker: *grins at her* So how does it look?
Harley: come and look! * walks to the room*
Ruby:* yawns*
Joker: *chuckles and follows her behind* // Flora: Your still tired? *glances at her*
Ruby:yeah. being pregnant is tiring// Harley: TADA
Flora: I should say, you need a lot of rest in this process. // Joker: *looks around in amazement* Wow, this is incredible Harls, *looks at the dolls* we still don’t exactly know what the baby’s gender is yet though. *chuckles*
Harley: * giggles * says who~?
Ruby: it’s ok
imagine me: *crashes through the wall into where Harley and Joker are* SAYS ME! 😂😂😂😂😂
let’s continue 😂
Okie 😂
Okie *reply
Flora: Well when we get back home just rest okay? I can make you some food if you like. // Joker: Huh? is that supposed to mean something? *chuckles*
Harley:I found a doctor that can determine an gender in the first three months
Ruby: * chuckles * sure. are we almost there?
Flora: *nods* Yup *smiles* // Joker: Oh really? that’s ironic *chuckles*
Harley * giggles * * kisses him(
Ruby. k
Flora: *arrives at the hospital and parks* // Joker: *kisses back? 😂*
Ruby: * gets out*
Flora: *gets out as well and walks with her inside*
Ruby:* follows*
Flora: *walks inside and goes to the receptionist* Hello, my wife is scheduled for an appointment today about her maternity.
Ruby: * smiles* // Lady:sure, wait for Dr. Short in room 16
Flora: *nods and smiles politely* Thank you. *begins walking again to room 16*
Ruby:* follows*
Flora: *stops in front of the room door and opens it* *walks inside*
Ruby:* follows her*
Flora: *sits on an empty chair that’s against the wall* *crosses her legs*
Ruby:* lays on the bed *// Dr Short:hi guys. // Ruby: hi
Flora: Hello. *smiles*
Dr short:* gets out his tools and checks on the baby* ok so it looks like she doesn’t have a leg // Ruby:s-she doesn’t?
Flora: *stares at him* What are you talking about? how??
hey can I come over to ur house?
or are u at somewhere
Oh 😂😂😂 well idk about today doe, my mom isn’t here so I can’t ask owo XD
o mkay
I’m pôôping :3
Oh, that’s nice 😂😂😂
Im listening to music, basically bored 😂
Yeee owo
let’s continue
Okieeee owo
Dr Short: yeah * searches * hmm...her brain in a little to small
Ruby:is that bad?// Dr Short: kind of... can only mean two things. one, she’s gonna be special needs or she’s always going to be afraid of people unless a parent is with her
Flora: *stares at the ground* So, she won’t want to make friends? we would have to keep her away from people?
Dr Short: no, she can make friends but it might be hard for her
Flora: *sighs sadly* I understand.
Dr short: or she’ll be in a special needs class learning the abcs in 8th grade...// Ruby:* kinda glares at him * thanks doc, that’s all
Flora: *looks aside, anger flashing in her eyes* *helps Ruby up and takes her hand* *walks out of the room without saying thank you*
Ruby:* follows*
“I’m a lesbian ” “I am actually pansexual” “I am transgender” “I’m just a n***a with a rocket launcher”
I can’t stop laughing 😂😂😂😂
😂😂😂😂😂 *sigh* okay Im good now 😂😂😂
(😂😂😂😂😂) Flora: *walks to the car and goes inside without saying a thing*
Ruby: * follows*
Flora: *locks the door and starts it* *drives off to home*
Ruby: * pets her shoulder* * sighs*
Flora: *doesn’t look nor even glance at her* *exhales*
Ruby:* pets her belly* * sighs* hey, I mean at least we’ll be having a daughter
Flora: Well I wanted a daughter that felt free and happy, I wanted her to have fun and be like other children. *mumbles something underneath her breath* *is clearly angry at this moment*
Ruby: * hugs her*yeah...
Flora: *arrives at their home* *parks the car abruptly* *slips out of her grasp and gets out of the car*
Ruby: oof! * gets out of the car*
Flora: You should probably get some rest Ruby, go ahead and lay on my bed if you like. *opens the door and goes inside without waiting for answer*
Ruby: Alright * goes inside and lays on her bed* *covers herself in blankets *
Flora: *lays on the couch facing the wall* *stares at it as she’s in a thought*
Ruby:* snores *
Flora: *fiddles with her hair* *sigh* we should’ve just adopted, but no! now my baby has to be on a wheelchair for the rest of her life! *curls up on her side*
Ruby:* groans in her sleep*
Omg I watched the weirdest, awesome, thing XD
If you wanna watch it, it’s called peppa pig and the murder machine 😂 Contains; Swearing, gore, violence, and... its kinda funny 😂😂
Did you watch it? 😂😂😂
How was it? 😂😂😂😂
weird and funny😂😂
Yeah 😂😂😂 I like Suzy In the beginning 😂😂😂
I’m sorry I’m making an animation rn so I’m kinda busy 😂😂😂
Wot kind? XD
I’ll show u :3 it’s really cool I made Harley Quinn from scratch
I’m animating her rn so she’s doing weird poses 😂
Oh 😂 I thought you were doing an animation meme lol
Hai and nice owo
let’s continue 😂😂😂
Okieee XD
Harley: * giggles * anyway.
Joker: Well this still looks like a pretty nice room *chuckles* // Flora: *decides to make some food for her animals to take this off of her mind*
A few months later bc I’m bored and want her to give birth 😂😂😂
Who’s her? 😂😂
Oh lol 😂😂
let’s continue
Ruby: * is 9 months in* * pets her belly
Is she in the ER because she’s expecting a baby soon? because normally people are in labor for awhile and they have to go through contractions and stuff like that
no she’s not in labor yet😂😂😂
Okay 😂
Ruby: * smiles*
Flora: *smiles back at her*
ruby:oof ow-.....flora...
Flora: Huh? are you alright?
Ruby: I’m having’s time
Flora: *looks at her kinda funny then realizes* Wait, now?! isn’t your water supposed to break! contractions are natural
Ruby:* water breaks *well there u go
Flora: Heh... okay we’re going! *gets up quickly and helps her up*
Ruby:* gets up*
Flora: *wraps her arm around her for support as she hurries to the car*
Ruby:* sits in the car*
Flora: *gets in the drivers seat and starts the car* *takes off to the hospital* (GOTTA BLAST!)
Ruby: * heavy breaths * she’s coming fast
(😂😂😂) Flora: We’ll get there soon just stay calm! *drives quickly to the hospital*
Flora: *arrives and parks* *helps her out of the car carefully*
Ruby:* groans*
Flora: *wraps her arm around her and goes inside the hospital* *walks up to the receptionist* Please help! my wife is about to give birth!
Nurses: * takes her to the emergency room where she gives birth*
Flora: *follows as her gaze is locked on Ruby*
Ruby:* pushes*// Nurse: honey we’re gonna have to have u wait in the waiting room
Ruby:* pushes again*
Flora: Wait me in the waiting room?! I’m her wife and I should be with her at this moment!
Ruby:*screams a little *// Nurse: u can’t it’s too much for her right now and the baby doesn’t want to come out and it’s very painful for her so we just need you to wait
Flora: So she needs my support, she needs me to comfort her and tell her it’s alright! *starts to get frustrated*
Ruby: * heavy breaths *// Baby: * is out* * cries*// Ruby: * smiles*// Baby: * has no legs* * gets washed and changed into an outfit *
Nurse: now u may go in
Flora: *walks in practically mad at the nurse* *walks towards Ruby* A-Are you alright?
Ruby:* is holding the baby * * sees flora* * smiles and nods * * is smiling at the baby*
Flora: *sits down beside her on a chair* *stares at their baby* *smiles softly*
Ruby:* smiles* what should we name her?
Flora: Hm, I was thinking if we should name her something more unique
Flora: Monique?
Ruby: yeah
Flora: Huh, I was thinking of Esperanza, it means hope *smiles* but I like Monique too
Ruby: Monique bc it’s easier to spell * chuckles *
Hai I’m back XD
Flora: Hm, I guess so.. but can we name our next child Esperanza? if we have another one? *chuckles*
Ruby: * chuckles * how about her middle name is Ezperanza
Flora: Sure. *smiles*
Ruby: * smiles*
Flora: *smiles* *switches her gaze back to their baby*
Monique: * coos*
Ruby:she doesn’t have any legs but that’s ok
Flora: Huh, I thought she was only supposed to have only one removed?
Ruby: became both
Flora: Oh I see.
Ruby: yeah * pets Monique * // Monique: * coos*
Flora: *smiles at them* She’s so beautiful.
Monique: * coos*
Flora: *smiles* Well she seems pretty calm which is good.
Ruby: yeah * smiles* we should be getting home now
Flora: Home? *looks at her kinda funny* You need rest.
Ruby: * chuckles * we can leave//Monique:* giggles and starts playing with her face*// Ruby: * smiles* hi there u
Flora: *smiles at them* That’s so cute.
Monique: * sees flora and reaches her hand out to her*
Ruby:* gives her Monique *
good night
Noight! owo
Flora: *takes her* *smiles* Hi there cutie.
Monique: * giggles *// hey can flora have a brother?
I guess 😂
Flora: Aw, who’s the cutie huh? you are! *tickles her belly*
Monique: * giggles * // Ruby:* chuckles *
Flora: Well aren’t you just the cutest thing, you have your mother Ruby’s eyes *strokes her cheeks*
Monique:* giggles *
Zack: *walks in * H- hi
Flora: Oh hey Zack! I wasn’t expecting to see you *smiles*
Zack: w-well I h-h-heard m-my b-big sis-ter was g-g-gonna be a m-mom so I h-had to s-see
Flora: *smiles* That’s right, wanna see her?
Zack: * smiles* y-yeah
Zack: * sits next to her*
Zack:m-my b-b-boyfriend wants u-us to get m-married b-but I s-said n-not y-yet b-because I c-can t-tell he w-want to be a f-father right a-after w-wards. a-and I-I’m not r-ready
sorry I was on and off. Erin came over and we didn’t go to the mall bc my mom had homework and then we were just kinda bored. and then after she left I did my homework
Oh, that sounds like fun, I do that everyday but myself XD
Flora: Oh I see, well if he’s rushing into it then that’s not really a good choice, so yeah just wait a little while longer and maybe you can go to a adoption center when your ready
Zack:y-yeah m-May-b-be
Monique: * gets kinda scared *
Flora: *looks down at Monique* What’s wrong baby? *kisses her cheek*
Monique: * whines*
Flora: *strokes her cheeks* Wanna go with your mommy?
Zack: c-can I h-hold her?
Flora: Oh! *blushes in embarrassment* Of course. *hands her over to him gently*
Zack: * holds her * s-she’s s-so c-cute
Monique: *. doesn’t know if she should be happy or scared*
Monique: * whines*// Zack: w-what’s w-wrong?// Monique:* starts crying * * reaches towards flora and Ruby and tries to push towards them* * cries*
Flora: Aw sweetie! *takes her* There there now is okay, *comforts her* *gazes at her brother* I’m sorry Zack, she’s not used to you yet.
Zack:a-awww p-poor ba-by
Monique:* cries and hugs her*// Ruby: let me hold her
Flora: Shhh it’s okay *pets her head and hands her to Ruby*
Ruby: * hugs her* shhhh my baby.// Monique: * hugs her * * coos*
Flora: *smiles at them with a gleam of admiration in her eyes*
Ruby:sorry...she’s sadly gonna be like this her whole life to people...
Flora: *looks aside, remembering what the doctor said* *sighs*
Zack: * looks at his phone * it’s d-David. I g-g-gotta g-go
Ruby: ok. * smiles*
Flora: Okay, it was nice seeing you. *smiles*
Zack:* smiles* b-bye
Hai owo
Flora: See you later *smiles*
Monique: * coos*
Flora: *turns her gaze back to Monique* *smiles warmly at her*
Ruby: * smiles* ....I’m hungry
Monique: * grabs the blanket and starts eating it*// Ruby:* chuckles * Monique that’s the blanket * pulls it away*
Flora: *giggles* Well maybe the nurse can bring you something to eat.
Monique:* tears up and grabs blanket *// Ruby: *wraps her in the blanket * shhh
Flora: *smiles at them*
Monique: * giggles *// Ruby: * chuckles and tickles her*// Monique: *laughs*
I have a really bad earache ugh..
oof take a nap. I had a headache and nausea but I took a nap and woke up refreshing
*sigh* I cant take a nap because the pain keeps on getting worse and worse
Go ahead and roleplay with Nebula, I’m gonna be off for awhile.
are u goin to the doctor?
Hey I’m back, for like 10 minutes I kept on shifting around because of the pain in my ear, it feels a little bit better now but it still hurts but not like before
o ok good
Ye, I’m okay now owo
good night :3
Hi! I got my pic collage accounts back XD
XD So Yeah I guess I was suspended for a day 🤷‍♀️
Also on my main account someone threatened to report me.. *sigh* 😂😂
Because I made a Yandere Rose Edit which was I will admit kind of scary and someone said that there’s five year olds on pc and if I don’t take it down then she’ll report me
wt f. it’s ur account u can do wh- actually that’d probably why u couldn’t go on bc she reported u
Omg 🤦‍♀️
Bro there’s like hatepages and she’s targeting me?! ugh so annoying.
Well that’s BŠ, anyways how are you? owo
good OWO
Me too! I’m bored tho XD
Yeah XD
let’s continue
Monique:* coos*
Flora: *smiles* I never knew you were a baby person Ruby
Ruby: * giggles * I am // Monique:* falls asleep *
Hey Snowflake, Smash or Pass?
Discord, Sam, Harl, JJ, Ben (I think that was his name 😂😂), Scott, Shadow, Heavenly, Rose ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
ok ummm
smash discord, pass sam😂😂, pass Harl, smash JJ, passssssssssssss on Ben, pass scott, smash shadow, pass heavenly, and pass rose😂😂😂
Excuse me? How dare you pass me! >:(
I’m pretty too.. ;^;
u are 😂😂
Yay! =D
let’s continue
I’m bored owo
I’m back lol
Oh Hai owo
How are you? :3
If you were stranded on a island with someone would it be; Cristali and Zafiro or Ben
Choose wisely young child.
o. o...
Yeah that’s kinda a hard choice 😂
Because I hate Ben because he tried to abduct one of my characters and Cristali... that sick pëdo tracer... I heard he uses bots to get subscribers >:(
I’m thirsty
I’m lonely
:D I’m listening to despacito as I said that 😂😂😂
I’m back and 😂😂😂
Oh haiii 😂😂
Oh, it’s a secret ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)...
Haven’t you given meh talkis already? owo
just tell me.😂
Hmmmmmm... for what price?
Who is this Jisele? I’m Rose
I am confusion :3
let’s just continue
But I’m boredddd
lol ur always bored
Yeah, ikr XD
Can we do a intense roleplay? I miss those ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
yeah like what 😂
Uhmmmmmm.......... hmmmmmmmmmm
Lemme think...... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
I forgot. 😂😂😂 And hallo
Hai 😂😂😂 and btw, if you want to get a gif as your profile you have to login on the website then choose a gif you want and set it as your profile pic on the website, I found that out on my own idk how 😂😂😂
what’s the website 😂
The pic collage website? 😂😂
it’s not working for me😂😂😂
I’ll just remix what you need to do 😂
there XD
lol ok I’m back btw
Your welcome XD
I’m testing out which gif I like best😂😂
Oh god, maybe I shouldn’t have told you because now you’ll probably go crazy 😂😂
I’ve been dying to know so thanks
No problem, I don’t know how I figured it out but I did 😂
for some reason I feel like Rose because I’m wearing and Eeveelutions shirt and my pink flower crown 😂😂😂
Welp 😂😂😂
Anyways, How are you today? 😂
anyway lol
Nice XD what roleplay shall we do?
Hmmmmmm... Should we make a new one or continue one? owo
a new one
Okie, any ideas?
Wot do you have in store?
my DC and marvel rp
Okie sure owo
OWO lemme just post it
Okieee XD
Can I be Spider-Man because... I am Spider-Man (quote of the day 😂)
😂😂😂and joker
u can be spider man if ur joker too 😂😂
Okie sure 😂
idk a girl character to be tho 😂😂
spider girl?
Sure XD
It’s just spider man with böobs and a vagïña, like me! :-D
😂😂😂, Btw which joker do you want me to be? there’s to many clones 😂😂😂
heath ledger
Okie owo
Btw, can you make someone for Spider-Girl, like Deadpool because for some reason I ship Spider-Man and Deadpool together. 😂😂😂 And also have you ever heard of the Momo challenge?
and yeah
Whoever is behind the momo challenge needs to be put in jail for 1000009048606068484040483728059489383839304958585940404030383827271781812992929393939394050505 years Ow Ow
yeah they do
They really do
I think super girl and batgirl is iris
How do you know?
because she just pops out of no where and goes straight to our accounts and after I block her account she makes another one so she can get here
That’s true, I scrolled down at her followers and I realized that I was her first follower, along with neb and my main account.
see. I dunno maybe I should block her again
If you want
k then take pictures of ur remixes bc pc will delete them
Okie hold on XD
alright it’s finished XD
I think she was listening to our convo because her remix isn’t there
Oh. *that awkward moment XD*
ugh she’s such a stalker
I’m the same ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
imma keep remixing characters
Okie XD