I'm sick of school and life. I'm literally
being bullied in school rn. Somehow, a girl got
photos of me from 4th grade, where I had
braces, glasses and bad acne. She posted it all
over social media, emailed it to almost the
whole grade,  and posted it on


I'm sick of school and life. I'm literally being bullied in school rn. Somehow, a girl got photos of me from 4th grade, where I had braces, glasses and bad acne. She posted it all over social media, emailed it to almost the whole grade, and posted it on

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remember if you want to do damage go horizontal not vertical
I'm so sorry for you people can be huge jerks just but no matter what they say just think of your favourite things. and also don't react to what there doing it will make them want to do it more. and also remember if your sad think of the great friends you have on PC.
-_- This is really hard to believe
How can some embarrassing pictures suddenly make everyone hate someone