When ur alone


When ur alone

7 0
I'm on
yay! I am so relieved I was about to leave cause u weren't on
also thanks about the drawing
don't worry mate, I'm here
how long will you be on for tonight?
well u gave to wake up at 9am tomorrow so I'll be on till 11 as normal
*i gave to wake up
what do you wanna talk about?
how's ur day?
how was yours
I've been coming up with headcanons
mine was good/boreing
as what are the headcanons
* hugs you *
which character should I begin with?
anyone u like best
okay so Amy
so back story time
Amy is the daughter to Georgia Asquith, a former model who has many fans and Lysander Asquith, the CEO of a very large corporation
that I haven't come up with a name yet
the company produces movies
what do you think we should name it
how about Long Shot⚡️
Asquith co. ?
ooh I like that
okay so her parents were pretty neglectful and Amy had to be raised by a nanny
also her mom's an alcoholic
oh the poor thing
Amy swore never to drink because of this
good for her
honestly her entire backstory is just sad
as a child she didn't have a single friend until she turned ten
most of the other kids thought she was selfish ( which she was) and avoided her
honestly someone needs to hug this poor girl
what do you mean?
who was her friend
no one was her friend until she turned ten
so when she was ten she entered a pageant
it was one of the few times, Amy and her mom bonded
but there was another girl there
a girl who preferred playing video games and wearing masculine clothes as opposed to dressing up in frilly dresses for pageants
a girl who's dad left before she was born
a girl who saw how sad Amy looked at the thought of losing the pageant because she thought it was the only way to make Georgia proud
and a girl who purposely messed up in order to ensure Amy won
this girl was Melissa Jo
that's nice
what do you think of the headcanons so far?
I'll have to leave cliff hanging cause it's 11