Collage by The_Awk_Group


15 1
Holden) Are You Sure it's Safe?
((Stephan not Holden))
((lol)) I-I don't know..maybe...?
what? *gets bad pain in stomach* OW!
what happened!?
*starts to tell him* *stops* *tries to ignore it* nothing...
you sure...?
yeah...*keeps trying to ignore it* I-I should flight is soon...
o-okay...*looks at her*
*bites lip and turns around and starts walking* *water breaks* *freezes* *holds it and keeps walking to plane
B-Bye Ari....*looks aT her again suspiciously*
Ari- *gulps* B-Bye...*tries to walk faster
*bites lip then follows her* Ari I'm going with you.
*stops* what??
I-I'm going with you..and you can't stop me...
*lets go* U-Uhh..
come on..*takes her hand and starts walking
*bites lip* *cant hold it in* *panics* S-Stephen?
yeah? *looks at her and steps onto plane
*steps on plane* n-never mind...
Ari what's wrong?
I'm just...stressed...*holds it in and get on plane
you sure...? *gets on plane and sits down
*sits down and crosses legs* Y-Yep!
so..when is the baby due?
u-uhh..*says under breathe: 10 minutes ago* soon...
*hears her* wait what!?!? *plane lifts off and they're in air now
you're in labour!?
y-yeah..? I don't know! *twars up
*sighs* *sits back* well...I'm gonna find a nurse or something
o-okay...*gets contractions
Excuse Me! Is anyone on this plane a nurse or doctor?!
passengers: *shake heads in confusion
*bites lip
how you doing?
umm...I'm in labour! what do you think?!
sorry....can you wait till the flights over...?
i-i don't long I-is it..? // Pass: like 12 hours...// oh..i-i guess...*butes lip
you sure??
i-i don't know!!?
*bites lip* If Not plz Say Something
*bites lip* *gets terrible contractions*
I'll be fine! *lies and turns on phone
*sits down next to her
*holds it in8
*looks at her
*gets a terrible contraction* *bites lip and panics
*bites lip* *yawns*
*baby starts kicking and pushing* *looks outside
*falls asleep*
*gets up and walks to plane bathroom quickly*
*wakes up and has to go* A-Ari..??
*cries in bathroom and cuts
*has to go bad* *runs over to bathroom but it says occupied* *knocks* A-Ari?
*hides blade and forces back tears* W-What?
I-I need to g-go....are you o-okay...?
I-I'm fine...b-but I...*baby is pushing* I
*cant wait at all* You What?!?
*spreads my legs apart then lets go* U-Umm....*looks in mirror* Just Wait...Please...
*groans* Arii....
*is to scared* forgets* Stephan....I need to do this.....*spreads them wider apart*
*starts to go then grabs* ARIANA!!
Just get out!!!
*baby kicks* No! I...*attendant tells him so sit down* *sighs* *spreads legs apart* I-I'm gonna do this...
*sits down and crosses legs* *taps foot* *goes on his phone
*lets go* //Passenger: Hi Sir.
umm...Hi...*shakes legs*
*baby starts coming then stops* *pushes
*starts to go again* *jumps up* *runs to door* Ari I swear open this door!!
*stops pushing and jumps* Stephan I'm...Fine...*gets up* Have it your way..*grabs her bag then forgets the blade* *goes back to her seat* *gasps* Wait! *runs in* Stephan get out!!
*jumps* ARIANA WHA THE HECK?! what's you're problem !
I-I'm going to give birth....I need too...
And I need to go...just wait!
*feels baby pushing* NO! It's Happening! I need to do this get out!!
*cant wait* Arii....*attendant shoves him out again
*hurries in then locks door* *spreads legs apart then let's go* *sees blade
*waits outside door panicking
*cuts multiple times* *forgets
*starts going and can't stop* IS THERE ANOTHER BATHROOM?!?!???
*baby pushes out fast* *slaps legs together* I-I can do t-this..*feels lightheaded*
*attendant: mister quiet your voice* // I Can't! I Need to Go!! -S
*crosses legs and walks to back
*feels bad pain*
*no one answers* *theres a bathroom* // *keeps trying*
*starts going so runs into the bathroom*
*person is in bathroom finishing makeup and screams* // *tries to push hard
*screams* OH MY GOD!
GET OUT! *hits him with towel* // *pushes
I J-Just need to p-pee! *groans and screams*
NO!! TRESPASSER!! // *sees it so keeps pushing*
*starts going* Come On P--*looks at them* Woah...
What?! and Ew Gross!! Get Out! // *cant push anymore but sees it* A-Aww..
I-I know you..*cant stop and grabs*
*rolls eyes* yeah right! get out now! and stop! // *keeps trying but can't
*cant hold it* Just Let Me Pee Savannah!
How do You know my Name creeper! // *groans*
*stars going again and grabs tight* CUZ YOU KNOW ME!! NOW PLEASE JUST LET ME GO!!
wait what's your name? // *keeps trying
*cant stop* *crosses legs* C-Caden I-Irwin now PLEASE I CANT WAIT!
Ohh...I Know You! and No! Too Bad This Part of the plane is off limits to you!! // *holds* *takes a break
GET OUT!! *calls attendant* // *accidentally lets go without knowing
*groans* *tries to hold it in* *goes back to seat* Ughhh Ariii...
*baby is pushing out* // *rolls eyes then sits down
*crosses legs tight and taps foot impatiently*
*screams* // *jumps
*hears her scream and forgets and jumps up* Ari?!
*lks at baby coming out*
*starts going and grabs quickly* Ari what's wrong??
*grabs* *tries to slow
*cant hold it at all* Ari WHAT IS HAPPENING?!
*keeps going
*grabs tighter* *knocks* Ariana Butera?!
W-What? *lets go and watches
What Happened? Can I Go Now?
Not Yet..*its almost out*
*moves legs a lot* Hurry! I literally can't stop it wait!
*spreads legs wider and fully lets go* *baby comes* *smiles* *gets cleaned and covered* Hey Come In! You have to meet someone..*isnt done but holds her girl
*walks in grabbing really tightly* Aww....
*smiles* You Okay There? and Her name is Aria
*still can't hold it* N-Nope! and She's Adorable.
What's Wrong...? and Thanks
I-I REALLY need to go...
*laughs* Okay. Let's Sit Down.
you want to go back right?
I-I meant..
*sits in her seat and smiles at Aria*
*sighs then hurries to bathroom but door closes* Seriously?! *goes to his seat*
You Okay? *looks really happy but tired*
I'm Happy....*smiles* But Also Annoyed and Confused...
What's Wrong..?
U-Umm..I'm about t-to pee myself....and the bathroom has been occupied for like an hour and I went to the back and got attacked....*crosses legs tightly
It's not funny!
Kinda Is...
*starts going* *grabs as tight as he can* Ari Please. Stop Laugjungz
*groans* *face turns red* *looks back but the door is still closed
*tries to ignore it* A-Aria is beautiful...
Thank You...Dad...*smiles big*
*smiles big and totally lets go* Wait..I'm the d-dad...?
YES! *pees fast and face turns red* *grabs but can't stop
*eyes widen* *covers Arias eyes
*blushes super bad* *runs to bathroom and opens it* *stops peeing by the one he get there* *blushes worse snd shuts door
*laughs and smiles at Aria*
*doesnt have to go anymore so comes out* Back...
You Done?
I Think..*laughs*
*laughs* so you want to be the dad?
I Love You
Love You too..*yawns and goes to sleep
*sleeps a while
*is on her phone
*wakes up as they're landing* I NEED TO PEE!
Hold It. We're landing.
Not Againnn
Yes Again.
*groans* This Time I Can't.
*laughs* I feel like I'm talking to my brother....*picks up stuff and Aria*
*follows and grabs stuff
*gets off plane
*follows and can't hold it at all* I'm Going To Find---
Come on this way!
*groans* *follows
*smiles and sets down her stuff* *puts Aria in the limo* *hugs someone*
*hugs back and kisses her cheek* // *gets mad*
*smiles* *shows him Aria*
*gets jealous and lets go* // *smiles and hugs her tight
*he hugs her so tight she goes back into labour* *screams* JAI!
*runs to her* Ari What Happened?!
I-I don't know..*breathes heavily*
What did you do jerk? // I just hugged her!
*shoves him* // *kicks him in his balsl*
*gulps and holds Aria tightly*
*grabs and pees* OWE! *kicks harder* // *kicks back extra hard*
*gulps* G-Guys...
*pees more grabs really tight in pain* OWWE! JERK! // *keeps kicking him* //
*is grabbing it with both hands* *freezes* // *looks at her holding*
S-STOP! I'm in--We need to go...
*cant walk* S-Sorry Ari...// Yeah...I'm sorry beautiful...*holds lightly* // *grabs tight*
*blushes* *picks up Aria and stuff and gets contractions* *almost drops Aria* *screams*
*runs to her* I got her. Just breathe. *helps her in* // *glares*
*cant wait* *gets in limo breathing hard*
*cant hold it at all and gets in next to Ari* // *gets in on the other side*
*crosses legs and breathes heavily*
*crosses legs and holds her hand
*squeezes it*
*mouths: OWWE* *starts going and crosses legs tighter
C-Can You Drive Faster!?!?
Just Relax...
I Can't!
Try...*crosses legs as tight as he can* *forces it in*
*holds it in tightly
*looks at Aria
*looks at her and screams*
*tells the driver
*driver keeps driving* // *looks* There's no time to wait!!
Just try!!
NO! *baby is coming
Ari Please!
NO I CANT! *baby is almost
*baby is just about
Hold It In Ari!
*baby is coming out* ITS COMING!!!
*tells him to stop then picks up Ariana And Runs out the limo*
*baby keeps coming* STEPHAN!
*hurries* Yeah?!
I'm Having My Baby!!
What?! You Can't Give Birth In My Arms!!
I-It Doesn't Matter N-Now!
*baby is basically out*
*looks at him
Tell Me It Didn't Just Come...
I-I Can't L-Lie To You..*looks at her pnts
I-I Don't Know! We Have to Catch The Limo!
*holds onto Stephan Tight
*runs to limo*
*screams* STEPHAN!
*opens door and sits her down* *grabs her suitcase*
*feels baby(s)
*picks up suitcase and tells the driver to hurry to the hotel*
*is impatient and breathes heavily
*crosses legs
*feels something and looks at him and around her
You Okay? *grabs thing
U-Uhh...*they pass hospital and at light she lets go and runs across the street*
*car almost hits her and she screams* *baby is coming* *she panicked
ARIANA!! *goes after her*
STEPHAN HELPPP!!! *tries to get around car
*starts going and can't stop* *doesnt want her to know*
*gets across then sits on curb*