I love this song (its by Billie Eilish) , it has such a great meaning, especially this one line (“I’m not you’re party favor”) 
I’m bored so tell me something interesting pls😂👌


Tap! I love this song (its by Billie Eilish) , it has such a great meaning, especially this one line (“I’m not you’re party favor”) I’m bored so tell me something interesting pls😂👌

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Something interesting? Um let’s see....
hi! I’m friends with “makethisworldyours” and she said that she’s rather that you shouldn’t use a preside for their contest
something interesting... the longest word in English is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis which is a lung disease
right 😂
omg is that a Billie Eilish lyric I see
Im just messing with. tell me the qualities that you like about her the most