I'm cute😘😘😘😘😘😘


I'm cute😘😘😘😘😘😘

6 0
you sure r. can we chat here ? my other collages are haunted by other people
plz dont tell them, i kinda like the attention and all, but I trust you that's why im telling u
oh ok
so...topics to chat about?
if I have a billion dollars what do you think I should buy
me a ring πŸ’
oh, Rebecca.
sure what else? swimming pool, golf course?
want a tong twister?
oh, sorry, then
what do you like? ruby? diamond? moonstone? turqouise?
diamond , are u serious
i like moonstones.
πŸ’Ž is too sharp, dontcha think
no that's my birth stone
why u saying sorry