Check in comments to find out how to get to sleep easier


Check in comments to find out how to get to sleep easier

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I highly recommend staying off all technology devices or electronics 2 hours before you go to bed and not play them in bed because it makes your mind think you should stay up longer and not know when to get tired. Try avoiding sleeping in, even on the weekend, because the longer you sleep in, the longer you'll be awake for, and try to stick to a 'bed time' and 'wake up' routine, by getting up and going to sleep at the same time every day. avoid drinking alcohol or any caffeinated drinks before bed because that'll keep you up for quite a while. keep your bedroom dark and quiet, the more quite and dark it is, the better you'll sleep, use a very dim light if you need to get out of bed to go to the bathroom. Look at at a fish tank or read a book before you go to bed so you can calm yourself down before you sleep.