A friend made this for me


A friend made this for me

29 21
BRIIIING ME... THE... KETCHUP!!!!! 😆 Nom Nom Nom
Hehe. silly babu.
Qué asco >~<
im awful. im a bad nugget.
Awww why would you say that bab...?
Cuz I ish.
But I'm playing sweets. I'm happy right now!! ☺️ No need to worry sweetie.
OOOHHHH THANK THE LORT I thought something was wrong. *hugs tightly* I worry about you a lot bab. But I'm glad your happy now!! Oh and I've got a three day weekend cuz Monday is Martin Luther King Jr. day! And Friday is a half day for meh!!
I do too!!!! except I get out at a normal time Friday :3. and yep!! I'm okay dokie!! *hugs yew* I worry about yew a lot too sweetheart.
Oh yay!! I'm glad Ü I have some doodles of puppy if you'd like to see! And some other doodles of some other shtuff too :3
Yeah!!! I wanna see babu's drawings!! I bet they're beautiful just like you!!