ask anyone. that's how I am 😪


ask anyone. that's how I am 😪

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he's extremely needy and it comes out absolutely adorable. he's sensitive because he cares about who he hurts. he needs attention because he feels loved when he gets it. when he's needy he becomes the most adorable boy ever. I swear. it's cute. he's always saying "love meeeee" and all I want to do right there and then is give his kisses upon kisses upon kisses and just love him forever. for eternity. his attention from me is amazing because he always wants me to hold him
and it's so cute the way he buries himself in me like he's cold and he feels safe all the sudden. sometimes I feel like I'm his home and nothing satisfies me more than the fact that I'm his home and he's mine
so if anyone sees this, yeah. he thinks he's those things in the bad way. but he's not.
baby 😪💙
yes 💙
I love you 😪💙💙
and I love you 💙
Literally just cried guys🙌😢
don't cry 😪💓
I need it once in a while I guess... but I am really happy my friends are finally happy🙂❤️
thanks 😌
I'm the same
remember this? :(