Unicorns are the best but glowing water is a stupid  person just to let you know I hate her lol- Scarlett AKA lol girl 23


Unicorns are the best but glowing water is a stupid person just to let you know I hate her lol- Scarlett AKA lol girl 23

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if you have anything mean to say keep it to yourself😡
you know what I think glowing waters is one of the most nicest pic collagers and I think you have no right to say something so mean about her without getting to know her
how do u know that u probably have NEVER met her
she hasn't done anything wrong so leave her Alone that's one of most cold comments you can say how could you!!!!!
please leave her alone, how would you like it if someone post that lolgirl23 is the most stupidest girl ever! So please leave her alone!😭
LOL this is my favourite pic
She stole my followers
how? mean
nobody can steal followers people just have different interests
this Is mean