Hopefully when I go to school I won't start gagging O.O ..... wish me luck


Hopefully when I go to school I won't start gagging O.O ..... wish me luck

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Start where we left off?
Amelia begins to shop and in no time is loaded down with a ton of bags.
Paul: Patryck can you get off my back for the last time! Patryck: nope hehehe
Leila sighs as Amelia heads for another store.
Paul: *throws Patryck off back* Ha! Patryck: OOF!
Leila wonders if she should follow Amelia stop her from going broke or stay with the boys to make sure Paul's back doesn't get broken.
Patryck: he thinks to himself and gets up and runs in a store window "I WANNA DUCK".
" Are you okay?!" Leila ask worriedly .
"A duck?" Amelia ask.
Paul: faceplams and sighs "like boss says to tom but instead it's Patryck stupid classic Patryck"
"Maybe we should leave..." Leila says to Paul.
"Then we shall find you a duck!" Amelia exclaims.
Paul: "well if we have to ok" he grabs Patryck by the shirt "come on Patryck"
Patryck: "YAY A DUCK"
Amelia runs ahead stopping every now and then to look at odd things.
Patryck: slaps Paul's hand and runs into pet store "DO YOU HAVE ANY DUCKS!?"
Paul: "OW!"
Amelia follows them into the store. "Patryck calm it!"
Patryck: "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU HAVE NU DUCKS" he gets up on the table screaming
Paul: "O.O"
Amelia gasp and grabs onto him.
" Patryck please get down."
Leila heads out of the store with her head down.
Paul: he grabs Patryck by his leg
" Who wants to go to the lake?" Amelia ask eagerly.
She heads out the door without waiting for an answer.
Patryck: bends down cause his leg was his weakness "ACK RAPE!"
Paul: "WHAT?!" he blushes
Paul: "oh sure"
Amelia turns around slowly, " What did he say?!"
Patryck: "is that we're the ducks are?"
((I gtg))
Amelia nods. " Let's go catch a duck boys!"
Matt: hi