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By the angel.....I watched the first episode of the new Shadowhunters TV series. They were putting it on at 7 on Netflix so at 6:30 I sat in front of the clock and waited for it to be 6:57 and I waited and waited and waited and then it was 7 and I had a fangirl attack and I rushed to the TV and put Netflix up and I searched it and my brother was like "ha, ha! It's not here!" And I was like "IT HAS TO BE HERE!!!" But I searched it and I found it and then I screamed. I took the word 'fangirl' to a whole new level. My mum thought something was wrong so she came and was like "what happened?" And I was like "THE SHADOWHUNTERS FIRST EP IS UP!!!" And I kept screaming and screaming and screaming until she told me to shut up and then I watched it and started to cry. I really did. It was so amazingM and I'm so glad that we got a second chance at it! But, I still prefer the movie cast. Either way, I'm happy that they made a show!!! Can't wait for the next episode! So everyone knows that it takes a while to get the hang of things, I mean the first EP...I thought it was amazing, but obviously the next few eps will get better, because they will know how things work and in most of a new series the first few episodes are a little dodgy but I still liked it! Tell me your thoughts on the first EP! 🙊💕➰➰➰😂😂😂➰➰➰➰😂😂😂➰➰➰😂😂😂➰➰➰😂😂➰➰➰
woah that was long.
🐵🐵😂 i think im gonna post poetry then 🙊💕
you're obsessed with Shadowhunters 😂 should i watch it?
okay then. what books are in the series? (idk anything lol)
I didn't see it 😂😂Alice said she downloaded it
love this! so sad that OUAT doesn't come back till march though 😢
its_a_book_thing, pushing the limits of fangirl since (confiscated information, nothing to see here!)