Collage by Smi-Ly


1 128
ok this is just kinda rude. it's not there fault. maybe u have an old phone or something don't blame it on them. my search works fine so shhhh
Rude haterπŸ˜‘πŸ‘Ž
your such a rude hater!!!πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ this is my opinion, too bad if u get mad ok? the truth hurts honey..
I don't like people like you guys...calling someone a hater for stating an opinion? what has this world come to! ugh...if u don't like it, DONT COMMENT!!!!!!!
and don't tell me to "shh" it's the truth. If you are too young to handle the truth, then I recommend you don't even comment and just scroll by😊