Red isn’t even my favourite colour💀


Red isn’t even my favourite colour💀

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hi i’m ryan
aye I‘m dean.
im nat , lovely to meet you
aw pretty name, I’m Maci():
it‘s a pleasure to meet you. how are you feeling?
hey lovely I’m nirvana xx
I love your name ! — I’m good hbu ?
there‘s no need to thank me for that. same here, I‘m good but extremely tired. what are you up to?
that‘s not lame at all, add studying and you got my daily life aha. what is your favorite show? well you should watch the end of the fūcking world in case you haven‘t already watched it.
oh okay — but your stunning
ugh you sure do spend a lot of time on Netflix aha well, is watching a great movie an option?
aw, you‘ve got a daughter? how old is she?
how cute :) what‘s her name?
nice to meet you, I’m nash
gorgeous name, well you made a good decision there :)
well I don‘t have any opinion concerning abortions because it‘s always the girls decision and the girls decision only
well as long as you‘re feeling good now and not regretting your decision everything is perfect :)
I’m doin just fine, what’re you up to
kids are great and I‘m happy that you‘re such a strong and independent mom :)
just being honest, there‘s really no need to thank me at all
well thank you, that‘s extremely sweet of you.
eh I‘ve got a golden retriever, I enjoy listening to music and doing sports and I‘m a cliché white boy. that‘s basically everything :)
hey what’s up
is that your daughter in the picture? I’m abt to make myself some food
just chilling :P
her name‘s hope, just stalk my remixes — you can see her there :,)
aha well it‘s nothing special, you‘ll see the picture right away.
nah you definitely can‘t, I love her to death and she‘s mine and mine only :) sorry for being selfish
hm she is :)
I‘m fluent in French so yeah, I could definitely pronounce that
aha that‘s indeed very funny
sooo English is your second language and French your first language?
aw that‘s great. I‘m quite good at speaking French sO if you want to switch languages ... I‘d definitely take the challenge
not really that hard but I guess you just have to get used to it aha.
I understand every single thing aha doing my a-levels in French — don‘t go to easy on me. Ah c‘est aussi vraiment intéressant, j'habite en Angleterre.
j'ai commencé de parler français en concernant l'école, environ 7 ans.
je comprends tous ce que tu did
Anglais est entirement facil, je crois qu'il y a des régles qui sonst surtout facil à comprendre.
Français est dur, en regardant le vocabulaire
yeah that‘s definitely fine.
oui, mais je suis complètement têtu quand on discute quelque chose
nah I don‘t think so aha :)
ayy feel free to show me
awe how cute is she ... well you should definitely proud of that bundle of joy you brought into this world ;)
ah she’s cute
well he can‘t be too bad
I‘m sorry for your loss. I truly am.
hm I know that you have and I‘m incredibly proud of you already even though I just met you today. I‘m extremely childish compared to you and couldn‘t imagine raising a child right now
am I? holy that‘s quite embarrassing for me. I‘m totally irresponsible and stūpid lmāo
woah happy belated birthday, love. you‘re quite young if I‘m allowed to say so
I‘m not but thanks for the compliment, I‘m trying my very best aha :)
eh well I wouldn’t consider myself as good at choosing photos but I‘ll try my best :)
the full body shot is also quite cool
okay okay gooooood :)
same here. I always ask my oldest and best friend on here when it comes to choosing profile pictures
haha relatable
yeah well you‘ll quickly get addicted to it and can‘t seem to leave. trust me.
same here.
promised a few of my friends that I won‘t leave without saying a single word.
ugh I‘m bad at remixing a lot of people at the same time, I usually just end up getting lost. I could comment on one of your remixes and we‘ll just do something in the comments? does that sound like an idea to you if you get what I‘m saying?
hm pc sometimes pīsses me off
let‘s just do something tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, I‘m confused as well right now and way too tired aha, sorry ):
ah it‘s not that confusing at all, I‘ll explain it to you at another time, but not today
aha la prononciation de 'pic collage' est très drôle en français.
I‘m sure there are tons of misspellings but hey, I‘m tired — hope that works as an excuse
naviguer en concernant les réseaux sociaux, je suis fatigue
ouais merci
les accents sont toujours irritant par un home anglais
peut-être, je suis désolé en regardant tout ça
merci beaucoup X
aww, what’s your full name?
Thankss, what’re you up to??
aye. how are you feeling today? :)
aw. what time is it there?
that’s absolutely gorgeous, I wish I had a name like that
ah Canada sounds pretty exciting. never been there before, is it worth going?
oo yea, do you speak French?
oh wow, I wish I could speak French. that’s honestly impressive 😪
I don’t know, it just seems like a hard language to learn for me
yea that meant why is that, right?
Haha I know that feeling. Just got home from school and I’m now listening to some music
just some cardi b :) what music are you into?
Hey lovely 💛
hey, I’m bryce
hey gorg