No peeking please 😉


No peeking please 😉

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hey hey hey!
that top one makes me think of Sonic And The Secret Rings
have you seen the sonic movie before? I think it’s rlly cool 😎
I’ve seen it like 100 times lol
and yes it’s awesome
what grade r u in? I’m in 8th
I’m also in eighth grade, my family just moved from Canada to Oregon, and in Canada eight grade is the first year in high school and apparently I’m still in middle school in Oregon lol I’m still trying to get used to it xD
I live in tillamook now :)
what state do u live in?
lol that’s funny
I live in Oregon too. I’m in Cornelius
I legit just moved from Gresham, bc my dad owns a food truck out in forest grove with his best friend
hey sonic! I’m sorry that I haven’t talked to you for a while, I have a dog, and I just found out that he has cancer, and the doctor says that he’s gonna die soon 😭
oh no! super sorry, buddy!
there’s always other dogs to get too, and you’ll see him again someday😉
and sorry I didn’t comment sooner, I completely forgot we were chatting😝but I remembered
thanks you always know the right things to say 😊 and it’s totally fine ;) 👍
you’re welcome😌
u wanna see something embarrassing that @urlocalmaniac made me?
lol sure but I don’t wanna tell the person that it’s embarrassing tho is all
lol ur fine
I mean, you kinda seem like a person that wouldn’t crush on an animated character lol
….although… he is kinda cute xD
so I’m with ya buddy lol
oh no, I gotta talk to u later, I gtg my dog needs to go to the hospital please pray!
I will!
I normally wouldn’t crush on animated characters like this, but he is cute isn’t he?
everything will be ok, buddy!
hey sonic, my dog had to be put down, but no more suffering i guess 😭😖😔
that’s sad
he’s in Heaven, waiting for u
you’ll see him again someday😉
if u ever wanna talk about it, just say so and I’ll be there to listen
and he’s happier than ever rn! he’s a puppy again in heaven!
thx, I’ve had him since i was born my dad picked him out when he and my mom found out that they where gonna have me. he was a sweet German shepherd named Bo-Bo (I named him bo Bo lol) you would’ve liked him ❤️
r u Christian btw? I’m a Christian hehe
yeah I’m Christian!
one last comment about ur dog; he pushed on thru until the battle of cancer was won. cancer may have gotten the best of him, but he’s living the best life he can possibly have in Heaven!
yeah, he was my best friend, but I’m glad that gets to be with Jesus in heaven and maybe eat as many dog treats as he wants, and gets to run around in all of that space lol
(and go stop talking about a kinda sad subject lol) do you have any pets? :D
lol yes he is!!
sorry for not responding sooner
I do have pets! 3 Cavapoos!
and @_a_bored_teen_2021 is a catfish, plz block them. their real acc is @miraculous_ladybuf011
well I guess u could block @miraculous_ladybug011 too lol
hey! Srry I haven’t responded, I got my phone taken away because was accidentally on it for like half a night talking to one of my friends xD like she didn’t stop talking lol
but I am back, and thanks for the heads up! I’ll block em if u say so
oh! and btw, I got a new puppy!
it’s a girl, and she’s a long haired Weiner dog and I named her Lilly she’s brown and white
my dad got her for me last night, as a surprise and she’s just the cutest little thing! XD 😍😍😍😍😍
I’ll take a pic so that u can see
ur fine, that’s happened to me too😂
ok, ty. i feel better that u won’t be manipulated or treated unfairly by them
IKKKKKK!!!! she’s just the sweetest little thang ive ever seeeeennnn!! 😍😍😍
her name actually came as lilly, but I was thinking of changing to something like valentine
but Lilly is cute too lol
do u have any pups?
i do, I’ve got 3 of em😆they’re all adults tho, we just call em puppies
hey, nice icon! i wonder who made it…
lol 😂 I wonder who…
are they boys or girls? ❤️
lol me too
they’re all girls
i would show ya pics but they don’t give a heck for pics (plus they won’t stay still long enough)
hey, u wanna collab while we’re here? i can show ya how if u want
sure! that’d be cool 😎 and pls show me how lol
(and not to automatically get off topic xD) but my dad says that my family might have to move again, because he just got offered a promotion, and he says that it offers a lot of money
but he’s still thinking if he wants to take it or not
lol ok
oh that’s fine, I’m always impulsive anyways😜
oh no! don’t move away from meeeeee
does he know where you’d have to move to if he takes the promotion??
hold on, let me ask him…
he said in Albuquerque
Ik i don’t wanna move either! but my family isn’t exactly rich the richest family, but it could give my family a lot of money
he sells houses, and he would get to sell villas (and if u didn’t know villas are worth a lot of money)
oh ok, I’m not exactly the richest family either. so I getcha
if I were u I wouldn’t wanna move either! especially since we live close to each other!!
but hey, that’s the advantage of ur dad getting a promotion: MORE MONEY! that’s what y’all need most!
i forgot to tell ya earlier, but I’ve got more posts up if u wanna come see
thanks for the encouragement, you words really help 😊
and I will go check out and like all of your posts rn lol 😂
and if I start getting allowance, I think I’ll donate half of it to shelters what do ya think? :D
or is that not enough…
should I do like 3/4 of it???
or maybe all of it…
no sweat!
thanks for the spam😂
that’s a great idea! or if u do 10% of it, that’d be good too
or there’s this thing called Save, Give, Spend. it’s where you take three envelopes for money.
whatcha do with those three envelopes is u basically divide ur money into thirds.
u put some in the Save envelope, some into the Give envelope(in this case the Give envelope would be for the shelters) and then u put the remaining money into the Spend envelope
make sense?
oh sorry I spammed u 😂
it makes sense, maybe I’ll do that
oh no ur fine, 𝕚𝕥 𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕡𝕖𝕟𝕤 𝕒𝕝𝕝 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕥𝕚𝕞𝕖 𝔩𝔬𝔩
oh and my dad said that he wants to take the job, so we’re gonna have an open house for selling our house in like 2 weeks
oh boy
well that’s a huge milestone for ya
how long before u move, do u think?
i really don’t know, just when the house sells i guess
(sorry for the late response I got rly busy)
and yeah, that’s probably what’s gonna happen
happy thanksgiving buddy!
AND WHAAAATT??!?!?!?!?!
same to u!