So today I hit a kid,who just got staples taken out of his head,on the head pretty hard bc he made fun of HP,but I forgot that he got staples taken out,so he started crying,and then I felt bad because he could get internal bleeding(comments)


Tap So today I hit a kid,who just got staples taken out of his head,on the head pretty hard bc he made fun of HP,but I forgot that he got staples taken out,so he started crying,and then I felt bad because he could get internal bleeding(comments)

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so I gave him a piece of gum and then he stops crying,but I still feel REALLY bad that I hit him,so I hope I don't get in trouble,but it wasn't THAT hard,it was just a little harder than a pat
don't worry. I'm sure u won't get in trouble-😉
you like all genders I think
the difference is you're attracted to transgenders and no genders too