


18 32
thank youu x im guessing you live somewhere near london because it’s 2pm there ahah
I’ve got noo idea where that is:,)
spot on yeah I do:)
definitelyy, but the weather has some major mood swings. what’s about essex?
hello i'm lexi (:
I don’t mind rain :)
ahh i live near surfers paradise so it’s always like pretty nice weather
it’s niceee , it’s why I started surfing:,) need to take advantage of some stuff ya know.
sir you’ve missed all the buttons on your shirt hehe
silly silly hehe
got that right:,)
i can tell mann
dogsss , what about you ?
nice uhm, watch hehe
collies for sureeee , yours ?
hey wes (,: im zaleyah ♡
i don’t really like themmmMm
I’m not a fan of poodles
it’s 2 am , im not playing.
awh, thank you love ♡ how’s your day going?
you and bloss are having s couple fight how cUtee
1 + 1 = window.
i think I’m thinking fineee
hehe of course because I’m totally innocent, what else would I be looking at ? :)
don’t underestimate bloss.
buuuuudddddyyyyy you & bloss should d a t e
same here actually (: and i just remembered its New Years eve, wow
just a thought ^
nothing 😁🖤
hehe sir you better cover up your stomach or you’ll get cold :0
mm, i actually have no plans ; yourself? (:
m yes , but you guys be cuute.
^^^ d a t e
hmm, maybe we should do something then? (:
mM well what’s up my dude ?
nothin entertaining
those are nice hands siR
that’s debatable.
hEy i’m alice
im kiddinggg
how are you?
yEah bc it was so funny.
i’m okay.
big hands 🖤
mm, sure
i feel your pain.
i need food. get me food :,))
how are youu? :-)
that’s cute heh
i’m fine
i’m doing good too:)
I like your last name —actually forget that I love it:) how are you I'm jaden
yeah :/ anyway how’s your day been?
im good, you?
aw im sorry bud x
thank you love, you too x
geez good question—i have absolutely no clue—
and happy new year to you too:))
hey i’m eve :)
hey, im stasi :) excuse me, you forgot to button up your shirt
mm, you sure did ; im not complaining though (,:
why thank you mr wes ♡
I’m actually doing well, thanks for asking ♡ how are you handsome?
sure ♡
hey, i’m phoenix. it’s nice to meet you :)
hello ♡
what's upp
hello wes♡
hello! ♡
how are you?