Collage by You_are_a_hero


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hey you alright? is this just a collage or are you experiencing troubles?
hey it's nothing. wanna talk about it?
I see. I completely understand about the baby situation. I'm the eldest out of 5 😂🙌🏼. plus dad doesn't get home till 6:30 and my mum is pregnant again so I have to help out a lot with the kids and stuff at home as well. I know it can be hard trying to meet the expectations of your friends, your parents, your teachers and yourself all at the same time. you may feel overwhelmed and that's okay, we all get overwhelmed by situations, and you may get irritable or grumpy and it's okay to feel that way, what's just not okay is taking it out on people. not trying to say that you will, but just saying it. a new baby can be pretty stressful. and If your mum is asking you to help out a lot more, she's most likely feeling a bit overwhelmed as well. remember: you can only do what you can
and I'm sorry about your friend I don't know what's she's going through or what the two of you are going through with your relationship, but I hope everything turns out well and that you to can become really close again
it's all good I'm glad if I could help even a little