Hiiiii xox


Hiiiii xox

17 0
I hope you know faking identity is not okay. :) You are not the real Kylie Jenner because these pictures are from the internet. To prove you are real, post a picture of you with a sticky note on your forehead. the sticky note has to have a picture of an apple on it
"please don't think I am fake because I'm not." That just provokes the thought that you are fake so yeah :)
??? one of your pictures are collectable which means you searched for it ??? not believing you so far sorry :(
@GatheringBlue :)
saw your pic online obviously fake :(
uhhh..... don't know what to say 😢😯
if I want to prove it hold a sine said on it I love pic collage and everyone will believe
I mean if you
prove it?
you guys stop being mean omg
Kylie doesn't have time to make a pic collage and sit around all day she has a business to run Kylie cosmetics
I love her and you πŸ‘β€οΈοΈπŸ‘β€οΈοΈπŸ‘β€οΈοΈ