I worked hard on them .3.


I worked hard on them .3.

16 1
*looks down*
Are you online?
I'm happy now!Just to let you know and Allie....she got a knife to the head but...she's okay....I think... Allie-*stumbles backward*I-I'm fine...*bloods dripping down her face*
Thomas! Your insane!
Allie-I w-was helping ash...and JJ with D-darkstars d-dark side....
I was talking to despair and I saw your comment....WHY U NO LIKE YOAI
Allie-S-she threw a dagger at me....
What about Yuri?
I-I don't even understand you anymore.....HOW DO YOU LIBE BOOOOOIIIII
Me-I think she stuffing from blood loss... Allie-I'm fine!*falls back*
Ewwwwwww coke?! Thomas......your just-just...ew....
Me-Well you figure it put shurlock* walks away*
Oh...okay..*devilish grin*
Heh keep James away it's gonna creep him out.....
Okay but as soon as I get done saying this ship your gonna run....run like the wind.....MWHEHEHEHHEHEHEHEHEH
Give me 10-20 minutes and I'll be back with magic
*holds knife to your throat*Listen pal in this class there is not eye covering or you get a punishment....got it
Yay! Now I need about eh...20 more minutes...so stare at these picture or...look at yaoi pics on the internet....