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I live in MN and it’s rly hard rn:(
I diddnt it deleted the other day and won’t let me repost it🥺 maybe someone reported it
Sorry. I didn’t mean too upset you
ikr -.-
I just decided to ignore them lol
sorry that was from love whispers / aesthetic pride
but i will delete it thank you for keeping my gaurd up i understand this ia not an aesthetic i was trying to support a pc user but i wont make. excuses
tad we all matter there's this one person that only cares for blacks
and commented on my page proving that ugh
? your welcome?
oh sorry
after a year of being kept in the dungeon they’re back 😸
I didn’t make that
caite did
she was holding a giveaway lol
I Walked halfway up the aisle and came back at church
idk why walked was capitalized
awe thank you, that’s so sweet💗🥺
hehe your welcome you deserve it 💜💜💜
tysmmm and YES PRESCH BRO
I put text, blurred it, and put the same text on top of it! sry that’s kinda confusing, lmk if I can send pictures or something
honestly- she really is!!🥺🤧