Tap here!
I don't want u to feel like I'm forcing u, but I've never had a shout out. People have said they will but never do. So if u give me a shout out I'll give u a
🍉 free optional icon
🍒 shout out 
🍍 spam 
🍓 follow (unless I already do)
🍇 my PC BFF fo


Tap here! I don't want u to feel like I'm forcing u, but I've never had a shout out. People have said they will but never do. So if u give me a shout out I'll give u a 🍉 free optional icon 🍒 shout out 🍍 spam 🍓 follow (unless I already do) 🍇 my PC BFF fo

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I have you a shoutout in the comment and caption of my latest collage! I don't want the icon to the bestie request (since its temporary, I only want real friends) but it's in the caption and comment! I also don't need the icon either. 😊💜
**gave you