


19 1
wow you guys don't have a lot of followers
we started a new one we r the_burg_family4
oh ok πŸ˜€
so hru, sorry I'm bored
me to
is this my gf Hailey ?
hey Brady~zizi
hey baby
who is asking me that
and zizi is on too
what's wrong ??
u broke up with me
this b** told me I left forever😑
but I wouldn't leave u
sorry I didn't know u were gonna come back
oh so do u love ur wife or ur gf
I love you
break up with her then
I am RN baby it's that f*** b*** se told me that u were never coming back
I was gonna
I changed a little
I am so sorry for all this
it's ok babe
post something of me and u plz
what do u mean u changed a lil what happened
shut up Jakob u f**** a*** hole stop calling me names
I got gauges
why did u f*** lie to me
babe calm down
hugs u tight
no I'm not gonna calm down
babe I want a hug
*goes out the door*
goes after him babe come here plz
*looks down*
babe I need u
*looks at u *i feel like a f** jerk
come here plz
*walks closer to u and still looking down
hugs him tight
*tears up a lil*
babe *kisses him* I'm fine the boys r fine and ur fine
no I'm not she is right I'm a ****hole
no ur not plz stop
but babe I gtg love u
no I am
I'll be on later
Brady I'm so sorry
I'm so sorry Brady I'm a b**
who said that
baby u r not a b** ur my beautiful girl and I love u with all my heart
me 2
hugs u th
*cries *did u read the other comments that I wrote ?
no baby but I don't want to all I want to do right now is hold u in my arms
kisses her
*looks down *im sorry for what I did I'm so stupid
baby it's ok
so ur not mad at me ?
no baby
I love u
I-I love u too
u sure
*kisses u*
ok I love u bab
me 2
kisses u
*kisses u back *
yes baby?
makes out with u
babe cries
I miss u
me 2
ily 2 *hugs u tight
baby I will be on later ok Brb
where Jakob
Hailey misses him
he went to go get stuff and I'm gonna go take a shower I'll brb
wanna join 😜
hey baby Hailey wants ur ##
I don't have a # on my phone I just have PC insta and other apps
do u have vine
cole says he gonna buy me a new phone cuz This one is messed up
oh ok do u have a vine baby
no I'm not allowed to have vine
sorry babe
baby u there?
ok *smiles*
kisses him
baby where is Jakob
here's haileys email
text her plz
ok I will try
ok thx
did u do it
no not yet I don't have my phone it's with Jakob and Jakob not here
where is he
night baby
tell Jakob Hailey said night
ok babe goodnight
hey baby I want u to f*** me
*lays down with my legs open*
is this Jakob
is this Brady?
f***me babe
um maybe u should date that other guy if u want I love u
but I want to date u too
it's just gonna hurt me even more
how do u think I feel RN 😭😭😭😭
hugs u tight
*hugs u back*
who do u want
oh ok
u actually
picks u up
and spins
*kisses u hard*
I love u
I love u too
let me play with u
baby it's 5am here I gtg sleep
ok baby I can stay a lil longer
oh πŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ˜”
I can stay
put u on my bed
I wanna play
*lays down*
*lays down*
remix the collage
goes harder
moans louder
goes so hard I make u bleed and get u pregnant
*moans very loud*
baby I think u pregnant
let me check
*goes and checks*
are u
yes babe I am
I'm so happy
me 2 babe
baby Hailey misses Jakob
lie and fake
hey babe