Rest In Peace Lil peep


Rest In Peace Lil peep

21 0
please tell me what you meant
I wanna know why you said sad
it’s bc you’re the only one single?
oof hmmmmm
missing someone?
like r u missing a relative or sumthin
I feel like someone will change that at some point in your life
oh.... I’m really sorry... what is wrong with Mexico I mean I love most things there but so much hurting ppl I don’t like it😣
have you eaten?
🤭🤭🤭omg I’m sosososososososososososo sorry abt that!...
tell me more if you want you don’t need to if you don’t wanna I’m here to help💙
that’s good then😊
when you can you should come to Maine 😂
eaten yes but I want to starve myself at times so I do that I feel bad for eating one bc other ppl need it mor and two bc I just feel fat no matter what even if I’m actually really skinny I’ll feel fat
that’s where I really wanna go😂
I’m always here to talk just like I told Justin and Jason dont ever be afraid to talk to me even if it’s personal
yeah😂I’ve always dreamt going there
I gotta too but too stubborn gn tommy I’ll talk to you later😊
I’ve been good hbu?
yay that’s good
why did you give me a email
srry was at a party