Too true. Am I the only one who fells like this?


Too true. Am I the only one who fells like this?

259 3
no this happens to me also
it happens to me too
omg same
this is so true
this happens all the time .. I feel you lol
this happens to me all the time
same *gives virtual hug*
this happens to me as well. I'm here if you need to talk
oh hey. this is my family
Yep. I was wearing my Dipper hat, and my dad made fun of it. On the outside, I was like "Oh haha!" but on the inside I was like "OMG WHYYYY YOU JUST INSULTED MY HAT WHY DON'T YOU LIKE ANYTHING I LOVE?!"
same omg
I feel like I should be singing "Story of My Life" right now
you aren't
yes I love this anime that's called fairytail and I fan girl over it and everyone teases meh
.-. yes
I feel the same way