I don't want to cause a problem I just want to know my followers beliefs. So if you support Hillary comment "Maddie." If you support trump comment "Chloe." I want to know who you support!


I don't want to cause a problem I just want to know my followers beliefs. So if you support Hillary comment "Maddie." If you support trump comment "Chloe." I want to know who you support!

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Someone left my role play and I have an open spot so if you want to be Jojo just tell me and you can be in it
really neither but I guess Chloe
Please Do your assignments as pyramid is supposed to go up today and you will get a strike❌
well I prefer Maddie😬
bye..so people may think I'm doing this for attention but in boy I've been left out and what not so bye~Abigail
i dont support either, i think they were both bad candidates. but if i has to choose, maddie
I dont like either but Hilliarys better
Maddie (Emma)
Pyramid is up! I excused you this week as I was told you were busy but you have been excused twice now. one more time and I have to give you a strike❌💜
Assignments are also up now!