Also guys I've got a joint acc with Aldccutie called @likemylastpost-dm. Please check comments for the comment that says. "My joint. Click on icon!πŸ’–"


Also guys I've got a joint acc with Aldccutie called @likemylastpost-dm. Please check comments for the comment that says. "My joint. Click on icon!πŸ’–"

41 1
Ok bestie!
Di you want to be Chloe or Paige
I know right! I think that Jill isn't very good with parenting. at least not with how they portray her on the show.
dancemomz4life or dancemomsosbae
and thx so much for the lovely comment! ur beautiful, amazeing and so kind! UR MY BESTIE FOR LIFE! i really really hope we meet each other! but i live in Australia which isnt very likely place for u to go! but im going to london soon but idk if u live there, from memory i think u live in america! i luv uaβ€οΈπŸ’œπŸ˜
hi it's Jalyn I'm so sorry I didn't pick you so I'll ask Kenz and if she said its full then I will make you an icon