☝🏻️ I knew I was fat I'm not gonna eat anymore for a while and I'm gonna try and loose weight😭


☝🏻️ I knew I was fat I'm not gonna eat anymore for a while and I'm gonna try and loose weight😭

22 1
noooo don't stop eating! just try and eat healthy if u wanna lose weight!
u ARE the perfect size! you are so perfect just the way you are! don't you understand?!? I never have eaten much, not to lose weight but i just never did, and now I regret, A TON. a five year old can pick me up and it hurts to lay on the couch cause my shoulders are so boney....... don't stop eating, it may seem like a good idea now but once your boney and thin it takes even years to get back........ trust me I'm so boney it hurts
I've stopped eating anyways as it is
it does not matter if you are fat or not you are still good the way your are 😀