Who are y'all rooting for tonight? Broncos or Panthers? (I'm a die hard Broncos fan)


Who are y'all rooting for tonight? Broncos or Panthers? (I'm a die hard Broncos fan)

144 19
I honestly don't care but probably Broncos. I'm new to the Carolinas and I don't really root for their teams. YANKEE ALL THE WAY! 😱😂
I don't like football.... (please don't hate me senpai)
I'm saying the Panthers
PANTHERS!!! I live in Carolina sooo yeah😂
I honestly don't care😂. I only follow college football 😂
i dont care really but im hoping broncos bcuz my pastor will be megapîssed if they don't win
im really only watching the super bowl for Coldplay 💚 MY SMOL BEANS ARE PLAYING AT HALFTIME