{12/28/18} this has been the first time in a while that I have been really proud of a collage I’ve made :) 
I think being inspired by people who are changing the world for the better helped me be inspired too. This collage is Emma Watson’s powerful words.


{12/28/18} this has been the first time in a while that I have been really proud of a collage I’ve made :) I think being inspired by people who are changing the world for the better helped me be inspired too. This collage is Emma Watson’s powerful words.

80 0
this is so pretty!!
thank you!!!
Amazing! I love this speech I even did a report on it!
Do you dance ballet?? BTW love this collage!!💕💕
this is gorgeous!!! no wonder you love it!! ♥️👌
YES! I believe in it so much and I blow up at anyone who says feminism is man hating
This is amazing💖
re//: on the drawing thing, I'm making a second acc in January and I might post some drawings on there!😊
OMG I do ballet too, are you in point?!💛💛
I love this so much💕 and thank u! ur very sweet💗
and so is this😍
aw thank you
I love your style
I love your styleee😍
also it would mean the world to me if you could check out my account it’s sort of like a blog❤️ (you don’t have to if you don’t want to😂❤️)
love this! and aw thank you 🥰 many people seem to like it so my confidence for it has grown 🙃 💕
No not this year, are you?
thanks for the spam❤️❤️
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💖love this💖