I must approve all groups before you enter!


I must approve all groups before you enter!

30 13
go accio_firebolt and krazyk_1234
thanks hermionejeaneverdean!
Out of curiosity, what happens if no one wants to ally with you?
Ok thanks.πŸ˜„
I need an ally!!!! HELP!!!
me and my sister _-KatnissPotter-_
is that ok πŸ‘Œ
with -PotterEverdeen-. I will do words, she will do background.
will you give us both the same score or different?
accio_firebolt (me) and FANDOM-CAT are in s group!
I need an ally PLEASE! 😱 If you wanna be my ally pls comment on ny latest collage im good with words πŸ˜ƒ
ok thanks!
me and Newt-The-Glue if that is okayπŸ‘πŸ»πŸ˜„πŸ˜Š
yep My_TV_Screen is my ally
I (accio_firebolt) am doing the background and FANDOM-CAT is doing the text.
I don't have an ally so kinda panicking here
yes we be
I don't have an ally...πŸ˜₯ Idk any more ppl to ask. I sorta forgot most of the tributes.
yeah team Gale! he tries so hard to her! and thay have so much in common!
to *get her
to we get an advantage for being first?
yup! I'm with Lyddiebug
me and wiselittleowl
I did everything, but since Maze_Runner_Imagines technically didn't do anything, will they have a chance to enter solo? Just a question. Not trying to run your games.
For Queen_OTM and my collage, I did the background and she did the wording
I also did the two circles on the collage as well as the text. ( accio_firebolt did the background)
I did background and newt did the textπŸ˜„πŸ˜Š