let’s just pause and think for a moment. ✨


let’s just pause and think for a moment. ✨

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i've had lots of mood swings lately...?
thank you!!!
I’m doing good hbu?
to answer your question i'm obviously super happy rn but lately i've been feeling really odd. i've been missing all my friends from school so i've been in a weird mood i guess.
I’m just tired and annoyed of summer sometimes, I find my phone just boring and just want to throw it across the room. I miss my friends dearly and I’m hoping to see them next week. The only thing that keeps me alright is music 🌸
Mood swings here and there, I just get annoyed at the my siblings so easily which I really hate but it’s something I can’t control, I’m honestly trying.😪 I’ve been insecure about myself lately and I’m just ready to give up sometimes.
I’m good. tired though. 😑 my summer has been amazing! 😊
I’m not good.. my anxiety is at an all time high. I’m unhappy, I’m hurting, I’m tired, sad, and angry. I just want to give up. I don’t want to hurt anymore. I don’t want to be unhappy anymore. I put on a fake smile everyday for my family so that they are happy. (I could tell you the story behind all this but it would take a long time)
I honestly don’t know. I feel like there’s a lot more to do with my life, but instead I do the same thing every single day...I wake up, I lay on my phone for far to long, I eat breakfast, I clean, I practice piano, I either draw/write/ or do archery, I go to Martial Arts or Piano, I come home and watch TV, and then I go to sleep. That’s basically my entire day, but I’m not bored...I just feel like I’m wasting my time, but then again, what would I do?
I’m okay, hanging in there. Ice been having a lot of anxiety lately because I have to get shots tomorrow. I’m not scared of needles it’s just I guess I’m afraid of the pain...? I’m actually not entirely sure what I’m afraid of about it. I’m trying not to think about it to much but i find myself thinking about it when I get in bed. I know it’s not good to think I’m bad things before you sleep, but that’s my time to cry and let out emotions from the day and past days. I’m sorry I just told you all of these things but it helps me to tell people I’ve never even met all of my worries and troubles. it’s nice to know that someone cares. ok I need to stop talking
^to think about bad things
also do you ever feel tired but you don’t know how to fix it? also how are you?❤️
My parents are fighting... again. I honestly don’t know what to do. Other than that, I’m doing well. I have summer school every other week so it’s kind of good. Don’t tell anyone but I actually like the school. XD
I’m fine, how are you?
life has been a drag. for the past three years, it feels like it has been getting worse. idk, i don’t feel happy anymore, no matter what i do, the feeling fades away. the things that used to bring me joy don’t anymore. I can’t fix myself. and there’s so much more to it. my conflicting thoughts, my inability to interact and communicate, the relationships I can’t hold. I’ve lost control of who I am and who I want to be, what I want to do and how I want to go about it. i don’t know what’s wrong with me, but i don’t want to feel like this anymore. but yet again I don’t try to fix it. I feel so alone and i guess that’s my fault because I push myself away, I push others away to the point that I make myself invisible. i overthink and I get stressed and depressed and anxious when nothing ever really happens. so to answer your question, I’m not okay. I can’t cope anymore, but that doesn’t mean I’ll give up. I’ve never had the ability to say these things to anyone. That’s because I’m so independent, i hold everything in and i tell myself I will handle it when in reality it’s not true. thank you for listening, I really needed this. if you have anything to say about how you feel, then I’m here to listen as well. I’m very good at that, but sometimes we all need a break. something that we should all think about before we bully ourselves into thinking that it’s over. “there are no ends, just grays and half-lives, it’s all right”
I’m pretty good actually, this is my last week of school and I’m changing schools after. I really don’t want to leave my friends, I’m kinda attracted to this guy (one of my closest friend) and I feel like he has a crush on me but I’ll probably never see him again so I don’t really know what to do, I don’t wanna confess my feelings and end up making it awkward between us. But I’m feeling really good, I’ve never been so confident and just comfortable in my own skin since I started high school (it’s different in my country btw). I hope everyone’s having a good time, and if you’re going through rough times just keep in mind that nothing lasts forever and give yourself an opportunity to enjoy the little things in life and be happy. Sending love to everyone.
Honestly, I'm pretty good most of the time. but every 3-4 days I'll just cry for no reason. And my current mood is just fine. I'm never really genuinely happy. Like, I'll laugh hysterically, and then go back to feeling...empty, just fine. I stopped doing sports about a year ago, and barely have any friends, while my brother is a really good football player, and has friends over every single day. my parents are always like "oh you isolate yourself" "anti-social" "lazy, you need to do something". even though I have all advanced classes, and make writings. I just feel like I'm not good enough, and I haven't felt genuinely happy for a while, just fine. I just wanna pause from life, go somewhere where I don't need to talk to anyone, just dissapear. I'm stuck, I don't want to live, but I'm too afraid to die. I just feel like my life is going nowhere. And socializing is really tiring. and on bad days I just cry, and I know this is really bad, but I'm starting to feel like God doesn't exist and there is no meaning to life, and I'm a failure. and sometimes I think to myself (on my bad days), maybe I'm not depressed, maybe I'm just a lazy antisocial failure. I just want my parents to except me. I don't have motivation, and I'm just fine. I'm constantly stressed, even though it's summer and I've gotten over with my summer reading. I've never truly been happy in a long time, ok and fine, but not happy. I have a good family life, shelter, everything. and I truly believe my parents would just say I don't try enough if I tell them, and I'm just lazy. They are truly the reason I feel like I'm nothing, not that I'm stressed or even depressed, but they just grow into it. I'm stuck. in life. idk, I just feel ????
honestly I’m the happiest I’ve been in a while. I just won 2nd attendant in a pageant so I’ve gained 6 new best friends. I was busy all last week with royalty appearances but I had a blast. I’m finally dancing again and even through it’s super challenging most days, I’m loving every second. Home life is rocky (like it’s always been) but I try to make the best of it. I’m reading a lot more, which makes me happy because it’s a love of my life. I’m seeing my best friend on Wednesday which is cool because I haven’t seen him since school got out. I’m babysitting as my summer job so that’s good too. I’m just feeling so much better than I have felt in a while and I’m so ever thankful for that.
I would also like to thank you for really taking the time to do this for your followers 💕 it’s really a great way of showing just how much you care ❤️ I’m also here for you if you wanna talk, and I’d love to be friends 😊 my we heart it is @alohaislanddreams so message me if you would like 😘
I’m pretty good. I’ve been focusing on my looks a lot which is making me sad but I have family coming to town and I’m really excited. I am safe and heathy so to mean that means I’m amazing. How about you?
so to me*
hi Kathryn 👋 I’m doing ok! For some odd reason yesterday I felt so anxious I was shaking and crying, but I have no idea why, since it’s the holidays and the only thing bothering me was that my friend wasn’t answering my texts. It might’ve been my social anxiety. But today I feel absolutely fine, which is good! I am just still so worried about losing friends, as for the past three years I have lost all my best friends because they turned out to be mean people or I was too “clingy”, this year is getting better, but I still get really socially anxious! Thank you so much for being there for all of us! xx Hayley
I’m pretty good... for some reason I felt like crying a few times today, and I still have no idea why. I guess I just feel kinda stressed even tho it’s summer. thanks so much for asking this. how are you?
I think this is lovely!
(A lovely idea)
I’m great but kinda done with drama. I’m on a youth trip Right now and there is a lot of drama
i’m doing okay, been at this low for the past two weeks that i can’t really seem to get out of. i have these mood swings and get annoyed so easily recently. tbh, i really don’t know how i’m doing. i’m just existing for the time being
I’m good but my summer job is exhausting
this is a brilliant idea! it really makes you think 💘💘
I'm fine I guess... Whenever I ask my friends to hang out they always say they can't even when I asked them ahead of time. They are sorta the popular type and I'm not but I don't think that's the reason. Every time they said can't sorry and then the other friend would reply with "same" every single time. There isn't really much that I'm doing right now. PicCollage is kinda demanding and also somehow I got 2.2 k followers which I still can't believe. I'm writing this pretty late at night so you get to see me rambling about some life story. haha. I've seen some people on PC talking about how some people don't deserve features and stuff and Iw as way to afraid to comment my opinion on it. They kinda wrote on the collage that they didn't deserve the feature. I don't think it was right of them to do that but I do kinda agree with them. But they still shouldn't have commented that on the persons collage since it was kinda rude... Anyway I'm going to go to summer camp next week. There's this girl that I kinda don't like but I'm also friends with her. I'm not to good at saying what I actually feel or think... Oh well. I'm tired I guess and I have now covered about like three topics. I honestly don't know. I'm going to go sleep now.
I’m very very bored. and excited for SCHOOL <— 🤯 I have reached a new stage of the boredom evolution