⭐️👉tap here👈⭐️
Throwback to when I used to use this filter on literally every edit cuz I was obsessed with it. I'm going to put some kind thoughts in the comments so if you're feeling down please read them💜ily a lot frens


⭐️👉tap here👈⭐️ ~Truce Throwback to when I used to use this filter on literally every edit cuz I was obsessed with it. I'm going to put some kind thoughts in the comments so if you're feeling down please read them💜ily a lot frens

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I usually do this on my blog account but I feel like doing it here and also I'm too lazy to log out and stuff. our minds can be very scary. they can be very mean and fill our heads with lies, telling us we're worthless and that life is too tough for us. we all have a little (but annoyingly powerful) demon in our head that corrupts our thoughts into thinking we can't do it. but we can, frens. we need to destroy that lie-telling monster, or at least shove him somewhere where he can't get out because he's wrong. completely wrong. sure, life is very difficult and that little monster is so freaking powerful, but we are strong. all of us. I don't care if you're sensitive or emotional or both, you're still strong no matter what. you must never ever forget that frens. you are worth way more than you think and you are so important to so many people, even if you only have a few friends (which is completely okay. I only have a few friends too). you are loved so so much and you need to fill your head with things you love and positivity. surround yourself with people you love and people that love you. stay alive frens💜you can do it, I promise
this sounds like something Tyler would say (oK SORRY FOR NOT BEING SERIOUS)
I needed this💜💜
I was halfway through this but stopped because josh posted a photo on insta but I came back and read the rest 😂