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Chat? πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜“πŸ˜–

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I love jaylan
he punched me in the face so I pushed him so hard he went to the floor
no kidding u can ask him. tell him if he punched me in the FACE
when u said that is sometimes I want to laugh at when abi sat on u know u said dinga ling
hahaha I k r
yes I'm on
I know right
hey um what time do u go to sleep
any time
I know u like or love jaylan
before 3am
I want to
but im trying to figure out if he likes u
he does he told me
so u and him r like u k
I watching t.v. and there is a rat man
I'm like wth
I'm watching tv too
I'm watching bones
(but I pushed him so hard...)
man I cryed like right now Bc someone important died
omg. and that was today u didn't see? it was when dismissal
who died
i mean ooohhh
I bet it was something
I don't want u to fell bad
oh this man who just found a job and someone or a sniper rifle killed
the man
and a woman said we need u don't go it's important I always loved u as a friend and then he stopped breathing
oh ok
and all the blood was out u know what I mean
and that was it
u know what Lexxus will be in this
I know she will
my nose hurts(because of JAYLAN)
or like the next day
the next day what
guess what my nose was bleeding
I will be right back
my dad said que te paso en to naris
I'm cleaning my room I won't take long
I said oh I just fell he said hm...
oh I went to my cuzins house she said,"do this do that!" I said hèll nah
I'm here do worry
Ariana keeps on telling me if she has hm like wth
I haven't charged my iPod in a long time
oh guess what jaylan he rote,"teo-amo" to ME so I said what dose that mean he said sack rote that then he turned red
I always have to go out and go back in to reload it
that is why i told u what does that mean
me too
what * girl on face*
so that's why
?what? what r u talking bout
like in 4th grade yo antes me Gustavo a jaylan
but that was a long time
don't tell no one ok
I meant like smiles on face like the grinch
I'm kind of bored I turned off the tv
jeylinn is crying
and I don't know
oh me too
my sis looking at the t.v.
oh yeah about mr.k he said that he listened to job songs and his car is ugly
maybe because of what happens out the man in gotta go to sleep bye
like a zombie or like the scary movies that look at a blank TV
I meant job
ok bye
r u on
yes im on
um let me ask my dad because he is the one who rly listens my mom just says,"se puede" then she says,"tu la invitastes sén diher mè"
so yeah I will tell u when my dad comes
I'm just sitting here I think I might go some were
im in this stupid store where all latinas go
my dad is buying some meat
hahaha. my mom says u can come on a Friday
this Friday
ok coming Friday
k k
I have to go to stupid church I'll be back at like... 8:00 till then see yah
I'm back u on
what r u talking about
omg I have to do a lot of things today