Do not peek!


Do not peek!

11 4
so what theme?
let’s say spring what do you think?
do you want to do bg or text?
what do you mean with bg?
so background or text? 😅
do you want to start? now.. or later?
so what do we use? what do u think, I’m mean, pictures, photographs...etc
definitely photos of maybe flowers and maybe add a tumblr girl?
no, my internet is fine
that’s fine with me!
alrighty then!
pick a few photos or whatever and we’ll choose the best one
pick like three & put them in the remixes
thanks, do u wanna continue later?
um sure
ok, cause I got to do hm
hey I’m on, if you want to continue
ok I’m on, so where do we continue at
ok! so, let’s continue
are we still on the background?
i think so
alright which of the pictures do you like the most?
this one
it says pending review for me
i did not post that but it’s the the girl with flowers in her hair
ok! so now you just put together the background and I’ll do the text when your done
don’t understand what you mean
like the background for the collage and then I will add the text on top of it
so I design the background?
can you do the background and i do the text! I’m very bad at it
thank you so much 😊
tell me when ur done
alright I’ll get started
thx ☺️
alright I’m done with the bg!
just click my account for to responses and click this background and click remix to edit the collage
how’s the text?