Collage by Two_Besties


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Hey Sierras, I can't remember the password to my email, I don't know if I can use the school's email thingy that they gave every student, and I feel bad asking to use a friends phone, and I can't use my phone cause my parents can see everything I do and besides that I don't even have it, because of my grades, so I've been trying to find a way to contact you, trying not to use pc because I'm not supposed to be on it, and my account was supposed to be deleted, but I didn't, I can't find any way to contact you other than through pc, I got desperate enough though, and decided to use pc, so ya....
oh, hi
I'm really, really, really, really sorry, I'll only be able to get on when both of my parents are at work, I'm gonna try to make another email though, again I'm so sorry
don't apologize you have no reason to. what's up?
nothing really
I've had a lot happened since the last time we talked
bad and good stuff
like last week I stepped on a needle, but today was the halloween parade and the band had to dress, because that was part of our grade, and my costume and face makeup looked soooo flipping awesome, I loved it!!!!
my mum finally got a job, but at the beginning of the school year on our first half day, I got my finger slammed in a door really hard at a friends house when us and a bunch of other friends were messing around, and I've had some what I think is air under my nail since then, and it was swollen for awhile
and lots, lots more!!!! but I'd rather not say a lot of it, because there are a lot of really serious ones....that aren't so all....
oh well that's bad and great I hope your tiny finger is ok. What job did your mom get?
She got a job a place called Ruby's, I can't go there until I'm 21 though becuase it's a bar/gambling place
and my finger is ok now, but it's not tiny!
I've been really emotional the past couple of days, especially today, I almost cried in civics, I did cry in math, two times, and then I almost cried at lunch, and then I cried after school, and some dude made a joke when me and Jessie were hugging, but he didn't know I was crying and started to apoligize about the joke he made, and I could tell he felt bad, so I told he was ok, because he didn't know, I mean I've been crying a lot lately, just not as much as today, I guess I'm just a little ball of emotion right now, that's slowly starting to blow up
told him**
My hair looked like an absolute wreck too when I came to school today and it kept getting in my face, and then it would get stuck in my glasses and it hurt, and in choir my friend Brennan told me I was a mess, I tried to crack a joke, so I could lighten up the mood, and said ya, a hot mess, then laughed and said I was just joking, I not hot, I am a mess though lol, then continued on in choir, me and Jessie were laughing the whole time over stupid stuff
I'm not**
I'm sorry, I talk to much lol
lol no it's fine I barley talk to you so this is good. it sounds like a lot has been happening though i wish you could tell me
I've just been really upset lately
if you want, you can send Callie or maybe Tyler, I don't know about him though, we don't really hang out as much as we used to, because we don't have any classes together this year, he has bad picture of me on his phone though, he showed it to me at luch one day since he nomally sits at the table behind me, anywho, if you want to, you can send him or Callie, your email and tell them to e-mail it to me so I could try to e-mail you through the school e-mail thingy, or you could send me your e-mail on here and then then delete it once I have it copy and pasted so no one else can see it, or we can keep talking on here, but it's up to you
stuffs, I don't really feel comfortable saying on here, because other peeps can see it, and I can't delete comments, since I'm using this through the school laptop
couldn't I delete them for you?
I dunno, I didn't think about that, I guess I can
only if you want
if their deleted when your done reading them, the it's actually up to you
well then yes I'll delete the messages after
so what's been going on lately?
did you get it?
if do, after you read it, may I please have your e-mail, then send it to you again, I accidentally sent it to Jessie because I was typing it on the school email thingy so I could see all that I was typing, and she can't know I'm on this, or she'll be really mad at me, I am sooooooooooooo sorry
if so**
I'm extremely sorry
it's fine so just my regular e-mail or whatever?
ya, or if you have a google one
thank you so much, and again, I'm really, really sorry
ok thank you soooo much
hey, I've got a question....
do you still like me back? and please be honest
tbh yes I do
really?! but why?....
because I'm nothing without you..
*hugs you tightly and cries a little* tbh same, you are the sweetest boy I have ever met besides my friend Alex
*hugs back* I was actually considering suicide...
if I never respond it's because my parents are home, but I'll be back on later, once I know their asleep, if your still awake, that, or I'm in the bathroom
wait, WHAT?! Why?!
if you would rather tell me why over email, then that's ok, or if you'd prefer to do so on here, or if you, just don't want to tell me then I completely understand, because that kind of stuff is really hard to tell people
Well last month on that Wednesday when you sent me that message about not wanting to date anymore I wasn't the same person I started staying home from school and avoiding my friends and parents some nights I would cry myself to sleep, I know I sound like a baby but that really shattered me and I started thinking of suicide but I knew that wasn't the right thing to do so I sucked it up and got over it even though i still loved you and thought of you everyday am really, really sorry.... I didn't want to anymore, because my cuddle meter is always really high....tbh the main reson I kept crying was today was because I can not get over you, like I'm still absolutly head over heels for you, I'm really sorry, I screwed up bad when doing that
honestly, I've never liked anyone as much as I like you....
also sorry, my dad got home, he's gone now though, he's going to parent teacher conferences
me neither I knew you were the one when I had these feelings for you all of a sudden
*smiles* that's really sweet, it kinda reminds me of Romeo and Juliet, they fall madly in love with each other, and are destined to be together
sorry, we're in that unit in English, so that's the first thing that came to my mind, after you said that
😹 it's fine
well I figured out what love is
....sort of....
hmm explain
well, it's hard to explain....
sorry I didn't respond last night, my parents got home and I accidentally fell asleep before my parents were asleep
I woke up at 2 and 5 in the morning but fell back asleep, because I didn't want to get up because I was really cold, actually I think I woke up because I was so cold lol
lol I like waking up cold I feel warm and cozy in my blanket ( ̄∇ ̄)
I had a really fuzzy blanket around me, but I still didn't feel so cozy lol
I was so cold I was shivering lol
lol did you do the burrito method?
....maybe I did, maybe I didn't....
oooo so you did ;)
I never said that
it's scary and sad, but yet at the same time it's awesome
my doggo can
well he's really old, so that might be why, he's in that state of mind right now, he had a stroke last week, my grandma's not as old as him though, so I don't think that's gonna be happening to her anytime soon
that's sad
ya, but I've never really liked him
1.) He's not my real grandpa, my real grandpa was an alchohlic, which is why my grandma divorsed him, I still loved him a lot though, and I know he loved me and my brothers, but he's dead now 2.) My step-grandpa doesn't know how to treat a lady such as my grandma correctly 3.) He's waaaayyyy too old for my grandma
I remeber walking up to him on him and my grandma's wedding day, and telling him that I was never calling him grandpa
but that was a long time ago
wow how long?
I dunno, I'm pretty sure it happened over five years ago, because I know their wedding was before we moved
oh hm
what are you talking to me on?
like are you on your phone or something else?
no, I'm on a laptop, why?
just wondering
can I come live with you, I don't want to be here anymore, and I don't want to go with my friend Paige, to where she wants to go
sure ^w^ you're more then welcomed to
cause she wants to go to Canada, and I was in on it at first, because I wanted to see some seals, because that's my favorite animal, but then she ruined me wanting to go to Canada, by saying I can go there and become a protitute, and I don't want to be one of those so I told her I didn't want to be one, and she said Gabby, we all know you want to be one, so I said no I don't and then told her that I didn't want to go to Canada anymore, she kept telling me to go there and be one today too, I again said I didn't want to be a protitute, she then said come on Gabby, you know we all want you to be one, I knw she was joking though, so we both started laughing lol
know** prostitute**
so imma, come live with you now
if I don't respond it's because my dad's home, but this time I'm not gonna fall asleep, adn I'll be on once my parents are asleep, if your still up, but that's only if I don't respond
hm ok :D
so....does you have an extra room or somefin?
yup I do
cans I use it?....
orrr you could sleep with me..
....oh 😳....
>_> hmmm anyway HI!
it's nut funny :<
*smiles* your right....'s adorable!!!!
how's Jess?
she's good, today some guy asked her if she'd marry him, if he gave her $100
XD funny
lol, would you marry me if I gave you $100?
you wouldn't need to give me anything
*smiles* dude, your sweeter than than than sugar it's self
oops, sorry I didn't mean to ut that many than's
lol it be kek
*sighs* I is bored
same :|
good night, I'll be back on later though
I'z luvs you....alot....
I love you too...bye bye
hey, sorry, I fell asleep yesterday before my parents got home
I had a band thingy today too, and just got home
well how do you feel?
I feel ok I guess, hbu?
lol happy late Halloween to you too, did you do anything for it!
ya, I dressed up and trick or treated, and I went to dollar tree to get stuff for a Christmas shoebox thingy my church does, for the kids that don't get anything thing for Christmas, with my youth group, while all of us were dressed up, and I dress up for school on Halloween, but I was and wasn't technically a costume, it was just something I knew, or rather, hoped they wouldn't make me take off
I did absolutely nothing😁
I want to be a bush when I grow up
And I want to be a rock
sorry that was a bit random....
OH MY SHNAILS, ok so rocks or boxes
don't ask, just answer
uhh rocks?
Good choice my friend, looks like I won't be stealing your dog now
oh, why don't you want to keep him?....
last week I was eating breakfast and I left my room because i forgot my phone, when I came back he jumped on my bed and ate a piece of my bacon and I wrestled with him for about 30 minutes no •_•
I've got scratches all over my arms, and a couple scars on my arms from my dog, and the other one is always smacking me with her paws and barking at me, I would nevergive them away though, they are my bäbïeš
what would you do if I took your bacon?....
I would fight you for that bacon if I had to lol
what if I fought back, cause I really like bacon too lol
then I would overpower you >:3
nope, that is impossible
I'm stronger than you
yes I is
you wanna test that theory?
sure, I just gonna warn you know though, Imma win
I doubt that young lady
I don't
*jumps on you and pins you to the ground*
agh *starts trying to push you off*
you can't stahp dis *^*
*smirks* yes I can *kisses you*
*kisses back*
cräp, my plan has failed
ha! like I said you can't stahp dis
*tries to roll over onto stomach*
you can't escape *sits on you*
hm *pouts*
*begins squirming*
*grabs your hand*
*stops* what is you doing?
mkay *continues to try to sqirm my way out*
told you I'm stronger than you
*sighs* you win *then begins to pout again*
yay *crawls off of you*
*sits up still pouting*
fine you can win
*smiles and attacks you with a bunch of kisses and a hug* YAY!!!! Thank you!!!!
woah! no problem hehe
*looks at you and smiles*
*smiles back and blushes a bit*
*laughs* your so adorable
chu is toooo~
it's thunderstorming really bad here....
does chu need a hug?
*nods head*
I was able to stay up this time *smiles*
oh and what do you know I died and went to sleep =~=
lol and I almost died of luaghter just now
I was reading a manga and all of a sudden, one of the guys goes "the truth is, I'm an android"
like that was completely out of the blue, and just came out of no where LOL XD
I can't breath right now lol I'm dying
oh ya, later, I might e-mail you since this is blocked at school I'm pretty sure, plus it's easiest without getting cuaght at school
lol ok
my eyes hurt and my throat is itchy mehh
awwww. poor thing *hugs head gently* I wish I could help
I attempted to put on makeup this morning and I look like I'm from an anime lol
lol I wants to see
I dunno, I don't really like taking pictures, it's too awkward lol
lol I know what you mean
I don't like taking pictures of myself
I is too ugly
if I did show you though, I'd have to send it to you through e-mail, because I can't send pictures on here
that is not true at all
you are very handsome, not ugly
well thank you young lady
so how's school?
it's been ok sorta
school work is kinda hard, but my friends are still as wierd as ever, and I have some new wierd friends, earlier in choir, we were doing stuffs, and the Tenors had to get together, so my friend Paige came and sat by me, and while the sopranos and altos were singing, me, Paige, Jess and Brennan were all goofing off, I put my hand in Paige's when we were joking around, and she kissed the top of my hand twice, it was awkward, I mean we both started laughing a lot afterwards, lol I think besides Jess, Paige is the weirdest friend of them all lol
btw, Paige is my cuddle buddy at friends sleepovers, unless it's at Jess's house, I can't remeber who my cuddle buddy is there, and on the bus rides for band, my friend Kya is my cuddle buddy there and back, cause it's awlways really early when we leave, so everyone usually sleeps on the way there and it's usually late when we're coming back home, so peeps sometimes sleep on the way back too
lol random random
I was done with band stuff after 6th grade😹
I've been in band since fifth grade, and I'm gonna do band all throughout highschool, along with choir, it opens up good opportunities to get some really good scholarships, what instrument did you play?
uhhh trombone band wasn't really my thing so yea not doing that lol
hm, I see, I've been playing the Baritone since I started, I wouldn't trade my baritone for anything 😸
not even for a Klondike bar?
nope, cause my baritone will last a lot longer than a Klondike bar
what about Jess?
I wouldn't trade my baritone for her, because wouldn't that be kinda like slavery, I don't want any slaves, that's against the law, I'd rather become one than own one, I stand for freedom and equality among all the peoples
I'm so mean, but funny lol
lol nah I understand
I amost died
I thought there was a clown outside my house for moment, because I thought I heard a honk and a voice that sounded an awful lot like a clown's, but when I looked outside there was nothing there
I almost started crying
I'm still a little scared that there's one out there, because I swear I just heard some cheerful whistling
ooo clown I wanna laugh at it
but I'm sure there's no clown
My biggest fear is clowns, and there were some clowns threatening to kill teachers and kidnap or kill students not to long ago and one of the pictures they took was one of them by my schools sign and it said we're coming for you next, and we're not clowning around they haven't did anything yet, but I do know that a couple people did die from the clowns, and that three drunk clowns approached our schools band at a parade we had to march in that's 2 hours away on Saterday, and they tried mimick the drum leaders and some of the band members, they were on the other side of the band as me though, I did have a drunk guy approach me and follow me around the corner, telling me to turn it up (play my marching baritone) even though I kept telling him that I couldn't, most of the band saw the drunk guy approach me and try to talk to me, because a few peeps asked me about it after the parade, I'm was just happy it was a normal drunk guy, and not a drunk clown, although he did trip a couple of times and I would've cried if he wouldn't spilt his beer on my uniform and knocked my marching baritone on the ground, but he didn't so yay
I iz thinking about auditioning for a talent show that we're having really soon, but I does not know what to do
ehhh do a song
but what song?
I could do stay, partners in crime, or something contians a boy or a girl duet, with my friends Brennan, when me and him start singing random songs in choir, we both agreed that we'd make a good duet
I'm not sure maybe something you can do with your baritone
hm maybe
maybe maybe
if I don't respond my dad's home, I'll be back on when my parents are asleep though
ok gab gab
*looks at you and smiles* I love you so flipping much!
XD I love you too
why though?....
multiple things
what is one of those multiple thing, you don't have to say if you don't want to
I really really love your personality
you're sorta like the other half of me
lol that sounds weird
lol nah, I think it sounds cute, and I also think the same way about you *smiles*
*kisses your nose gently*
*strokes your hair*
sorry I fell asleep, but I woke up not to long ago
My throat feels all icky, and it hurts
nuuu *hugs you* drink something
omg I just heard whistling
iz not clowns is it?!....
I don't think so
I don't think drinking something will help, my kinda felt like this yesterday too, but just not as bad as it fells now, I'm pretty sure I'm sick, because I keep getting frequent headaches and I've also got a stuffy nose, and slight stomache ache
mkay, well that's good
my dogs just started barking randomly, I tried looking out my bedroom window to see if there was anything outside that may have caused them to start barking, but there wasn't, at least not that I could see anyway
you should take some medicine and my dog barks at nothing all the time randomly in the middle of the night he just starts going crazy it scares me sometimes
lol this is the first time my dogs have started barking randomly, their usually quiet all throughout the night
hmm strange
I don't think we have any medicine I could take
I can go without it though
but what if it gets worse ;-;
I'm sure I'll be fine lol
*cuddles you*
*cuddles back*
don't listen to me I'm just being weird XD
is u tired?
a little, hbu?
no not really, do you want to sleep now?
tat is good!
I was supposed to turn in my homework for English at midnight....
well, that didn't happen
turn it in at midnight?!
prepare your self for next year, one of the first things that you might be learning in English, I dunno if they do it around the same time there or not, is Romeo and Juliet, and I can assure you, that it is not fun at all
ya, through google docs
this is probably my least favorite lesson
T^T Ima just hide in a locker all day
I couldn't do that, I wouldn't fit in side of the tiny lockers we get, my stuff can barely even fit in it, and plus even if I could, I've got claustrophobia
plus I'm sure those lockers are all really dirty, I don't think they clean them out each year, so that'd be disgusting lol
meh I wouldn't fit in a locker either XD
hey, have a nice day at school and talk to me as soon as you can I really love you bye bye
I'm home, sorry I had to help my mum carry in groceries, then let my dogs outside
also, I really love you too
I still really want to be a singer when I grow up, but earlier I was thinking about it in my 7th hour, which is Biology, because me, my friend Austin, Riley and Griffin, and our student teacher, who teaches our class everyday while our actual teacher was out of the classroom doing who knows what the entire hour, were all talking about nerdy stuffs, and video games the entire hour, and while I was chatting about video games and consoles, I was listening to meh musics, and I was thinking to myself, you know, I really wanna a singer, but now thinking about it, I also kinda really wanna be a gamer, I does not know which one I want to be more though
well what do you wanna do more?
I dunno....
well if you become a gamer someday I could help you out😞
is so flipping AWESOME!!!!
sweet, thank you so much
I just found an old photo of meh when I had really short hair in I think third grade maybe lol
XD short hair gabbeh!
is never gonna happen agian, EVER
lol why?
I like my hair just the way it is, long, true I've been told several times by several different people that I look cuter with short hair, but I don't care, I want to continue to grow my hair out
yay long hair is awesome
I dunno, short hair feel weird I guess, I don't like it my neck is showing, espescially the back of it, and a little with the sides, I don't mind as much with the sides though, just not the back
I think I look really weird with short hair
I think I look really weird in general though lol
lol no you don't I think you would look nice and beautiful with short or long hair and you don't look weird not at all
*smiles* thank you
no problem ^ ^
there's this kid in my English class who sits behind the dude that sits next to me, and he doesn't like his mother and doesn't have a father, so one day he that I was new mother, because he didn't like his real one, and now he keeps calling me mom, he did it again today, and I told him to stop multiple times, because I didn't bïrth him, and I don't wanna be a mom, it's too much work, he still won't stop though, I just hope he doesn't start calling the guy that sits in front of him and next to me dad, he already says the person that's next to him and behind me, his brother, I mean we're all friends, and when we have to get into our groups of four we're all in the same group, but I dno't want it to get awkward if he starts calling the guy that sits next to me dad, because he already calls me mom, so, ya....
he said that**
was his new**
don't** So many mistakes lol
lol so weird XD
warning I may start sending you a ton of anime pictures sooner or later just because I'm bored and I really don't feel like doing my homework
lol that's fine XD
btw, I forgot to ask you yesterday, but I was thinking about Sebastian Michaelis, don't judge, and then I started thinking about you, and then I started to looking at how flipping similar you two are, so will you be the Sebastian to my Ciel
sorry, that sounded really wierd lol
anywho, I flipping LOVE Sebastian, I can't count how many I time I wished he was real, and I also flipping LOVE you, so as I was thinking, I thought to myself, you know I've been wishing a real Sebastian, and all along I thought I was wasting wishes because I still couldn't find him, but no, he was here, all along, your my real Sebastian
that probably sounded weird as well, I'm sorry lol
wow you really think so...I never thought I meant that much to you like that...
it's not weird it's cute
*blushes a little*
Both of you also LOVE cats
I found two friends who said they'd like to audition for talent show with me, I just gotta figure out what we're gonna sing, because that's the only thing we can do since we were told about the talent show last minute, and there only three audition days, and the last one is on the 14th of November
I've got a good song we could do since there's two guy parts and one girl part, but tbh I don't think they'de want to do it though lol, plus the notes are a bit to high for me to reach, but I bet I could if I really tried hard enough lol
yes u could 😊
have you heard of a song called choose me
lol it's a really hood song
I'll listen to it soon
I have my phone back and since my parents are gone you can call me if you want, I just can't text becuase my parents can see everything I text
my background is a picture of my cat that pasted away when I was in fourth grade, her name was princess, I miss her a lot....
;-; that's sad
At least I still have a picture of her
kitty kitty
*strokes your hair*
*looks at you and smiles*
*kisses your nose then ruffles your hair* your so flipping adorable
not really
yes you are and don't deny it!
oh and also btw, if you do call, no facetime, I don't have an iphone anymore, sorry, I forgot to tell you that earlier
oh it's fine what happened to it?
my mom dropped her phone and then it wouldn't turn back on, so she started using my phone, because what she does when she out of a phone, so she got be a new phone, I don't like it all, but iit's better than nothing, and right now the screen to the iphone that was mine is cracked, because she dropped this one too, and the phone I had before this one, was better than this one, a lot better, but she plugged it into the wrong charger and the end of my phone melted, then she got me the crummy phone I've got now
wow that sucks freaking phone =~= meh
wanna see my cat, I just took a picture of her on my phone screen since my phone won't convert pictures on my phone to my laptop
suuuurrrrreeee ( ^ω^ )
mkay, I my fingers out of the picture though, I don't like my fingers, and it's really sloppy because I suck at cutting stuff out of pictures lol
there you go
if I could raise anyone from the dead (not a zombie), besides my Grandma (dad's side), and my grandpa (mom's side), it would most definatly be my cat, she hated me but I loved her, especially her bright green eyes :)
uhh where did you send the picture too?
google, it's the only place I can send pictures
•_• let me figure this out brb
incase I'm not on when you get back, but I should be on when my perents are asleep, but I'll still ask just incase your not on then either, when's your brthday and what year were you born in, sorry I know I've already asked this, but I've forgotten, sorry, I'm not really the best when it comes to memory
sorry I've become very interested in zodiac signs, trying my hardest to remember what you told me your birthday was, was it October 23rd?
close it's not the 20th of October so I'm a libra surprisingly😹 I wish you were there on my birthday but it's all good
it's no wonder we get along so well lol, I'm a Sagittarius
but since I'm only a couple days away from the 21st of December, I'm the 19th, I could be Capricorn too
lol that's cool
and interesting 🤔
yup, I was looking up zodiacs that are compatible with each other and it some of the things, it says that Sagittarius and Libra are compatible, and come to think of it, I don't think we've ever gotten into an argument
nope I don't think so ^~^
we always get along weirdly
true lol
:| woo
don't mind me btw
lol mkay
*sighs* I'm doing algebra, it's really easy, but it's also really boring
ew math
I hate it
I might be babysitting with an old pre-school friend of mine, named Dylan
I'm really excited, because I haven't seen him in forever
lol that sounds fun I've never babysat before
eh, it's ok, actually I'm quite suprised that my parents letting me and Dylan babysit together while their not there, all night
well I'm about leave, we're babysitting at Dylan's house, so if you need to talk to me, you'll have to call me, because I won't have my laptop, so I can't get on here, sorry, also I lost your number when I got a new phone
oh ok well have fun gab gab ^ ^
I am such an emontional flipping wreck, and I hater it so much, I'm just waaaaayyyy too emotional, and I very bad at hinding it
hm? what's wrong?
nothing, I just cried lot lol
?so much hashappened since the last time we talked, anywho how was your week end? lol
it was weird
lol same, so how are you?
I feel weird lol school wasn't good I spaced out in science and barely got any work done, lol I've just been thinking about a lot of things lately good thing I don't have school tomorrow
What's been troubling you?....
hmm I'm not sure I've just been thinking a lot about the most random things it's been throwing me off
I see
lol I'd cuddle you, but I'm sick
lol I don't care if you're sick
you can still cuddle
But I don't want to get you sick
meh I don't care if I get sick
but I do
I'm sorry, but I'm not gonna do it
*hugs u*
No! *pushes you off* I don't want you to get sick!
I wants a hug T~T
you can't until I'm better
how long will that be?!
I dunno, until I'm no longer sick
it shouldn't be too long
Ugh I flipping LOVE Sam and Colby vines!!!!
vinezzzzz is dying
I think vine is shutting down or something like that
lol yea because of twitter
scrêw twitter, I need mah vines!!!!
lol vines are in twitter too
and their in Youtube, twitter is the one causing vines to shut down
My tummy hurts....
pretty much
can I at least hold your hand
hmmmm *thinks about it* I guess that would be alright....`
YUS! *grabs your hand*
(˶‾᷄ ⁻̫ ‾᷅˵)
how was school?
ok ig, you?
I didn't go to school today
we got a day off because 1st quarter ended
oh ya, sorry, I forgot
lol it's fine
so how was your day off?
it was cool I just sat around and watched YouTube all day and I drew something
kewl lol
....I just got asked out by one of my best friends....
...what did you say?
I'm not allowed to date until I get my grades raised
oh how are your grades btw?
and even if I had my grades raised, I still dunno if I would....
couples A's, couple B's, a couple C's, and an F, but that F is about to be raised, then I need to raise my C's
uhh a few B's an A a C and a D math is my worst subject😔
My F is in Textiles and Designs, this is my worst subject
ugh, me and my friend's relationship is going to be very awkward now, halp meh, what does I do in these type of situations?!?!
I'm not sure I've never had a friend ask me out before
just act how you normally act
Really?! You haven't?!
hm, your so nice, and awesome, and also fun, and out-going, that I'd think eveyone would like you, I'm very shocked that I was wrong....
most people think I'm weird 😂 they're right
same lol
lol you're not that weird
but I am concerned sometimes
lol, why is that
the things you say sometimes •_•
nah, there not nearly as weird as the things I do lol, and I don't mean that in the bad
hmmm =.=
lol XD
like i said I'm concerned XDDDD
lol XD, I'm sure your not the only one
funny funny
I hit my back on either a chair or the bottom of a table in the commons today, I hurt a lot lol
yes it is lol
it's funny because I was being stupid lol
hullo 😸
hi sorry my phone is acting up so I'm on my tablet now this is my original account
I didn't know you had another account, well I mean I did, but I've never seen it lol
lol yea
ehhh this account feels weird
is it bad that I crack myself up lol
I am DYING of laughter right now LOL XD
I was talking to Chica through e-mail, and I was making jokes about a little kids game I was playing because I was bored and wanted to make fun of little girls online games
and now Chica's can't stop laughing lol
no that's not bad that just means that you like laughing
I think
a bit to too much though, I was told once that it was my main trait lol, I laugh a lot, and I make others laugh a lot, laughter my thing lol, well besides having a huge love for animals
well you can make me laugh because I laugh very easily
lol I think Barbie's been hitting on me during this entire game
omg what are you playing XDDDD
I'm playing Barbie's trip to Arendelle and Elsa's been hitting on Barbie and Barbie has been hitting on me
@_@ seems interesting
how I progressed throught the game lol XD
Elsa expects Barbie to play dress up with her at her ice castle 1.) Elsa, sweety, your grown woman, and your the queen, should you really be playing dress up and 2.) I JUST GOT BARBIE DRESSED, NOW I HAVE TO PICK OUT A WHOLE NEW OUTFIT FOR HER!!!! IT WASN'T THAT EASY PICKING OUT HER FIRST ONE YOU KNOW!!!! I'm on the last part right now, AFTER I tried to pick a whole new outfit for Barbie, Because Elsa made me, because she's a fish like that, nobody asked me whether or not I wanted to play dress up, but oh ya that's right no one in this games cares about my opinion, they only care about themselves, and about what they want to do, but they should at least ask me if I want to or not, because it's not like Barbie knows who to get herself dressed, she's only a grown woman, she's not supposed to know how to that yet, heck she doesn't even know me, and she's making me dress her, I could be some pérvértéd räpist, she wouldn't know though, because she's never even met me until today oh ya and then there's that other Barbie in the corner of the screen that's always blowing me kïsses and wïnking at me tbh, I think Barbie is ätträcted to me, well I häte to break it to ya Barbie, but I'm straighter than your hair, that you straightened this morning trying to impress (btw it didn't work) oh no, I think Elsa has the høts for Barbie.... lol, she said you want me to show you a trick, after she had just finish letting Barbie try on all of the clothes she had made, and played dress up with her Elsa doesn't use want for her magic, this game is stupid, first they make Barbie hït on you the entire game, and Elsa's hïtting on Barbie, but they make Elsa use a wand! SHE DOESN'T NEED A WAND, she's not a fairy or a sørceress!!!!
oh mah shnails, Elsa's eyes are going in two different directions, I'M DYING RIGHT NOW!!!! LOLOLOLOL XD
lol it's different game, when her eyes are going in tweo different directions, I don't knnow what game that is, Jessie just sent me a picture lol
When you don't have a PC and someone sends you a link (Me) 😔
this is the game I was playing lol, the Hogwarts game it shows you at the end is stüpid though, Jack Frost is hïttïng on Merida in the background, and I am a hardcöre Jelsa shïpper, so, ya....
I'm sorry
meh it's fine I wish I still had it I miss my csgo T~T
what's that
it is a video game young one
Oh, no, Barbie's hïttïng on me again, she keeps følløwing me from game to game
lol, who are you calling young one
I'm calling you a young one, young one
I'm older than you though lol
well played
lol XD
why thank you
I will destroy you
wut *looks at you* ☹️ why
because I wanna😊
because me wuv uuuu~
I luv you too, but I don't want to destroy you
I think the taste of this ramen is gonna kill me before you do
it tastes bad?
it tastes absolutly terribly
bleh *spits it out?*
I used ice cream to get the taste out of meh mouth, i'z all better now
what flavor was it? XD
Pork, I hate pork ramen, and chicken, but pork was our last one, and so I decided to add a lot of curry powder trying to get rid of the pork taste, and it just made it taste worse
we didn't have anything else for me to eat for lunch, and we had no more cheese left, so I couldn't make a grilled cheese, I'm a pescatarian, so I couldn't have what I made my brothers
what's a pescatarian?
Definition: Pescatarian (sometimes spelled pescetarian with an e) is a word sometimes used to describe those who abstain from eating all meat and animal flesh with the exception of fish. (and other seafood)
I've been vegetarian twice, and now I'm pescatarian
sooo you just eat fish?
well I eat ramen, shrimp, veggies, fruits, sushi, and other stuffs like that, but I don't cheeseburgers, hotdogs, ham, salami, bacon, sausage, or other stuffs like that, but I do have dairy, I'm not vegan
oh ok
so how long are you going to stay like that??
*shrugs shoulders* I dunno, all school year maybe, if not longer, I may stay like this for as long as I can, it depends
why do you ask? sure are an interesting one
in a good way
thank you *smiles*
no problem ^ ^
I had a dream about you last night
kissing is not a talent, well some Disney princesses may beg to differ....
oh, what kind of dream?....
idk it was strange I was sitting on the couch staring down at my phone and I looked up and you were there I got so happy, but you just stood there, I called your name and then you just sat next to me and leaned against me and you said absolutely nothing, then everything got blurry from there
oh, that does sound pretty weird lol
lol yea
I rarely dream but when I do it makes no sense
You were in one of my dreams once as well, we were walking in a park holding hands and talking, then out of no where my friend Alex runs up to me and kisses me, then confesses his love for me, then you and him start arguing, next we all suddenly fall into this portal that takes us to a beautiful field filled with various flowers, and has lots of wildlife, also it was next to a forest, so I turn around to ask you guys if we can venture into the forest, and I see you guy fighting with light sabers, so I rolled my eyes and ventured into the forest by myself, then human Bill Cypher comes, and next thing I know we're dating, then we were watching you, Alex, and Deadpool with his katanas, fight....I can't remember what happened next, but it was a really weird dream lol
oh ya and then there was that one dream where we went to the same school and we kept throwing paper airplanes at everyone in science and math and they kept getting mad while would just sit in the back of the classroom laughing our faces off, our teacher was a talking potato that had legs and arms
😹 omg what the...
I also can't remember when Deadpool suddently entered my dream on that first one I talked about....
ikr!!!! lol XD
I have suspicions about the potato, I think it was because Jessie always liked to annoy you by yelling potato lol, I dunno, I could be wrong
XD your dreams are weirder than mine loool
i dunno about that lol
why's that?
*shrugs shoulders* I dunno
*strokes your hair*
*chuckles* what was that for
because I'm weird 😸
lol same
when is your birthday?
December 19th, 2001, why?
just wondering
mkay lol
do your parents even know you're using a laptop?
no, this isn't the laptop I had from before though
oh ok
sorry for what?
and sorry for the late reply I went somewhere
iz kewl lol
I'm so bored it hurts
the iPhone 7 is weird 0~0
the earbuds go into the charging port
what if your not at home or in you car with a charger, and your on a bike ride, or your going on a walk
*Jessie and I give you a really big hug* we're sorry for your loss, it's gonna be ok *tears up a little*
uhh idk
*hugs you tighter* it's gonna be ok, I promise you *starts stroking your hair while still crying*
I'll be fine so don't cry
it's weird though
ok....I's not gonna be all....*buries face in your shoulder and cries harder* I...can't..possibly *sobs*
I feel fine
I just wonder how I'm going to charge it and listen to music at the same time
Young man you are not fine!!!! Nobodies fine when they don't have a headphone jack, if you still have that phone when we're 18, I'm buying a new phone a gift
meh idk╮( ̄▽ ̄"")╭
as a gift**
I do
Because I just do, I'm going to get you a new phone, whether you want one or not!!!!
but I'll be fine with this one sure there's no headphone jack but I can still listen to music so I is good👍
no is not, what is you want to listen to music, but you can't play it out loud, because it's a quiet zone
I can't play it out loud?
in some areas, like the library, or school, but what if you really want to listen to music
*laughs* fools, everyone thinks I'm too nice, and quiet, and says it's adorable when I try to be mean, little do the know I'm a mastermind when it comes to being evil, never mistake my silence for weakness, no one plans death aloud....
I currently have a few students that I'm teaching to become evil like me
you are adorable when you try to be evil
*smiles angelically* but Imma let them proceed to think that I'm innocent
and you mean nice instead of evil right😉 I'm not....
nope 😐
yea I'm pretty sure you meant that
noooo, I meant evil
you're never evil though
you're a very sweet person
no I'm not, are you sure your talking to the right person
yea I'm positive of course I know who I'm talking to you
I'm a terrible babysitter lol
not you***
I'm letting my brothers watch vines on the tv while I'm in the other room, obsessing over Twenty One Pilots
while eating chili ramen
well Twenty One Pilots and Brendon Urie, but mostly Twenty One Pilots
that sounds neat
I am the worst friend ever LOL XD
lol why do you say that?
I'm so mean lol, but it was so flipping hilarious LOL XD
I pulled a prank on one of meh friends and it lasted all day, he just found out that it was a prank, and I'm dying of laughter XD
*starts rolling around on the floor while laughing so hard I can't breathe*
what was the prank?
Iwas pretending to be Jessie's overprotective boyfriend because he didn't have my number anymore, he got a new phone, and I asked Jessie for his number, because I lost all of my numbers when I got a new phone, and didn't have his number anymore, anywho, and he has a big crush on Jessica, and it was hilarious LOL XD
XD lol
I just became addicted to a new song lol
what's it called?!
that's a very good question, one that I don't knwo the answer too
wow that's the best answer I've gotten all day
lol XD
I just really like the beat to it, and the little laugh the singer does every now and then, it's adorable lol XD
normally I don't like these type of songs, but I like this one
XD oh no
nothing nothing XDDDD
*narrows eyes* What were you thinking about?....
*raises eyebrow*
can you call meh please, you don't have to if you don't want to though, I lost your number, and I need your voice right now, I don't know why but I love the sound of it, it makes me calm
sorry that probably sounded really weird....
omg my voice is weird, ok hold on
is your number the same?
ya, and your voice isn't weird at all
I just tried calling you
hm, I didn't get it
it should be the same number
ohh welp I feel stupid XD
lol, iz kewl
I had a dream where I got a bloody lip, I woke up and turns out, that wasn't a dream lol XD
lol what happened to it?
either I bit my lip, or they're chapped
oh nuu
I iz ok though
is chu positive
yup *smiles*
oh ya, may you please delete the comment that has my number? sorry
oh yea sorry!!!
iz kewl lol
I'm finishing up my first copy of my paper for biology, the last paragraph is how I think the people who are doing what I wrote about, should be punished, I really like this part, because I wrote about the overhunting of harp seals, seals are my favorite animal, so I'm thinking of a punishment for these peeps
use a old history torture method😸
lol, nah I came up with my own way of torture lol
how will the evil gab gab torture these poor souls?
I say that every person that kills more harp seals than needed, gets put into a pin with the one, some, or all of the harp seals predators, with no weapons to fend for themselves. They will have to stay there for the rest of their lives. They will have to live from the perspective of a harp seal, so they will also have to catch their own food, there will be nothing to help them do so either, because they get no materials. Why should they? The harp seals they so brutally slaughtered, surely didn’t get any materials to help them live, or to protect themselves. They have to live in the same climate as a harp seal too, which is really cold, because if they didn’t it would be too hot for the predators to survive, and they wouldn’t able to get the full experience of being a harp seal. Harp seals don’t wear clothes, the fur that they have is natural, and is apart of them, so these people shouldn’t be allowed to wear clothes, but I’m since feeling generous right now, I’ll let them keep their underwear, but no pants, shirts, socks, hats, coats/jackets, shoes, or anything else like that. Oh and also, for the food that they catch, they’ll have to eat it raw, the harp seals never cooked their food. They will have to get into the freezing cold water too in order to catch their food, because they can only eat what harp seals eat. So they’ll have to be aware of their surroundings under the water, and they better be able to open their eyes under water, or they’ll be done for, not only will they be unable to catch their food, but they also won’t see the Orca or large shark coming towards them. On land they better be aware of the polar bears, foxes, and wolves that are roaming around. Since I’m feeling so generous right now, I’m going to give them a choice, if they don’t want to spend the rest of their lives living like this, they have the option of being clubbed to death, it’s one or the other though, they can’t not do one. Also if you can’t open your eyes under water, and you can’t really see that well on land, since you don’t get any glasses because the harp seals didn’t, you should just choose the other option, I mean either way, your gonna die fast, but being clubbed to death is probably better than starving to death, or being ripped apart and eaten by a wild animal.
I still have to fix some errors that I made, but I'm going to be making them live from the perspective of a harp seal
wow very good you thought really well about it
I'm so disappointed in myself....
I had tryouts for the talent show today and once it was my turn to sing my part of the song, I sang the first part of the song, not well as I could have, but I did, then on the second part I had to sing, I totally broke down and balled up on the floor, covering my head, and starting crying while I was shaking
why did you do that..? are you ok....
ya, I'm fine now, I just got really nervous, and scared, I have really, really bad stage fright but I'm trying to overcome it, that's why I'm doing the talent show
everyone in the room said I was doing good, but I still got scared
oh I have stage fright too sorta
i'm just scared of doing it in front of over 100 people, if I couldn't even do it in front of the 10 people in that were in the room when I had my brake down today
but I believe that if I really try hard enough, and practice lots, I'll be able to sing in front of everybody at the talent show, and at rehearsals, loud and proud
yes you could, keep that confidence
I'll try too *smiles*
so how was your day?
it was decent
well that's good....I think....
yea it was fine😁
you needs to do a face reveal
have I seen your face before?
because if I have I don't remember
I think you have, but I could be wrong, and I probably am lol
anywho, even if you haven't, I'm not doing a face reveal
sorry, but there 1.) I can't post stuff since this is a laptop, and 2.) I don't want to, taking pictures is way too awkward, plus if I show you my face imma want to see yours
ew my face "-"
I'll do it if I have to 😹
I don't have a way to send you a pic of meh though
well dang it
lol, maybe through e-mail?
I don't get your e-mails though, what do you send them on?
google mail
wait a second, that's called g-mail not e-mail lol XD, sorry
lol it's fine
I've never got anything from you though
oh, well I dunno then
I wants a picture ;-;
same lol
but oh well
ehh how was school?
it was good lol, you?
it was actually pretty good
well that's great then ^_^
yus it is
*cries a little* I just had a really, really scary nightmare
what was it about?
my dad was really angry I guess, so he went upstairs, well I was still talking to him, so I went the bottom of the stairs and I was calling his name, then he got even more mad, and he started throwing stuff and screaming, he broke a mirror and my gecko's tank, I woke up shaking really bad,
I think the screaming came from the Fosters home for imaginary friends since I fell asleep watching that, and there were a lot of characters screaming in that episode
I'm missing out on the talent show today, because I've been sick with strep-throat for the past few days 😭, I was gonna sing Oh, Ms. Believer too
*sighs* Jessie keeps blaming herself for me being sick again
is she sick?
yes, but she became sick because of me, then I got better, then I stayed at her house from Friday to Sunday and and threw up on Sunday, so I went to the docter yesterday and it turns out I have strep-throat, again, but oh well
*hugs u* you get sick easily
nah, I don't think so * but don't touch me please, I don't want to spread any germs *pushes you off*
are you at home, or are you still at school?
I is at home ;-;
mkay, may I please call you? niether of my parents are home, their both at work, my mum was supposed to get off at 1:30 but I have no clue where she is right now
it's ok but yea you can call me
actually wait nvm ;~;
so how was your day?
iz kewl
it was good
well that's good, sorry I had something for band come up last night, so I had to get off
it's kek
I probably shouldn't have went, since I'm sick, but I did anyway and I'm gonna go to the other pep game that's tonight to
oh, ok
Yøu better pay attentiøn nøw, cause I'm the bøøgie man
oooo spooky
I might just split a seem now, if I don't die laughing first
*long sigh* Imma have a head full of gray hair by the end of today
why lol
because u might die
I'll be fine lol XD
besides, it's just part of the lyrics to mah fav song in the Nightmare before Christmas
so bored lol, I'm babysitting both of my brothers on the first day of thankgiving break while both of my parents are at work
and I can't play videø games because we ønly have øne cøntrøller with batteries, and my little brø's are using it
lol that sounds so fun
sarcasm 101
It's so quite downstair, since my little bro's are in their room, and it's sufficating lol
I like quite
I don't, it's suffocating, awkward, and intense/intimidating, it's like drowning, it hurts
listen to music then
*gasps* good idea
it'll kill the silence
*smiles* and it did
well, I might have to go soon, my mum is on her way home
oh ok <_>
*falls on floor laughing* this is hiliarious, he also can do a perfect Sebastian impression LOL XD
lol wow
*pokes u*
*giggles* what was that for? lol XD
idk XD
lol I dunno why but for some odd reason, I'm just got into a really giggly mood lol XD
*crosses eyes and sticks tongue out*
XD Ima just let you be you then
well my giggly mood was just ruined....I guess my dad went to the bar again last night, and didn't get home til one in the morning, he was supposed to buy me a new toothbrush last night too, becaus ethe docter said I need a new one because of my siickness
but I didn't because he helped my cousin, then went to the bar with my other cousin and got drunk instead
wow, I'm sorry that's sorta crazy instead of buying you a toothbrush he got drunk instead...just wow
it's fine, he's been doing this a lot lately, so it's slowly starting to become normal, I just don't know how to tell Jessie, because I know she's going to find out eventualy, she's gonna say sorry and I'm going to say I'm fine, then she's going to say that I'm not, but I just don't want to show it, then Imma say that I really am fine, then we're going to get into an arguement, and I don't want that....
love is a suicide
love is a suicide
yup, that is also a good song lol, so is Toxic Valentine by All Time Low and Serial Killer by Lana Del Rey, sorry I had to gather up bathroom trash, and now I have to go to a pep game for band, but I'll try to get on as soon as I can, bai I love you 😸
also my mood has brightened up a LOT, that would most likely be because IT'S SNOWING OUTSIDE, or at least I think, I dunno it's dark out, but I'm pretty sure it is
lol ok XD have fun and I love you too
Happy Thanksgiving to you too gab gab
don't kill the turkey
I won't lol, I won't even be eating any, remember lol
oh yea, I forgot
If you haven't already, please do not respond to my text, I just got my phone taken away
ehh what was going on last night?
it's not letting me send it
well I had a meltdown, my parents had a huge, huge argument while they were drunk, they wanted me to drive them home, with my brothers and little cousin, but I can't, I'm too young, so my mum drove home even though she's drunk, which I had ended up yelling at them for, my dad took my phone because I was was balling my eyes out and I was getting mamd and yelling at them for being so childish, then he tried to take it from me in the car, because I was still balling my eyes out because they were still arguing, but he was so drunk that he had already forgotten that he took it from me, and some unpleasant things were said from both of their mouths
that wasn't what I wanted to send, but a shortened version
you know...when you tell me these things, I cry for you you're so innocent and sweet, but yet you go through terrible things like just kills me
I everything but innocent and sweet and I should be fine if I keep my mind on something else, and that shouln't be too hard with my ADD
so please don't cry 🙃
thank you😸
I was on my way to english earlier and someone yelled hey mommy at me again, I'm pretty sure t was the same person that did it yesterday, but I'm not sure because I wouldn't turn around, I just kept walking, Jessie busted into a fit of giggles afterwards, we were walking together since our classes were in the same hallway
I don't like this at all 😰😭
it** bursted**
you should tell the person to stop
I would, but I have absolutly no clue who it is, all I know is they have a small blue car, whch might not even be theirs, they may have been with a friend and their car, and that they're in highschool, because of what happened yesterday, it didn't happen again today though, thank goodness
oh that's good >:(
sorry I had a pep band game
it's cool
how was your day?
same lol XD
I am able to log into my yahoo now lol XD
XD ok