Collage by ashleykd


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ashley? -h
how are you?
i’m doing alright. how’s blaine?
that’s good he’s getting better. levi was asking about him non stop
i’ve missed talking with you
yeah a big adjustment for sure
i can remix if you need somewhere to comment?
yeah of course
i didn’t ask you to be
i know i didn’t mean for it to come off that way. i was just saying i didn’t ask you to spend all your time here. i know you have other things
i’m sorry :(
you might not stay?
yeah it is :(
we can make things work?
i’m sorry :( please don’t
it’s not fine. it’s partly my fault for causing a lot of this
okay. sleep well. i’m off tomorrow or at least i should be so
okay i’ll check in periodically then
are you wanting to take a step back? we can talk as often as you want
then do what you need to do. do you want me to stop talking to you?
that’s why i’m asking. do you want to fully leave?
i’ve been here about the same and i think about leaving all the time
i wish things could have gone differently
i’m sorry
get some rest so you aren’t tired for work? okay
i don’t really know any of the details of that. we weren’t super close then
okay :)
i remember some of that. i’m sorry things haven’t been the best
we didn’t have the best experience with their account either
this app really is toxic
and it’s really everyone. the whole atmosphere here is bad
yeah i agree. it’s consuming
from crying? have you taken anything?
you should take something before you fall asleep. i’m gonna pass out here soon
okay good. you aren’t bugging me. good night
:) <3
you can’t fall asleep?
me either
i know ashley
i don’t know how to fix this :(
maybe time will help?
good morning :)
yeah a little bit. i turned my phone off and eventually fell asleep
i was worried about you too. i was worried you wouldn’t sleep or something
what if we did something with the kids today? cleared our minds?
what are you thinking? the zoo? or maybe just the park?
perfect :)
no i’ll come over and help you get them ready :)
i’ll be there in a few
*gets levi and lauryn in the car and heads over*
*parks and gets levi out walking up with him and lauryn to the door*
*smiles* hey // momma *smiles and hugs your leg*
*rubs baylors cheek and steps inside* // *runs into the house looking for lovelynn* // *walks in smiling* hi
where’s lovey? *looks up at you*
*nods and sits with you* and blaine? and willow?
(levi sorry :)) *nods and sits with you* can we wake them up? // *goes over to sit on the couch and holds lauryn in my lap*
*nods and smiles* yes! // *smiles listening to him* now that he’s in preschool he doesn’t stop talking
*smiles and tries to tickle baylor*
what? *looks up at you*
bay coke back *smiles*
*smiles and moves into your lap* // *holds my free arm out for him* come here bub
*holds onto you and smiles* // *picks him up and holds him with lauryn*
i go to school and grandmas *smiles and watches you holding on* // *smiles and kisses his cheek* thank you
mhm *smiles nodding* i can write my name // *smiles and holds them*
*hugs your neck playing with your hair*
i want to see lovey *pouts*
would you be able to see if caroline is willing to join? -jack
hi hi I’m Corey
I’m named after my dad 😭I love you name 💕
KD? that a cool azzz nickname
how did kd start
love that wyd beautiful
where do you work
thats actually cool I got fired from my last job
they said I stole for (which I did) it was for a good cause I was hungry
*holds onto you*
okay thanks :) -j
they said they caught me on camera well Ik they damnnnn lie
*gets off your lap*
steal my heart?when you do I’ll have my legs open!!👀
im dangerous baby
*watches him play*
*watches you walk down the hall*
*stands up and goes to the kitchen holding baylor*
*grabs a glass for water*
ok ok imma let you think that
*drinks it holding him*
lovey! *smiles when he sees her* hi blaine
come play *smiles and offered her the barbie*
*smiles and plays* // *sets baylor down so he can go play smiling*
*smiles over at you*
nothing. watching them play makes me happy
are you okay?
I’m just diffrent.
okay just making sure
idk I’m bad at finding to do.
oh I can comeove, i need a reason to drive my Truck.
ok ok lemme go ask.
goodnight ashley :)
for his truck my car in the shop
yeah i think so
i have to get up earlyish tomorrow
sorry :/ i hope you sleep well
nooo hhhell no. my dad or mom
i’m free tomorrow after like 1 so i’ll see you then
thanks :)
y. I already got the keys
they don’t care not like they notice all they do is work.
bc then you see my house and ppl always come over and be thinking of me different
nothing at all literally. just so big
idk people are weird
I mean you can then my parent will want to meet you. nvm nooo *I’m on my way*
laughs* ok
it’s nothing bad *Drives
I think I’m here *pulls up
see you and pulls up in front of a house
parks and get out* hi hi *smiles
i mean that ok *smiles
I like kids there funny *follows you* it really don’t matter but yeah *laughs*
I’m serious *smiles* thank you tho
literally nothing Fr I’m good *smiles*
I’m good thank you *I love your house looks around*
jaw drops* 6 no way
hey :)
good morning
good got a workout this morning and dropping my brother off at school
literally I get home right and everyone gone momma on a business trip, dad at work, and Carlos out his cage
hey there, i’m sade
yeah when get to the gate just tell the person who working ur here for me
i’m good, yourself?