(Remix...and more in the comments )


(Remix...and more in the comments )

8 1
...my whole family is Christian and really hate gay, lesbian, trans etc stuff...
every time I uploaded something about my favorite gay ships, my dad grounded me and deleted them, and said that was something with the devil...
...now I just try to hide it, the most I can, which hurts...
especially when your thinking of maybe becoming trans in the future...
...and I’m probably the only one who actually supports LGTB...
so been kinda thinking, if my parents will really be unsupportive if I become trans, then there’s other ways I’ve been thinking, that might make me happy....
1) just be Aromatic and probably just try to lead a normal life, maybe adopt a child...
2) Have an asexual relationship with someone, probably if it last, maybe I’ll get married... and if so we can agree to have adopted kids or not...
( I’m not really thinking of have kids of my own... )
>>If my family can stand me, and a least kinda agrees and support me, into becoming trans then 1 and 2 might be my options... and maybe ( not 100% sure but kinda 30% or 40% sure ) that I might get kids of my own if I do become trans...<<<
( if anyone is asking if I’m lesbian or bi, no I’m just a straight asexual person..., and no I’m not into becoming lesbian either bisexual kinda because of my parents, but I just rather stay in the black and white rainbow and black, gray, white, purple flag...)
( But I’ll always support LGTB, don’t worry! :) thank you for reading this I appreciate it!! )
Aw, that's sad. And how does someone's sexuality has to do with the devil?
^^^yea, what does sexuality have to with the devil??
oh my god I’m so sorry,,,