My beautiful OC PumpkinSpice! More about her in the comments:)


My beautiful OC PumpkinSpice! More about her in the comments:)

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PumpkinSpice was an everyday happy Unicorn living in Canterlot. But because she's a Unicorn, her parents wanted her to learn powerful magic and train under Celestia and Luna at the academy. She trained for a few years, but secretly she didn't want to go to the academy. PumpkinSpice wanted to be free and live life! She quitted her training and started to traveled. She visited many places until she settled in Ponyville. Thats when she learned she had a talent of changing the weather. Ponies were surprised to see that a Unicorn could control the weather! They soon called in a Pegasus from Cloudsdale to check on her. For some strange reason she can control only autumn. After a couple weeks she finally got her Cutie Mark! She loves anything fall related and now lives in Ponyville happily;)
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