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I don't think I've meet your bro.... and I'd like to rp with you and your bro, after I meet 'em
hi Ben, I'm Octavia. *smiles softly*
*curtsies* Alright. I will see you both soon then
hi to u guys (idk what I should sayy 😂)
(who's the 4???😂😂)
hi ok this is weird
soo ummmm
if what sounds weird?
so what's up?
mopping around
(I literally am)
friend drama talk to Elsie to find out more it's a really long story
she has the full story
yeah ur life is more interesting
unless u wanna hear endless story's about drama
it's definitely not ur fault
she tell u the story's???
thanks guys
did she tell u how I failed at the concert and well
I only had two songs 😂😂 which they sounded awful
my literally only irl friend (best friend) couldn't stop laughing
yeah sure right 😂😂
this is not my first concert and I'm not getting better
playing violin is really hard
easy to mess up
more like worse 😂😂
violin just gets harder and harder no easy part
ur whole body hurts from it
no the violin vibrates ur body
the bow hold hurts ur hand and the fingering don't get me started
plus u gotta stand a certain way
yeah why??
I just don't like the pain
it can be really fun
I'm trying everything to get better
I had a practice today and my hands still hurt badly
I guess so
my "friends" say it doesn't hurt but boy are they wrong
my friend who plays cello has her shoulder vibrating all the time so that hurts for her
I'm literally practicing in the air
all I ever hear is practice practice practice
I barely have no time with school
thanks ☺️
I learned to never sit by someone who hates u at lunch
learned some stuff about me I didn't know that was true
get backstabbed by ur so called best friend
I tried ignoring it but I couldn't
wait what happened for what?
ohhhh that
she practically said I hate u to me ON HER BIRTHDAY
left me for a b**** who is her really close best friend now and a stupid boyfriend who is a really bad influence well so is her new best friend
it's ok
just don't hit someone please
just forget about all this stuff
yeah 😂
just forget everything I told u it's not important
I need to get one 😂😂
✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨(mystical glitter)
it's not important
just the friend war stuff
I might need some help with the violin but u guys don't know how to play
darn I forgot to make the 12:12 wish
hey I think u guys can help me tho
ok so as Elsie knows I'm like crushing like frîckin hard and can't get him off my mind np but I can't do anything with him
I get to nervous
he's adorable
idk what I should do
problem-I'm not in his class (we have a weird switching system) we have no sports teams that he is on (I was on one but the season ended) and I am his friend plus friends with his friends
I literally barely see him anymore
and he doesn't ride the bus
he doesn't do anything to me
Idk where he lives
like he used to live next door (connecting yards) it has a whole hplong story
I went over a lot but that was bc his sister wanted me to but he ended up hanging out with us
all I can play for sports is volleyball which is like the one sport he doesn't play
we don't have that stuff
I try in gym and I fail miserably at any sport but volleyball
I can't throw or hit things or catch
I give up
tried that emailed him never a response
it's just not meant to be I guess
it hasn't
he's heard the rumors and everything so I'm doomed
like he would believe me over 5 other ppl
it's not going to work I just know it
like a 2% chance he'll believe me
I never see him
he almost knocked me over once
never be in a rush and practically get knocked down by ur crush especially when ur in a hurry
it happened I almost fell
did he notice-no
he probably thought I was someone else
if he did look I was already running away I was really late to this after school thing
I hope
me and one of his friends were bored so we had a dance off outside in the cold
he won 😂😂 he danced in the road
don't have dance offs with his friends ever
it was embarrassing for both of us
then Jake (crush) found out and started laughing
I'm out of ideas I've tried everything but one thing that's really crazy
night guys
I'll be on tomorrow
hey guys 💜
sooooo what's up?
whatcha guys up to?
eh I'm looking for my phone and getting ready for the bus
what no boring
I hope Elsie told u I was coming.....well did she tell u the news??
or that I saw the saddest movie in the world and I'm still crying
yup it was really sad
I can't stop crying
btw (the mean person) Ellery balled her eyes out the whole time she was talking to the teacher
u guys should see the movie
beware of the sadness and crying
ok I think I'm done crying.....wait nope
now I'm laughing and crying
yeah guess so
so what's up??
never seen it
I would rather read then watch tv so that's probably why I haven't seen it
yeah I'm not excited about Thursday and Friday
in Social Studies we have to watch a movie on the American Revulsion for TWO DAYS
really boring plus it's a musical
I'm not sure wait... 1776
it sounds soooo boring and ITS A MUSICAL LIKE WHAT THE F****
yeah she told u right?
now this is getting embarrassing 😂
ok this is weird now.....
it's not ur fault is tell u something else about that but it would be awkwarder
hmmm should I tell u guys??
this is gonna be really embarrassing buuuuut
😂😂😂 I would do it
*slaps myself in the face*
oh man
*laughs* ok that was really awkward and embarrassing
now I'm all red
why did I ever say that I'd do it?? well I wanted to tell the truth...... or IDK
is he ok with what I said??....
ok sorry again
I'm like bright red now
I know I just naturally worry
now I feel bad bc I'm really red
it's not ur fault when I'm like embarrassed I turn pink and if I'm really embarrassed I turn red
I'm so weird
it's confusing
*turns dark red*
why u smiling exactly??
it just did 😂
please tell me this isn't embarrassing for him
he probably gets a lot of this I'm guessing
and now my hand hurts
I'm just gonna go now....... I think
I'll stay
oh wow 😂😂
didn't think someone would be happy
seriously I'm used to being hated on so its weird
it's normal for me
I'm used to it
don't be sorry
I'm getting hated on and I'm used to it that's all
u don't wanna know how
the hate has become my life and it'll never leave
not possible
I don't live by happy ppl
well that aren't haters
tried it helps but then somehow they get mad at me or leave
yeah I guess
that's good
now my one irl friend is mad at me for no reason
she's mad bc I'm not friends with Ellery anymore (the mean kid) so if I'm not Ellery's friend I'm not her friend
that's my life
I've got one irl friend who thinks of me as a incase of an emergency friend so we decided on being summer friends where we hangout in the summer
not really nothing happens in the summer so like during school I'm kinda stuck
unless u count the boys as my friends but they're like backup backup friends
one is madly crushing on me and his best friend is which is really annoying so they're trying to out do the other
it's annoying and they don't stop
and somehow Jakes friends ended up being my friends idk how but they don't pay much attention to girls
the 2 go crazy and the other don't realize girls exist
I'm just confused
yeah pretty much and one of the valentines cards was really weird
their trying to impress me I guess
I don't get them
they literally fight over me
I hate them both
I've known them forever and it's not gonna work
I'm not giving up on Jake yet
why what??
whoever would get picked well that would be a fight, their to involved in sports and it's just idk
plus I can't stand them
they don't leave me alone
tried many times I practically broke one of their hearts on his birthday but it was on accident
he's back to normal tho
tried and that backfires
I'm assuming u guys are going to bed so GOODNIGHT I'll be on tomorrow
what's up??? I'm not all red rn
what kind?? I literally drink 3 kinds they aren't different really
thanks for helping me guys my life is at like 1%
ok that 1% is gone my life is gone
not gonna work
nope u can't stop the whole grade of haters
of what?
like I have any
I should just say goodbye
Q- who would care?? A-no one
u guys have a better life then this
that's all
u shouldn't help fight my battles this is solo I can't do this with anyone I've tried
they turn their back on me
like u guys would ever care
sure u guys do *sarcasim*
sure yeah whatever
I can't believe anything anymore
*tears streaming down face* I'm not sure I really want to
I guess so
but I'm not sure about you guys
ok I will then
but u guys....... I need prof
that I can trust u guys
all I need is prof ur telling the truth
I need real prof please
idk I just need proof
I told the story to Elsie so GO ASK HERR I would rather not tell the whole story again
thanks guys
I don't really understand why u guys care so much
there is nothing amazing about me
nothing about me or my life is amazing
that's really it
I've only got online friends
I can't do anything with them tho
u guys on?
u hear the news?
I don't get why u guys even care
I know but still I don't understand
what shirt?
ohhhh okie who's not on rn?
okie btw next week is spring break soooooo-NO SCHOOL FOR A WHOLE WEEK
that musical is actually called 1776
it's boring but what happens is just weird
they use "salty language" as my social studies teacher says and he had on the caption so it showed the words 😂😂
they randomly sing
we literally have a no swearing rule
and I had to take down the flag today with someone and he had no idea how and I didn't know how either so we're just trying to figure stuff out
I ended up catching and folding it
I get to skip math today and tomorrow bc of this
I almost fell asleep and then the girl next to me (I was sitting on the floor) hit me and I jumped
of course not!! 😂😂 she was trying to get me to stay awake that's all
I ended up punching her when she fell asleep
we were helping eachother
sounds like fun
that's never happened to me.....well it might have
wait maybe it did
oh wow
I'm officially on spring break now!
hey guys
today was really weird
I ended up falling asleep during the rest of the movie (i was sitting on the ground by nobody) someone came up and said are u dead?
I was half asleep so I heard and woke up and their like- *jumps* sorry I thought you were dead