oKaY so I can relate to this on a spiritual level, because there's always ONe curl at the back of my head that sits nicely and I feel so guilty putting it into a ponytail because I don't want to kill it.
The rest of my hair looks like the freaking Amazon


oKaY so I can relate to this on a spiritual level, because there's always ONe curl at the back of my head that sits nicely and I feel so guilty putting it into a ponytail because I don't want to kill it. The rest of my hair looks like the freaking Amazon

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but your hair is freaking amaze
my hair is like this all the time there is one curl that is always perfect and it's on the right side of my face but then the rest of my hair looks like a hairball
I can't relate to this because my hair is so straight that I can do literally nothing without it flattening back out in five minutes but my hair is a not so hot mess when I wake which is usually halfway hanging off the side of my bed about to fall onto the floor head first