tap scott: 🐌 
my first attempt at a complex collage.. rate 1-10 in the comments please <3 if you read this, comment a very random emoji. love y’all 🩷🩷


tap scott: 🐌 my first attempt at a complex collage.. rate 1-10 in the comments please <3 if you read this, comment a very random emoji. love y’all 🩷🩷

51 13
i ammm good! i do have some hobbies here and there yeah
i play sand volleyball, i play piano, i bake (if you want to call that a hobby,) and yeah 😁
oooh! that’s so cool
omg isn’t there a new movie for sonic coming out or am i completely wrong LOL
i’m getting back into the groove i just got back to college from winter break so settling in
i’ve been doing good! hbu
THANK YOU SO MUCH OMG, THIS MADE MY DAY ❤️ this is beautiful btw, I wish I had your talent!
I'm so sorry that you're depressed, I'm here for you if you ever need to talk <3 I hope you're feeling better soon!
That sounds great though! Do you often go to church? Btw how are you?
my weekend was good! i’m currently writing a research paper for my science class atm :)
9/10 !! I love this! my personal favorite random emoji has got to be the jellyfish: 🪼
Omg this looks stunning!!
Thank you 🥰
I'm doing good, not much going on at the moment. How are you?
aww that’s completely ok, don’t worry gets pretty hectic. how have you been? 💗
thank you so much!!
we can definitely start our collab back up again now we are both more active
Amazing!! 10000/10 bc I listen to fall out boy and love some of there songs!! Hru doing 🧸
How is Scott doing too?? 🐌
GOOD AFTERNOON SHERLOCK! how are you today? & i absolutely LOVE this, it's one of the best collages i've ever seen - MY first complex collages definitely didn't look like that, you have so much talent girly <33
yess omg, i just checked my account.. i can't believe it oh my- this is such a big milestone!! & ahaha i h@te it when someone sees me staring at my crush, "noo i'm not in love w/ him or something" (i'm a bad liar) :// I LOVE YOUR EDITED BIO BY THE WAY!
^omg i just realised that "bad liar" is the name of a song by the imagine dragons! anyways.. these games sound awesome - specificially the legend of zelda games & pokemon.. which one is your fav? (i have a quick question by the way: do you write "favorite" or "favourite"?)
aww thank you so much, fortunately it's only bruised! BUT AHAHA SAMEE- i was in 3rd grade when i found out what video games are! wait.. i read anne frank's diary as well & i named mine in her honor too ("anne") - but i can't believe we both did it bc of the same reason!
i'm so glad you had fun!! YES i have often heard that dutch people are very tall but i sadly don't know anyone with this origin :(( how tall are you by the way? & oooo what kind of conversations? (sorry i'm very curious!)
that would be SO cute though, you seem to be literally made for each other!!🫶🫶 i'm doing okay, thank you for asking.. i've been very busy because of school & upcoming exams these last weeks but i'm fine otherwise - hbu? how are you doing?
Here is your background pack hope you like it.
and omgg a crush?!🤭🤭
amazing job!! it’s so so much better then my first attempt at a complex collage 😂
I had a good day yesterday. Today they pulled the fire alarm again. On Monday they did and there was a fight going on and a lot has happen already.
I love thx for the mmrs, Phoenix, immortals, and centuries
Hbu?? When you listen to them what are your favorite songs of FOB??
That's fun!! Practice really is the best way to learn :) I had French and German in school for a few years, but I can bareky speak either of them haha. French just a few basic words and sentences. German I can understand pretty well (it's similar to Dutch) but I can't speak it
Which languages do you know?
not always, but i like history the most!
Your welcome
uhh no lol.
yesss we haven’t omggg!!!! and omg if anything changes with your ‘crush’ lmk i’m all in for updates 🤭🤭💗
AND OMG YOURE THE SWEETEST STOPP- i usually just throw my complex collages together but that means sm to me 💗💗🥹
thank you!!! I’m doing good, I just made strawberry pasteries! wbu?
ahh no I don’t do you recommend it?? I’m more of a Doctor TV show gal’!! hehe but it’s sounds so fun fr!
I’m pretty great! glad it’s the weekend and I picked up breakdancing lol! hbu?
it’s been better, currently getting over a cold :/
HELLO MY DEAR SHERLOCK!! i'm so glad to hear you're doing alright, sorry that i didn't answer to your comments earlier :// but i'm pretty good, thank you for asking - i had to do some things for school today & then i met a few friends.. hbu? how was your dayy?
oooo that sounds awesome, i'm so excited to see your new collages! & YESYESYES OMG, i'd absolutely love to collab again - when are you free? i could make the chatpage on my extras if you like! & AWW NO WAY, you're so sweet omg <33
AHAHA SAME HERE, a few people told me that they thought i was mean at first because of my resting face (( i love the "imagine dragons" as well, what's your favorite (yes i use your version now hehe) song by them?
i've unfortunately never heard of this game, what do you have to do in "paper mario"? wait.. i'm 5'7'' as well hehe!! at least that's what google says, where i live we calculate with centimeters & meters - accordingly i'm 1.70 meters tall ;))
200th COMMENT SLAYY! aww i'm very glad to hear this dianne, i wish you would feel the same way all the time, you deserve to be happy- but i hope your mother is doing better now!! is everything okay?
HAHAHA YES, i'm so looking forward to this day lol ;))💕 what would you wear if you had to decide spontaneously right now? & which german food would you eat? and random question: in which country would you like to live when you're older by the way??
Of course!!! and thank you!
i’m mexican lol so my mommas food all the way. i love her chicken legs in a red chili sauce with rice.
ahh unfortunately not a fan but i’ve heard abt them!
i hope the movies good
yeah, my weekend was good!
GOOD EVENING HOLMES!! oooo that sounds amazing, how was it with tim??👀 & tell me more about your fanfiction! AHAHAHA this —VERY NOT SUBTLE— look from your sister, i'm literally dying rn haha - she checked it ;))
i'm free at the moment so if you like we could do it now - do you want me to make the chatpage on my extras? i'm so excited to collab with you again! & yess, same here.. i don't know a lot of their music neither but i just love "believer" & "bad liar" haha <33
omg this sounds like so much fun, i should definitely try it one day.. & i'm so glad to hear your mother is doing better now! but fr, if you wear this starwars bag i'll know with 10000% certainty that it's you haha ;))
i'm not sure honestly.. i could wear something hot pink bc a lot of people tell me i look like barbie in the barbie movie haha.. or i could wear a christmas pyjama in summer, then you'll definitely know it's me.. ah yes, i could also wear my karate suit-
LOL THAT WOULD BE SO FUN OMG! & yess apfelkuchen & brezeln are like the best german food in this world.. by the way it's carnival time soon so i can eat "krapfen" again yayy!! wait, you can't eat cheese & pork? i'm so sorry about that :((
sameee, there are so many countries i want to live in omg! i'd like to live in france, italy, canada or america because i speak the languages of these countries.. but i would also love to live in spain or bali when i'm older! would you prefer living in a city, at teh beach or in the mountains?💓💓
yep!! 👍🏻
awww thank u so so much!!! 💗
im so goodd hbu?
lol yeah and i’m alright
8’m okay, actually pretty happy cuz I just found out that I got a 10/10 in a history project that I worked so hard on!!! hbu? I hope everything’s going well 😘✨
I’m done liking every single PicCollage
Hey I'm doing good thx for asking:)) wbu??
Aahh thank you!!
Omg that's a LOT of languages, studying that seems like a good fit for you :)
hey Dianne I’m back :) got a new account
aww thanks I’m glad!!! I’m okayyy hbu??? 💖
Thank you!!! That's cool tho, I'm christian as well haha and I believe in God, but I don't read the Bible every evening now and I only go to church every now and then :) how are u doing btw?? And sorry for the late reply, I was very busy these last days!!! <3
aww thank you so much dianne!
of course!!! and thank you
omg yes we haven’t talked in a while!! i hope you’re doing well 💗 and i’ve been doing okay- just a lot going on!!! i made the cast of two musicals!!!
and omggg how are you and your crush doing?! 🤭🤭
Thank you ❤️❤️
aww dianne, this is like the sweetest thing i've ever heard - i can't believe i'm friends with someone who is this talented & kind.. you!! omg, did you see ~him~?? i wanna know EVERYTHING girly <33
okay i'll post the chatpage as soon as possible! wow that sounds like so much fun, i've never written a "real" fanfiction but i wrote a few stories for harry potter hehe ;)) OKAYYY, margaret robbie the second is hereeee (she's prettier though lol)
has anyone ever told you that you look like a certain actress by the way? i'd love to live at the beach or in the city when i'm older but honestly it's so hard to decide!! i live near a big city at the moment but there is more forest & fields here :))
100TH COMMENT! my week was okay, thank you for asking.. i was very busy because of school & exams but now we have a week of holidays and we're going skiing - i'm so looking forward to that <33 but hbu? how was your week//weekend?
OHMYGOSH THAT'S SO SWEETTT! the world domination thing omgg..🌟🌟 i feel like you would fit together so well, you literally have the same sense of humor & the same interests!! when do you see him againnn?
thank you for always checking on me, you're the sweetest ever dianne 🫶🫶 i'm so sorry for the inactivity, i had to do A LOT of things for school & i felt a little sad lately so i hardly had any time for PC :// how are you by the way? is everything okay?
hiiii it’s been a hot minute since I’ve been on pc 😭 I’m alr tho, how are you doingggg?!
hello my dear sherlock, i hope you are doing well ♡ i'm okay, thank you for asking - i have an operation on my knee this monday & this will be my first operation ever.. i'm kinda nervous tbh :// but hbu? how are you doing? i'm so sorry for the inactivity by the way :((
aww dianne, i completely understand that.. i hope you're feeling better now!! in my opinion you should get together but it will be the way it will be - but i know this, i always overthink a lot, that's such a moodkiller.. i'm here for you if you need anything <33
oooo how's "dune"? do you like it? & yess, i read a book - it's called "nächte im tunnel" (nights in the tunnel).. it's about the second world war and it's very well written but the story is terrible, lmk if you want to know more about it :))
Q&A!! ask me anything ♡
i posted the chatpage for our collab by the way!!
legally blonde & high school musical!!
honestly for valentine’s day i didn’t really do anything!! :// or received anything sadly ahahaa but hbu!!!
hello everyone, I hope you had a great weekend!! I changed my account a little and it would mean the world to me if you checked it out :) have a blessed day!! xx 📺✨🎞️☕️🫶 [feel free to delete this message, if you want]
same lol, trying to survive 😭
OMGG i’m so glad to hear your weekend was so good- WHAT HAPPENEDDD!! (if ofc you wanna share) 💗💗
and my weekend was pretty good! thankfully we have a day off tmr bc of presidents’ day 😭😭
Omg a dying duck haha 😂
Haha I do not think ALL Americans are dorks :)
You almost spelled it right tho!! It's spreek without the t, but the rest is right!!
🧸Would you be interested in participating in the Original Collage Showdown? See my latest post for more information!🧸
doing great! finally got better from my cold
No, I had a break last week :) some holidays are the same for the whole country and sometimes it differs between different parts of the country.
I'm doing good!! Not much going on rn, just chill. How are you?
this is soso cute !!
thank you⭐️⭐️
HELLO MY DEAR SHERLOCK!! how has your week been?? i'm so sorry for the late reply by the way.. my operation went pretty well, my knees still hurt a little but it's getting better already - after the general anesthesia i was so off track haha!!
the book was about a girl (ella) who lives in london around the year 1940, so in the second world war.. she had a bad illness that almost killed her but suddenly she meets a girl who is so powerful & strong that ella herself begins to feel very alive for the first time..
..& that although she has to sleep with thousands of other people in the london subway every evening because of the bombs - whether her house is still standing the next day, she doesn't know. the book is very beautifully written and the story is actually terrible
it touched me a lot because the story could actually be true.the book has raised many different topics at once: lost love, illness, war, women's rights, the death of some people who were important to her - it has many messages & i think it's a book i will reread many times
OMG THAT SOUNDS LIKE SO MUCH FUN!! the try to make a conversation + talking all the time + he paid for you + you got the same drink + his ex says that he likes you- GIRL IT'S EVIDENT: HE LIKES YOU!!
and do you want to hear the best part: EVERYONE sees it except you --> citation: "have fun flirting"// "i'm the third wheel here"// "the girl that used to date him says that he likes me"// "..." & he gave you his NUMBER!! i think it's possible that you have a bf soon ;))
girl you can spam me as much as you like!! any new updates?? & i'm doing okay, i take several medications a day so that it doesn't become infected (btw, don't be surprised if something i say doesn't make sense, i'm not used to take medication).. ANYWAYS: hru??💕
Thanks, I love your account as well!!!🎧🪞🫧🧸🤍
good! how about you?
i’m good!! i’m currently visiting family and have some eventful plans for the next weeks so i’ve been keeping busy! what about you? 🩷
hi dianne! I’m doing pretty good, I just woke up and I have track pictures later! wbu?💛
that’s awesome!! how so?
IM SO EXCITEDDDD so this weekends gonna be better 🤭🤭
hello my dear sherlock!! i'm so glad to hear that ♡ WAIT. i literally got the "simarillion" last week (in german ofc, i know the original is in english but i think mine isn't good enough to read it in this language yet), that's so funny!! & i've never heard of dietrich bonhoffer before
OMG THIS IDEA IS ADORABLE, I WANT TO GO TO YOUR FUTURE CAFÉ SO BAD!! bookstore + coffee shop is literally the best mix omg- & my personal favorite part of it: YOU & HIM will open it together - that's so cute omggg!! (btw keep me updated: did he ask you to formal??)
aww dianne.. i really hope your surgery went well - how are you feeling?? & i'm okay, thank you for asking love. one of my best friends moved to china this weekend, school feels so empty without her :(( china is literally on the other side of the world!! but how are you doing??
ohmygoddd- especially here in germany, you can NEVER draw something like that after what happened in the 2nd world war.. & i repeat: NEVER!! you can even go to prison for this reason!! but if he didn't mean it like that - the poor guy haha😭😭
omg i will order something special, for example: iced coffee with extra ice cream, biscuits with the name "spitzbuben" and a hot chocolate with vanilla extracts & a lot of whipped cream for two people.. & then you'll be like: MY DEAR WATSON?! is it really you-
*aber auf deutsch würde das ganze heißen: eiskaffee mit extra eis, kekse die den namen "spitzbuben" tragen & eine heiße schokolade mit vanilla extrakten & ganz viel schlagsahne!! AND I'LL ANSWER: YES IT'S ME, WOULD YOU LIKE STH FROM MY ORDER??
OMG I CAN IMAGINE THIS SO WELL HAHA- i'm so looking forward to that day!! & yess same here, i tried to find tanisha's account multiple times & looked for her comments everywhere but her acc is gone!! i hope she's doing okay, i miss her so much :((💓💓
thank you!
& I’m doing well, hru?
omg i haven’t talked to u in so loooooong!!! how are u?
also u wanna collab?
ooooh why is that 👀
this weekend is the ceremony for the contest I entereddd, do you have any weekend plans?!
I thought it was good! I thought the cliffhanger at the end was really cool, it’s a shame the actor passed 😭
TYYYY. took the pic myself 🤭🤭
im obsessed the lipstick kisses aesthetic
OMGG YAYYY you gotta update me if anything happens 👀👀👀
aww heyy Dianne!! I missed u too🥹🥹
nothing much…just more school, more friends, and more dramaaa🫢😈😈
i just googled him!! his story is very interesting, he acted against the national socialist regime & he was killed by the n@z¡s in the end - how is his biography you're reading at the moment??
aww you're so sweet dianne!! & that sounds amazing, the kind + funny friends are always the best ones ♡ ohmygodd that's so cute!! how did you like "the simarillion"?? i'll start reading it right after the book i'm currently reading :))
AWW THANK U SO MUCH DIANNE!! oooo how was it with tim?? but i swear it's always like that, ESPECIALLY when you think that you're over ~him~ but then you look at him & you look into his eyes and you're like nooo :||
if you feel happy around him, if you enjoy being with him, if you laugh together, if you have the same interests... then he simply has to be the right one for the moment!! i hope so much that you become a couple <33
YESS I CAN IMAGINE THIS WAY TO GOOD LOL!! & we will be screaming and everyone in the café will turn their heads and tim will try to understand the situation like WHO is that person?? ahhh i'm so looking forward to this day, i don't know how often i will repeat that lol ;))🫶🫶
awe ofc!!!💘💘
YESS!! but i still don't know who sent me the rose 😭😭
hello my dear sherlock, how are youu?? ♡
so stupìd
how do you have 500 followers…
im doing good!! how abt you?!
DIANNE U SLAYED THIS COMPLEX COLLAGE!! I love it omg!! I missed you and Scott 🐌 so much how have you been?
hiii🩷i’ve been doing okay! i’ve been so busy and like haven’t had any time to do pc so that makes me sad :(( and i miss everyone sm 🥲🥲life has been pretty stressful and busy but there’s been some good moments too!! how about you bestie how’s life been treating you 🩷
i’m gooodddd what about you
⭐️thank you!!⭐️
Thank you!!
Wow that's great!! The g is so hard!! (Wait till you hear dutchies pronounce it different too, depending on the area haha) also they're sooo right marrying a dutchman is your only option (jk haha, but seriously the best way to learn is to speak it with dutch people)
I'm doing good!! How have you been?
his life is so fascinating omg, i have to read that biography too !! i'll go to the library soon & i'll look for the book ;)) haha that's so funny !! i'm blonde + i have blue eyes as well but not everyone here looks like that lol <33
omg that's amazing, how was it with tim yesterday ?? & you're still texting a lot ?? girl i'm pretty sure he likes you as well !! if you marry one day, can i please come to your wedding ?? ♡ & samee, i will never forget that lol !!
guten abend mein liebster sherlock <33 mir geht es ganz gut, ich war heute bei der physiotherapie wegen meinen knien, ich musste mehrere übungen machen & jetzt schmerzen meine beine noch mehr :(( wie geht es dir süße ?? 🫶🫶 xx
yeahh but i literally can't understand WHY i would text like that, it's so akward helppp 😭😭 & tulips are my favs too, they're just so pretty !! AND THANKS DIANNE <33
omg hey!
it was pretty good!! I mostly js hung out at my house haha how was yours? 👀
I missed posting too :) hru doing???
Aahh that's great!! I hope things work out for you and your crush :)
My weekend was good!! My uncle and aunt celebrated their birthdays so that was fun and went on a nice walk in nature on sunday :)
How was yours?
thank you!!
I’ve been really good! Springs sports started so I’ve been a bit busy. how are you?
new post!
[ 200th comment haha ] YES I WILL DEFINITELY COME !! i really want to see the dresses for the bridesmaids though 😭😭 i love talking english as well, we could communicate in english & german then ;)) which other languages would you like to learn btw??
you know the best thing about german is that you have like twenty words to decribe the exact same thing haha !! // but i just realized i don't know any dutch & american people.. that's kinda sad ngl :(( (but fr i don't know anyone with this origin *shocked)
maybe he's just too nervous to ask you !! i'm sure he like you though <33 aww danke meine liebe, du bist viel zu süß für diese welt !! das kann ich sehr gut verstehen, ich wäre auch so aufgeregt meinen crush zu sehen ;))🫶🫶 wie war dein tag ??
Your complex edits are stunning omg!