Hey it's me again! (sporty_puppy) thoughts on this?


Hey it's me again! (sporty_puppy) thoughts on this?

43 0
Eunoia is actually the shortest English word containing all vowels πŸ˜‚
*for some reason I felt like looking it up don't ask πŸ‘ŒπŸ»πŸ˜‚
it's so abstract and I absolutely LOVE IT
^^^ πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚that's awesome
this is really cool!
eunoia, in rethoric is the goodwill a speaker cultivates between himself and the audience. it comes from the greek, eunoia (i don't have the language lol) and it means "beautiful thinking" and "well mind". So i just looked it up because i'm curious i hadnmt heard of it also it sounds weird and i'm telling this word to my friends and teacher because it's awesome and i just memorized the definition and yeah i'm weird