they're not fake, it's called a pc kid... get over it πŸ™„


tap they're not fake, it's called a pc kid... get over it πŸ™„

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the hatepages comments are irrelevant πŸ˜‚ they do realize half of PC is filled with PC kids right πŸ˜‚ who ever made that hate page dumb aΕ›f πŸ™„
i do realize but if you havent notice this account has many people on it so proves there fake
ummm hunnie everyone on pc is a pc kid yes, there's a few that aren't, and yes there are many people on it.. people have friends and family ya' know πŸ™„
no duh sherlock your just jealous there not adopted
um it's you're*** come at me when you actually know the the difference between "your" and "you're" and hunnie nobody here is jealous... clearly you're the jealous one πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ
thank you to the people who made this!,honestly made our day thanks to this again thank you!!β€’allβ€’