{c l i c k}1.15.17🤞🏻
I'm not sure if I like this or not☹️updates on my wrist: turns out I didn't sprain it I have tendinitis😑
QOTD:ever broken a bone?
AOTD: no😂


{c l i c k}1.15.17🤞🏻 I'm not sure if I like this or not☹️updates on my wrist: turns out I didn't sprain it I have tendinitis😑 QOTD:ever broken a bone? AOTD: no😂

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GORG 😍😍😍😍😍
awww thanks! 🌸🌸 and beautiful edit
haha😂😴 THIS JUST HAS ME SPEECHLESS! You should be on the popular page, your truly amazing!
Fabulous!!💞💖👏🏻👏🏻 @caption: What's tendinitis? Sorry..😅😬 AOTD: Nope :)
sounds ouch! AOTD: um, I've fractured my finger twice but that's not a break so no! xoxo
yes my finger foot arm and they have told me before I broke my wrist and once they thought I broke my shoulder but something was wrong with my ligaments. and also what is tendinitis?
hey I'm kind of like having an inspiration drought 😂 and I need inspo so I think a few of my next collages are gonna look very much like yours 😂👌🏻
what account did you get this pic from? I can't remember the account😩