


17 0
where's Alex?
Sky: 0.0
where's Alex
yea what's up
ur cool.
Jackson ur cool
aww thanks
I am!
hi bestie.
omg! what's wrong?!
at least you're closer to your boyfriend now
I'm the other Jackson
hey 😔
guess that future of you and Jackson won't be true
not in lossAngeles
that's were your boyfriend is at to
so really you're going to be with your boyfriend forever
I think I'm done dating for now on.
what why
Jackson is all upset about it but more sad
yea and that zach lives there to
it's hard to explain 😔😔😔😔😔😔😔
okay sorry I'm getting sleepy
yea with all my heart I love you I just don't want your boyfriend taking you from me
I'm not going to sleep that was Cody
of course I still love you
I kinda feel like I'm getting in the way of you and your boyfriend
I don't want to lose you 😔
I feel like I'm getting in the way because I always get upset and jealous
what are you guys talking about?
maybe I should go
Jackson don't leave!
Indiana 😞😔😞😔😔😔😔
yea 😔😔😔😞
thanks I guess
how did you love me in the first place
personality and your cuteness your make me happy and smile and laugh I just love you
just to say this but if I had one wish I would wish for you your very thing I wanted
aww guys stop! this is going to make me cry! I love cute couples.
* face turns red *
you guys are so cute together!
* walks up to you and kisses you and steps back *
it's okay
oh god. it's getting freaky in here.
you ok
I have no friends.
nobody cares.
nobody cares about me.
it's okay. peace out.
yea still here
you're lip is okay
Jackson and heather sitting in a tree. K I S S I N G !
I wasn't.
Jackson you hate me don't you.
just when you said that I kinda blushed
no the Codys girlfriend when she said that sitting in a tree song with my name and yours it made me blush a little
* smiles at you *
* I go closer to you and kiss you and step back *
Justin Blake is hot.
I put my arms around you
you guys are so cute together.
how cute
so cute!
I ship you two so hard right now.
or jackson's?
* I pick you up and spin you and kiss you I put you back down *
* kisses you *
can you tell Cody that I love him?
* what's wrong *
* what *
* smiles *
I move your hair behind your ear and kisses you
do you think you're boyfriend will get upset if he sees the messages 😔
oh okay
I'll still miss you
hugs you
don't bit your lip to hard
kisses you
you don't want me to
what do you want to do
I don't know princess
I mean I don't know
I smile and pin you up against the wall
anything you want
I look in your eyes
I lift your head and kisses you
how much do you love me
kisses you
I softly bit your lip
I stop for a little am I going to far
haha okay
okay I was just making sure because I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable I won't go to far
kisses you
do you want the light on
were you at
you here
hey you still on
bye I guess
I'm hungry for Cody.
because I love you 💕😘❤️
I love you with all my heart
I just don't want you to leave me and I'll miss you talking to me
hugs you I'm back it's okay
puts my arm around you
yea sorry it's my fault I should go bye