Messy edit. Apologies.


Messy edit. Apologies.

49 0
ideas for the first birthday: Phil could throw a surprise party for Winnie and have it on a live stream thing. Dan will be out with Winnie maybe shopping. (Dan doesn't know about the party yet) Phil got presents, a cake and a bunch of streamers/decoration hung up around the place. (idk what else to put) but about thirty seconds in... a power outage. Winnie starts crying, the live stream goes offline and everyone freaks out. when Phil gets up to grab his phone, he trips and knocks the cake of the table. the cake flies and hits Winnie and Dan. Winnie stars grabbing cake off of Dan and eats it. after about 20-30 minutes, the power is back on. Hope that's enough for u to start with!!
the power outage meant to be in about thirty mins
Yeah, I like that! thank you
this one!!
Okay thank you!!