i would like to wish my boy, @ Connor Franta, the happiest of birthdays; i can't believe i've watched him for 4+ years now. may he keep growing into the gorgeous man he is, and may he keep revolutionizing the world one monday at a time. ❤️


i would like to wish my boy, @ Connor Franta, the happiest of birthdays; i can't believe i've watched him for 4+ years now. may he keep growing into the gorgeous man he is, and may he keep revolutionizing the world one monday at a time. ❤️

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He is a precious little soul ain't he.💞
this is incredible!
@Photo-Booth, you're absolutely right 💓
i just love connor franta, he always puts a smile on my face☺️ this is absolutely stunning btw!😍😉
this is so amazing and so beautiful😍🙌🏻
LOVE THIS! Connor is amazing HAHA his videos are👌🏻👌🏻
wow you are such an amazing artist I have to follow your account you give me inspiration 💖🌹🎉🎉
haha love it 😂I think I like the bottom left better tbh
haha thank you!:)
yes that's correct I believe.😂 Well thank you you've helped me discover many new artists over the years Astrid and I thank you for that.💕
* I believe that's correct, forgive me my grammar has been terrible lately. I'm incredibly busy, and not at all focused.
I need more self care ugh. you know when there's just 1,000 things to do and you feel like time goes by in a snap of a finger.
AMAZING AMAZING AMAZING AND AMAZING! your talent has me blown away!💕