Sorry about this, but I wish I blocked them as soon as I saw their name instead of looking to see what their acc was...


😳Tap😳 Sorry about this, but I wish I blocked them as soon as I saw their name instead of looking to see what their acc was...

7 5
oh no not one of those 😂
I’m so sorry
I shall send u some things to make u happy
Worst part is they followed like all my accounts so I had to go through the blocking process so much, then I also blocked them for my sister so she didnt look at it
what account? trust me whatever it is i can take it
Who goes into detail about stuff online. I flipped more bc Narwhal, I didnt want her seeing it
this happened to me before..... I am basically scarred now...... I don’t get HOW Pic Collage lets people post inappropriate stuff like this!
who is your sister?
This annoys me so much there is another account that I blocked and it was inappropriate
I can't believe people post shïtt like that
is she younger or older than you?
oh, I was just wondering. I’m glad you did that for her ☺️
how old are you? if... it’s not too personal..
Aw, I feel so bad..that stuff is disgusting! Don’t they realise that younger kids are on this app??
Apparently not
Or they dont care
omg there are like a million (thats sarcasm btw) accounts with that crāp on it! it’s stupid gross and just IDEK but ya don’t look there block them and ya