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Are you saying this because you've gone through it? If so, We're not all like you. So stop assuming things
Oh and if not, Your wrong. People are on here for fun, and so what if we make a few friends along the way. At least we have em. That's all that matters
^ that's what I was thinking at first 😆
I'm finding irony in the fact that you're now in this community complaining about the community. It's like a person complaining about people, oh, wait. No, that's exactly what it is.
"who the heel" 😂
your grammar is terrible
awh honey I've met some of my best friends through pc
then leave dipshīt
sorry that your "friends" abandoned you or something but I'm actually not sorry. IDC. stop begging for attention.
oh jeez... I'm sorry I'm kinda confused here. if u don't even like PC then WHY ARE U EVEN HERE?! I don't see any logic. u don't have to rain on everyone's parade cuz u had such a bad time. u are not the center of the universe. get your life and facts in order and get off PC. we don't need people like u here 😂🖕